You met me on your dream?

Family Chaos.. Family Love


[Heechul's POV]


Everything was perfect. My moments with Han Geng were all wonderful. Fairytales do come true!

It has been half a year since we're together.

I just had a problem with the dormitory at first. Their manager was so furious at Han Geng. The members don't trust me. But I cannot blame them. I am just a mere fangirl who made their oh-so-hot Han Geng fell for me head over heels. 


I'm always starstruck everytime i'm in front of them. They hardly talk to me. Han Geng and I really had a hard time. But everything flipped from being unwelcome to welcome when Cho Kyuhyun approached me. Kyu is my second bias. I want to witnessed his evilness ever since. He talked to me; asking me if I know how to play starcraft. I nod. I studied how to play it before when I heard that Kyuhyun plays it.

He seemed surprised and he challenged me. I accepted.


We played for almost four hours. All members were watching at us even their manager. Yesung is cheering on me! Oh I cannot believe it!

 Donghae and Eunhyuk clapped their hands when I did a fatal attack on Kyu that made him lose. Everyone screamed and tease Kyu about being beaten by a gal. On the other hand, he still congratulates me and challenges me for another round. This time, Han Geng put his strong hands on my back still having a feel of comfort and kissed me in the cheeks gently. Then he faced at Kyuhyun. Smirking. Oh good Lord! Why did you created this exquisite man?


“No dude. I’ll have a time with Heechul now. ALONE~”


Sungmin screamed like a girl when Han Geng pulled me outside. Everyone was laughing because my face was all red.

We sat on a wooden swing outside their dormitory. He’s talking silently and gently. It was soothing. I can feel my heartbeat beating just like as his.

We talked so much that night. He talked about his family. He said that his family is very supportive. He’s the only son but they still let him become as he is right now. He said that he misses his parents. He’s already weeping silently. He placed his head on my shoulders. I patted it. I think he’s eyes were closed.


“Hee, do you know why I told you I like you when the first time I met you?” I was shocked with his sudden question. I was nervous but I cannot mess the moment.

“Yeah? Because you like girls just like me?” I said that before. He giggled.

“Yeah, that’s it.” He said. Honestly, I was disappointed. I thought he has some sweet reasons behind it. I sighed. Then he broke the silence.

“But…. But you know, before I met you, I had a dream. In my dream there was a cute girl. I cannot understand what she says. She’s speaking different language. I saw her kissed me, but that time I cannot move. It’s too childish but I was in a poster in that dream. Everytime she went back home from somewhere she always kisses me and talked to me. I’m always thinking what that could be and who she could be. Then I heard her mom call her. I totally didn’t understand why. I know her mother is mad. I just heard the name ‘Kim Heechul’.”

I was shocked. I felt again the same feeling when I first saw him on television. But I cannot say a word. I’m too excited. I don’t know if that’s true or just a made up.


“Since then, I always thought that that girl’s name is Kim Heechul.” Han Geng continues. “I actually do not understand why I am dreaming the same dream over and over again. But surprisingly, I liked it. I came to the point that I already like that girl.” He lifted his head and faced me. He looked at me straight into the eyes. He never fails to give me a fast heartbeat when he does this.

“Then I saw you, I felt really weird. And I was crazy in bliss when you told me your name. I felt the same feeling I used to have in my dreams. I realized that you could be the only one for me.”

His eyes are getting wet. Mine as well. He’s so sweet and gentle yet still manly. We have a perfect moment. The night breeze, the lights, and the music inside the house are just wonderful. This is perfect.

“Kim Heechul, now that you’re in front of me, I’m really grateful to God. And I know this is just a perfect timing.” He paused; looking at me more intensely, slowly moving his head towards my head until our lips met. It feels like my fallen world lifted from the ground. His lips were so soft and gentle. His kiss is sweet and his head is tilting gently. His hands are on my hips, not moving. It makes me feel that he respects me. I put my hand around his neck.

Now I know that I’m truly inlove with this man in front of me. Not because he’s a star but because he is Han Geng. Not the one that I used to fancy on posters, on television, and on computer monitor but the one in my dreams.

He broke the kiss and looked at my eyes honestly.

“I love you Kim Heechul…..”

“I love you too Han Geng”

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Chapter 1: yah alam mo gusto ko yung genderswitch tapos ginawa mo pang taga pilipinas sya nasayahan ako
ehrytie #2
Chapter 16: My Lovely Dear Unnie Mai.. thanx alot for completing ur story, thanx so so much for ur beautyful story, n such a happy ending!!
Please let me know if u write another hanchul story, i will love to read ur hanchul story again.. i will wait forward to ur other hanchul story Unnie..
Congratz for completing ur story Unnie.., I LOVE U Unnie Mai.. ^O^
Chapter 16: happy ending of hanchul family!!!
i love the whole story,every chapter!
thz u for this miracle!!
waiting for another hanchul fanfics
ehrytie #4
Chapter 14: huwaaa~... unnie are u torture me? T^T ..
my heart is beating so fast when i read this chapter, OMG unnie.. im so excited!!!! do u know what unnie?!? my feeling said that chullie unnie will have happy ending here!! how do u think unnie..? thanx for ur update unnie, i love uuuu~ ^o^
Chapter 14: hope they can be together!
ehrytie #6
Chapter 13: u can call me eiry.. thats d'way my friend always call me ^_^, so how do i call u authornim?
im not just give u a sweet talk but i really love ur story, yes im a BIG fans of heechul n i read alot of hanchul fanfics but i only subcribe a good story,n this one is my favorite!! i'll be patienly wait for ur update, so please dont do hiatus to this story.. please dont hang up this story like other author always do to they story.. i believe u not like that right?? i wish u always healthy n full of idea so u can did this story well.. ^o^ Hwaitiiiing~...!!
do u made a poster by ur self?