
You'll Shoot His Eye Out!
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“You know, I still don’t know who you guys are,” Kris says as they march across the clouds, turning this way and that until he can’t even figure out where he is anymore.

“We’re the Head Cupids. How can you not know us?” the dark-haired one sighs.

“Because I only know you as ‘Head Cupids,’ not by name.”

“I’m Luhan,” the blonde one chirps, “and that’s ChenChen. Or Jongdae. Or Chen. Whatever you want to call him. For some reason he couldn’t settle on just one name.”

“Um… okay,” Kris replies. “And where are we going?”

“The shooting range!” Chen smiles widely. “It’s my favorite place to go.”

“Why are we going to the shooting range?”

Luhan groans, slapping his free palm to his forehead. “Did you not do anything when you were training?”


“Whatever. The shooting range is where we’re gonna teach you how to shoot arrows of love!”

“And why do I need to learn how to do that?”

“Wow,” Chen states, his voice deadpan, “we’re really ed, aren’t we?”


An hour later, Kris finds himself outfitted with a gold quiver across his back and a bow in his hands, and absolutely no idea how to use them.

He reaches behind him into the quiver and pulls out an arrow, trying to imitate that girl that he’d seen in one those human movies a few months ago, but it’s a lot harder than it looked.

“Luhan!” he grumbles, “why isn’t it pulling back?”

Said Head Cupid rolls his eyes and pulls Kris’s arms into the proper position, muttering something about ‘stupid idiots, what was Sooman thinking?”

“Alright, now watch Chen.”

“Nock the arrow like this,” Chen sighs, demonstrating with his own silver bow and arrow. “Pull back, and let it fly.”

He let the arrow soar through the air, hitting a tanned, muscular figure below. The man blinks, rubs his chest a bit, and then walks up to another, shorter man.

“See? Now they’re going to fall in love and be happy and make babies. Wait, they’re not gonna make babies ‘cause they’re both guys. But you get what I mean.” Chen shrugs. “Go try it on that guy over there,” he says, pointing at a tall, pale boy with blonde hair.

“Um… okay?” Kris pulls his arrow back, albeit hesitantly, and shoots.

Unfortunately, he’d aimed a little too low, and it ended up

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Chapter 4: Nice acronyms ya go there
Omg wtf is krispylays
baconlover648 #3
Chapter 4: KRAY FEELS~~ >/////<
Chapter 4: Ohmigosh... Cupid Love~~~ <3
Chapter 4: LOL yay kris is a human and he can get them lays! why does this kind of remind me of 'Little Mermaid' AHAHAHA that makes Kris Ariel!
Chapter 4: AHAHAHAHAHAHA this is perf. i love your acronyms. especially SCREWED
Chapter 4: Agree with you, this was so stupid ;D But I love these silly things in the story. It's unique and different. Cannot stop laughing while read it :)) Write more Kray, please ...
Chapter 4: it's fin already?? really? so fast! but still good fic :) hehehe
i think kris is cute heree :D and Luhan-Chen, as always, hilarious.. :D
Chapter 4: You should become a professional acronym maker. Juss sayin'.