in the park

A boy from my neighborhood

Key Pov:

" aisgooo, why Taemin not coma back yet?

It' a few time when he go meet with that girl, I'm worried about him, I know he change, when hee moved to our earlier city and come to our school he was like a little scared kid, he tell us he was bullied in school and bothersome by noonas, he have hard childhood, I and Jonghyun teach him everything how he can reactions on boys teasing and noona bothersome, we show him how he can flirt easy with girls, we always was popular around girl we used to by bothersome by a girls, Jonghyun even like this I'm a little tired maybe becouse Jonghyun never was fall in love but I ..... I have broken heart.......

I sight hard.....I don't want to aemin have broken heart if this girl broke his heart I will kill her......I sight again. then Jonghyun come closer me andd ask:

-are you again think about .....

- no I'm not think about her

- then why are you so serious and sad?

- I'm worried about Taemin

- why?

- aishhh why? and why? think a littl;e dino head! - I yell at Jonghyun who was little suprised, then he yell at me:

- yahhh I'm only ask you can talk with me without your yells!

- araso, araso....I'm sorry - I muttered under the nose

I know Jonghyun hear me clear but he still ask: - what did you said?

aishhh sometimes he make my crazy and If he only wasn't stronger then me .....I sight again look at him and said:

- I'm sorry but I shouldn't yell at you....but I'm really worried

Jonghyun stop joking look at me and ask:

- you are afraid that this girl can hurt him right?

- Yeah...maybe....I don't know. the truth is I'm not sure will Taemin is ready on meet her right now.... what if she change to much? what if she have someone? what if Taemin in own memories make her to perfect but she isn't like that?

Jonghyun sight and said:

- well Key you can't think to much about this, one we ever don't know her, two Taemin grow up and he must start to think in own way three you can't think all girls are the same as.....

- but they are JJong - I stop his words, he look at me and in room start to by silance, few minutes later Jonghyun said:

- you never change mind about girls, right Key?

before I answer him to room come Taemin, his face was red, his eyes was in half happy in half sad, I couldn't see straight what could happend, will he see her? will she hurt him? I run towards Taemin and fast ask him:

- what happend Tae?

he look at me and then he left his head again:

- I..... can't Key

My heart frozen she broke his heart!!!! It was frist mind in my head but then Jonghyun come closer and ask:

- what you can't Taemin?

Tae look at JJong and said:

- I still can't talk with her Jonghyun.....even when I change so much.....even when I practice every day I still couldn't say to her almost no one word - Taemin sight hard, he really must love her so much I pat his arm and said:

- then you see her

He nodded little dissapointed Jonghyun said:

- then you should by more happy then dissapointed right?

- yeah I should but.... - said Taemin and stop a little when he take a deep breath he end : - but I think she dosn't remember me

Mine and Jonghyun eyes open wided we look at each other and later look together on Taemin, I start to think maybe she find someone and she forget about Taemin? he will by have broken heart I know it! Jonghyun look at Taemin and ask:

- why you think so she forget about you?

- well - said Taemin and sight hard end his earlier words - when I meet her on the street she look at me and smile but she not talk with me like in the past

- but she tell she know who you are? - ask stupid qestion Jonghyun, Taemin shaking his head I punch Jonghyun in his stupid head Taemin tell she not remember him then why that dino head must ask about something like that, but Taemin said:

- she only ask will we not meet before?

then I stop my worst minds about this girl and ask:

- why you answer her?

- nothing....I just couldn't ....I'm so stupid - said more sad Taemin, I smile a little he is still like a child, he should grown up to reveal his fellings in other way he will by always the same, I look at him and said:

- this dosn't means she forget about you babo..... you grown up, you change outside, how she can remind you? when you start to talk with her then.... - in that moment Jonghyun stop my words and said:

- well maybe he shouldn't hurry up with this

- with what?! - I ask little angry, I wasn't sure what stupid idea he have this time, Jonghyun smile and look at me said:

- don't worry I was only think maybe Taemin can take advantage of this situation

I and Taemin look at Jonghyun little shocked and in the same time we ask Jonghyun:

- what do you mean?

Jonghyun smile and said:

- well If she isn't sure who Taemin is he can start to talk with her as someone else and then he can find out what she think about Taemin from past you know he can easy find out will she fell to him something and will she rememeber him right?

I look at Jonghyun...welll maybe he is stupid but sometimes he have even some good idea this way Taemin will by safer from broken hearted becouse he can faster find out what she think about him before he confess his fellings

Taemin wasn't sure this idea I saw this in his eyes then I said:

- well it is not that bad idea, You canstart to ask her what she was thinking about you I mean Taemin when you will by know she not know who you are you can talk with her like you talk  online with her right now, even when you talk something stupid or do something stupid she will by not know that was you...I mean...Aishhhh never mind anyway you should try stop think about her as a your RiRi-shi and talk with her like others girls

- How I can do this? - ask shocked Taemin....I can't why my friends must by like stupid and more stupid i take a deep breath and said:

- you want to know what she was thinking about you right?

- yeah

- you want to know will you have chance on her?

- yeah

- then you have chnace find out this without to fast confession, why you can't try? we help you somehow - Taemin look at me later on Jonghyun and he take a deep breath said:

- If you said so

I and Jonghyun smile, we must help this boy grown up becouse he never could talk with girls comfortable

Jonghyun start to talk with Taemin and give him some advice I wasn't sure will Jonghyun should do this but....well he have the biggest experience with girls then I think it's ok......I should go on shopping we need many thinks anyway to buy, tommorow start school then we need prepared, I come out from home and go on shopping "


Key pov:

" I was half way go back home, all staff as I buy in shop will by send to my home, the I can calm go back to home without heavy bag with staff

I went to the park day was nice and I want to spend some time on fresh air but then suddenly someone come to me,  three gilrs look at me and smile to me little strange, first time I see them but not first time meet this kind of girls

This girls start to touch my face and said will I want to play with them a little

how rude I hate this kind of girls who think no one can resiste them, they propably have boyfriends but still want to play with me..... I stand in place without words but my angry grew up in every moments suddenly I saw some girl who slowly go in my direction, she even not look at me or these girls, it was my chance when the girl was almost next to us I made a step back of this three girls and catch hand the girl who go alone, she look at me then I qieckly smile to her the most brieght as I only can in that moment and said to her:

- baby I was worried that you're late

she look at me shocked face, I know she will by shocked I don't even know her to but maybe these three girls leave me alone. but they start to yell at the girl but when she turn around the them they stop yell and shocked ask:

- yahhh waht are you doing here????

girl who I still hold on hand look at them and calm said:

- well this park isn't yours right? I can by here to

one of these stupid three girls said:

- yeah but.... - and then she look at me and added: - you really going out with this boy????

OMG this means they know this girl then I'm dead, but this girl look at me and with smile said:

- yeah, so what?

I look at her shocked I was think she start to said " no" but she hold my hand thight and said to me:

- well I'm sorry I was late can we go - and she pulled my over her side I just could only nodded to her, but when we make few steps one of this girls turn around and yell:

- Yahhh Ri-chan ! we tell everything Shin!!

This girl who hold my hand stop on awhile, this means she have a boyfriend and know becouse of me she will by have a troubles, three girls start to laught but this girl sight hard take her phone and chose some number then I heard male voice on phone, girl start to talk:

- Shin Oppa

will she talk with her boyfriend right now? I look at her but she wasn't look at uncomfortable right now, maybe she play with many boys as others girls, but she talk again:

- Oppa, few girls want to talk with you

and she give this girls her phone, these three girls look afraid one of them ask:

- what...what are you doing Ri-chan??

this girl who hold my hand look at her and said:

- you want to talk with Shin right? then talk

but these girls just run away, Girl called Ri-chan shrugged her arms and talk to her phone end her conversation said:

- I'm sorry Oppa they dosn;t want talk anymore

I look at her little confused, she was kind of strange, will this boy named Shin is really her boyfriend?

she look at me when she hide her phone and she smile I qiueckly take eyes of her pretendent I look somewhere else when I heard her laught I look at her again and ask:

- what is so funny?

she look at me and said:

- if you only can see your face right now? - and she start to laught again

what was wrong with my face??? she look at me and ask:

- why are you looking at me so shocked?

- well.....this was your boyfriend I'm sorry I don't want to make your troubles....

- who was my boyfriend?

- huh? this boy who you called?

she start to smile again and shaked her head:

- anyo he is only friend, I don't know why people think he is my boyfriend

- huh? - I wasn't understand anything she was really strange, then she ask:

- I can ask what name have my boyfriend?

- huh?

she laught again and said:

- well you call my girlfriend then as my boyfriend you should introduce self to me

- Kibum but I prefer when people call my Key but...- I stop maybe she think I was talk true I want her as my girlfriend what should I do but then I heard:

- well I'm Park Ri Rin people call my Ri-chan and can I ask you about something?

I nodded and then she said:

- can we break up and can you let go my hand right now?

- Huh???? - I stand like frozen what????? I was think

the first time girl said to my she dosn't want me as her boyfriend

she smile little confused and then she said seeing my shocked face:

- I didn't mean you're not atractive but I'm not interested boys I mean....

- you're lesbian???? - this ask come out from my mouth without my thinking she look at me shocked and said little serious face:

- well are you always that nice first call stranger girl girlfriend then few seconds later call her lesbian???

I felt so ashamed....I take hand of her then she start to laught I bowed to her and said:

- I'm sorry I dosn't mean this I just....aishhh I have a hard day today I just moved then

she smile to me and said:

- it's ok well if you moved today maybe I should show you city a little

- I'm a little tired and want to back home If you don't mind I just go back

- Ok then If you can take care of self right know then ok - she said with smile she is strange but nice we bowed to each other and ours ways split in. who knows maybe we meet again, this city is really strange"

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