One Mistake Call

One Mistake Call



“Sehuuuunnnnn what should I do? Kyungsoo didn’t reply my message, he even didn’t pick up my call! I’m so embarassed right now, maybe  he hate me, or even worst maybe he doesn’t know me at all? Yap that must be it! He doesn’t know me, so that’s why he decided to ignore my message and my call, thinking maybe I’m one of crazy stalker or weirdo..Oh my God I shouldn’t follow your advice, I know it, you’re little devil and following your advice means going straight to hell. I hate you! I should just meet him directly, hoping he knows me from my face, and then I could confess my love to him. Not by sending him message and call him for giving him a chance to consider that Kim Jongin is a ing crazy person!” Jongin keeps talking on the phone.


“Mmm... yoboseyo? I’m sorry but I think you call wrong number. I’m not Sehun,” The voice on the other line speaks.


Jongin freeze when hearing the voice, there’s no way he doesn’t know who the voice belongs to. It’s the voice who haunted all of his dream, and who he adores a lot, so ing much until a tought of recording the voice so he could listen all day often crosses his mind. Jongin turns into a mute person, he couldn’t speak at all. 


“Hello? Are you still there?” the voice asks.


“Who.. who are you?” Jongin stutters a lot, even he only speaks a sentence, it’s hard to catch what he’s talking about. Fortunately, the one on the other line could hear it.


“I’m Do Kyungsoo,”


Tut..tut..tut.. Jongin immediately turn off his call. There, he lies on his bed, turns like a statue. His body doesn’t move at all. If his mother comes to his room, maybe she could freak out for thinking that his son has died. Yes, actually kim jongin is dead, caused of death : embarrased.


“I called...kyungsoo...he’s kyungsoo..I called Do Kyungsoo....I ing called Do Kyungsoo..” Jongin keeps stuttering to himself, “What have I talked earlier? What did I say to him?” Jongin turns into someone who has amnesia, he hardly recalled what thing he spoke to kyungsoo before he knew it was kyungsoo on the other line. “Calm, kim jongin. Calm yourself. Now remember why you want to call Sehun at first, what thing you need to tell him...”


Fortunately, slowly but sure, his brain starts to melt from frozen state and he could recall his memory back. When he could remember he mentioned some words like kyungsoo, message, call, stalker, devil, meet directly, and finally he remember confessing love, Jongin’s miserable screams echo on his neighborhood in radius of 10 miles.






Jongin is screaming while running on the school corridor, to catch a stupid brat who had destroyed his life. A good and peaceful morning turns into sort of action set in the movie, which included action acts, staring by two popular handsome man in the school. Students watch them with awe when they’re running so fast passed them, glad to see how they’re still look awesome even both of them covered with sweat and red face gained from constant running. Sehun runs for his life but unfortunately he turns to a dead end, then he sees Jongin come closer and tackle to catch him. Jongin succeds and then he carries Sehun to the nearest school yard like a police catch a thief. There, he interrogates Sehun, and it’s hard for him to speaks not so loud for keeping them catching attention.


“I swear to God, if only killing is allowed, I would kill you now with my bare hand! Explain to me why in my phone I have your phone number saved as Kyungsoo My Little Angel and I have Kyungsoo’s phone number save as Bratty Sehun???” Jongin is fuming.


“Wow, easy bro. You should keep your voice low, you’re still as loud as big truck honk. You don’t want your secret problem spreaded to all students in this school right?” Sehun tries to calm Jongin.


“Well thanks to you, ing Sehun, my biggest secret has fallen to the hand of most important person in the world, in awful way. Kyungsoo knew now that I have a crush on him in the most dreadful way I ever imagine. Oh my God take my life now, it’s no use for me to live in this cruel world anymore,” jongin now sits on the bench and he starts tearing up. Jongin isn’t a cry baby, but for case related to his baby, making him cry is as easy as breathing.


“Calm down man. I’m sorry, okay? Stop crying, you will embarass us in front of others. Come one, it’s hard to build this image of most popular man in school, maybe in whole high school in Seoul. Don’t ruin it by crying like a childish boy.”


“I don’t care about our reputation. I only care about my image in front of kyungsoo. And I have lost it. You haven’t answered my question, why you’re ruining my life like this?” Jongin asks Sehun.


“I’m sorry, I just want to trick you as my revenge when I asked your help to get Luhan’s heart. When you told me to search kyungsoo’s phone number after you agreed with my idea to message and call him, I just switch our name contact. I know you won’t realize it because I know you could never memorize my phone number even you have known it for forever. I just wanna see how you tried to flirt and confess to him, that’s all. By the way, you’re so awful in flirting. Kim Jongin, the most wanted man in whole high school is actually a loser in love thing,” Sehun earns a hard smack from Jongin.


“You’re the cruelest person ever live in this world. I wonder why you’re my bestfriend. Maybe I’m really a crazy person. I should make an appointment with psychiatrist soon.” Jongin sighed.


“Don’t exaggerate thing, Jongin. It’s not my fault that you’re calling me, and unfortunately by my tricks you’re ended up calling him, and keep talking about your failed plans and mentioned his name and your love for him. You could wait to tell me the next day by the way,” Sehun starts laughing so hard.


“Once again how could I know that you plan this ing trick for me you little brat???I hate you!!! What should I do now Sehun? You make me fall into this pithole, and now you must help me to get out! And don’t trick me this time or I swear I will definitely kill you even it’s prohibited.”


“Haha easy man. The only way to make things straight is to talk to him.”


“Face him directly with him knowing I love him? I prefer going to hell now.” Jongin refused.


“Well that’s the only way, man. Or you could just text him first, you already know his true phone number if you’re too afraid to meet him directly now hahaha.”


Jongin thinks about Sehun’s advice. He knows Sehun is right this time, the only way to fix his fault is by contacting kyungsoo again. At least maybe he could save pieces of dignity he had lost that night.




Jongin is nervous as hell. He keeps typing and deleting his message, searching for the right words to send to kyungsoo. After one hour or more effort spent for only one text message , he finally presses send button and waiting for reply. He keeps praying to God to grant his wish come true.


To : kyungsoo my little angel

I’m really sorry for my mistake call yesterday.....


Not long after, God grants his wishes, kyungsoo replies him.


To : Kim Jongin

No, it’s’re kim jongin, right?^^


“Kyungsoo knows me! He knows my name!” jongin shouts happily.


To : kyungsoo my little angel

How did you know my name?


To : Kim Jongin

You told me accidentaly yesterday, have you forgotten it?^^


“Oh, right. Stupid me. There’s no way he knows before who I am.”


To : kyungsoo my little angel

Hehe sorry I forget.


To : Kim Jongin

Haha ^^ so why do you text me?


“Here we go...”


To : kyungsoo my little angel

I just want to say sorry for yesterday. And I want to talk to you about something.


To : Kim Jongin

Hm? Do you want to talk about you’re accidentally told me you love me?


“I’m dead. God, please have mercy. Forgive me. Take  my soul now.” Jongin is so embarassed now, he doesn’t now what to reply. He lost in his mind until he hears his phone rings again.


To : Kim Jongin

About that, I would like to meet you up in person. I should talk to you too. Meet me at cafe near our school at 4 pm.


“Well, goodbye cruel world. I prefer to die than hearing kyungsoo rejects me.” Jongin sighs. That night, he couldn’t sleep at all.




Jongin enters the cafe and there, he sees his little angel, who he adores too much, who he always thinks of, who always be his dream, sits on table near the window and staring outside. Jongin always dream to know him in person, to have a conversation with him, to hang out with him, to become his friend, and Jongin dares to dream to have him as his boyfriend. But after this, he’s sure the only dreams that will come true are kyungsoo knows him as a freak stalker and kyungsoo makes conversation with him to told him that he doesn’t love him. What a pitiful realization of dream, Jongin thought. Jongin comes closer to kyungsoo and he braves himself.


“Hey kyungsoo,” Jongin finally speaks.


Kyungsoo’s head snaps to him and he stares at him and saying “Hey Jongin, please take a sit,” Jongin stares with an awe while try to sit, struck by how beautiful kyungsoo is. His pretty wide eyes finally directed to him and his flirtatious lips finally mouthing a conversation to him.


Jongin sadly says, “I’m sorry, now you must consider me as a freak stranger that makes you afraid,”


“Hm? No, I never thought about that.”


“Then you must be really an angel fall from heaven. Oh my God look at me, I keep freaking you out. I’m sorry.” Jongin desperately covered his face with his hands. He missed seeing kyungsoo’s red blushes.


“Kyungsoo, listen to me. I want to talk to you about something, but please, don’t cut me, because I don’t know what happen if you cut me, maybe I won’t be brave anymore to say it. Would you please listen to me?” Jongin pleads and kyungsoo confusely nods.


“Here we go. I haven’t introduced myself properly in front of you. My name is kim jongin, student of class 2-1 and I’m your junior. I’m school captain of dancing and athletic club. I’m here because I wanna say that I fall in love with you since the first time I saw you singing in our school party when I’m still a freshman. I fall in love with your amazing voice and your beautiful feature. From that on, I search for you, I want to know you more. And I fall in love with you more and more by knowing how kindly man you are, you’re so perfect to me. I don’t have courage to get to know you in person until two days ago, when I bravely myself to text your phone number. Unfortunately my stupid friend tricked me by switching your contact name with his. I wanted to call him for telling him how desperately I am when you didn’t reply my message and my call, and I ended calling you because of that damn trick. And it made you now that I love you with the most awful way. I’m sorry, I know I freak you out now, you must probably sick of me and considering me as a stalker. But really, I just want you to know that I love you, and I just want to be friends with you, please be my friend even maybe I made you sick.  You could forget my feelings for you, and I promise I won’t disturb you with this love I feel, just be my friends.” Jongin finishes talking and prepares himself for torturing reply.


“Well have you finished? Okay, it’s my turn to talk. I forgive you for your mistaken call, beside, I don’t think it’s something that should be forgiven, it wasn’t your fault anyway, just a coincidence and bad luck. But I’m so dissapointed with you,” kyungsoo stops talking a while and sees Jongin flinchs and head’s low, then kyungsoo continues “For hoping me being your friends only. Won’t you want me being your more than friends? Boyfriend for example? Because I love you too, just so you know.” Kyungsoo finishes his turn.


Jongin snaps immediately to look at kyungsoo and his mouth agape, he can’t believe the words kyungsoo said before. “I’m sorry, am I heard the right words? love me too?” jongin stutters.


“Yes Jongin, I love you too. Wow you really love me, until it makes you being a jelly in front of me?” kyungsoo chuckles a little and takes Jongin’s hand to hold, it makes Jongin hearts beating so damn fast. ”I love you too, Kim Jongin, since I saw you dancing so beautifully at that party too. How funny it is, we’re falling in love at the same time in the same occasion. You’re not a stranger to me, besides, even if i don’t love you, how could someone doesn’t know the popular Kim Jongin? It should be me who think that you’re far out of my reach. I’m actually a coward, because I also don’t have enough brave to introduce myself to you. That’s why when I got your call, I pinched myself a lot to makes me believe that it wasn’t a dream. That I know you love me too even with a mistaken phone call.” Kyungsoo smiles so brightfully with so much happiness that it almost kill Jongin.


“Well, so I would take back my words. Will you be my boyfriend, little angel kyungsoo?” now Jongin leans closer to kyungsoo, braving himself to reach the boy’s delicious lips that taste he only could dreams of  all this time.


“Absolutely,” then kyungsoo leans closer too to seal their first kiss.


That’s the most beautiful phone call mistake ever.




“See, all problem solved, and now you have your dreamy princess as yours,” Sehun speaks. There sit Sehun with Luhan beside him, and jongin with kyungsoo in front of him at lunch table in cafetaria.


Jongin scoff “Well thanks to almighty God, not thanks to you, that I ends up happily with kyungsoo,” jongin kisses kyungsoo’s cheek lightly.


“It’s because of me too, that you have this happy ending. Actually I knew from long time ago that kyungsoo also loves you. I knew it from Luhan hyung since he is kyungsoo’s bestfriend. Besides, I often sees him looking straight at you and only you in most occasion, you’re the one who is stupid enough for not realizing it.” Sehun says lightly.


“What???Baby, does Sehun said the truth?” Jongin asks kyungsoo.


“Yeah, Luhan accidentally told him that I’m in love with you,” luhan mouths a sorry to him then kyungsoo continues, “But he never tells me that you love me also. I think he really realize how i often look at you with a feeling-more-than-friends-stare.”


“You little brat, why don’t you tell me sooner that kyungsoo loves me??? If you told me before, we shouldn’t have this stupid little story of confession! We could have a more romantic confession! I would plan something more romanticly dramatic, not only just message or call if I knew he also love me!” Jongin starts fuming.


“Well I’m not a cute cupid for both of you. Hell I don’t care you’re suffering all this time because of your dying love. I love seeing you desperately told me everytime that you’re falling in love with him, because it’s funny you know, seeing you in miserable state. Beside, I want to have a revenge for you, I want you to had a stupid confession too, like I had with Luhannie hyung, because back then you  also tricked me. Actually to be truth, I planned all of this, I knew you will call me when he didn’t reply you and because I knew you for so long, I knew you must be talking immediately like that and accidentally told him that you love him. But still, I’m you bestfriend, I only planned that because I knew that he also loves you and you will end up happily with him soon.” Sehun says.




And here we go, the action of running and chasing thing like a movie starts again.



-the end-




Well how is it? So fluffy and cute right?^^ 


Thanks for reading it and please comment so I know what you're thinking about this ^^ Maybe if many of you like it, I will make another fluffy story of kaisoo in the future ^^



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Chapter 1: Rlyrly fluffy ans cute!
Chapter 1: Omg. This was so cute skgqisbsjkabsjsjoabsjaibsjs
Thank you ~
Chapter 1: This one is soooo cute.. Hahahah Jongin and Sehun. And my KaiSoo... Why so adorable and cute???
cute and fluff story it also hilarious xD
Chapter 1: omg hahaha this is so cute xD and i love how sehun being so mischievous in this story xD i love yaaaaaaa \o/ hihihihi :3
Erinyy #6
Chapter 1: OMG! Fluffyyyyyyyyy! Love everyone in this fic, mostly Jongin, the one who talk too much! kkk
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeeeeeeee aw my cutie kaisoo!!!
kaisoowonkyu #8
Thank you :3