The Right Guy: True Love

The Right Guy: True Love






Have you heard something called True Love?

That people said perhaps everyone exactly has one for each?

Since I was an idol that is restrictly prohibited to date anyone I like, that myth kept howling in my heart hoping someone called my true love would find me between this crazy schedules.

My name is Yoon Bora, I was a member of one of the hottest group these days, SISTAR.

Do I have a guy I like?

No answer necessary. Of course, I have and it may change for almost everyday.

It’s true that my ideal type is none other than Song Joongki.

But these days... I have someone that I recently kept in my heart since about the middle of last year.

The clue:

- he is an Idol.

- He has no double eyelids.

- He is a member of one of the biggest boygroup.

Curious?? Save your curiosity guys. I’ll tell you the last clue, maybe this clue would be the biggest and would make it obvious about who exactly I was talking about.

Last year, I have been in a famous variety show entitled “Happy Together”. I was there with Dasom and we were asked to prepare a dish to display and contested the dish we made with another guests’ dish, the dish with the most votes will be displayed as daily menus at “Happy Together Late Night Cafetaria”.

So I made a common kimchi stew. I made this because this was the first dish I made for my father before he passed away several years ago. At that time, we got to choose only one dish to taste. And this guy, choose to eat mine.

I was freaking happy that he ate it deliciously.

Yup, of course y’all have known who we were talking about... he is Yoo Jaesuk...


okay... it’s 2PM’s Jang Wooyoung.

Well, my dish wasn’t the winner, but I got something a lot more precious than the win. I don’t even know that he has such a nice attitude, gentleman, and he is damn cute as well. Anyway I got a lot of plus point of him that night.


I looked towards a thing above a blue table in my dorm. Not neither a photograph nor a paint. It was a handkerchief. Wooyoung oppa’s handkerchief to be exact. He didn’t know that actually he dropped this on the backstage and I was walking behind him at that time. So, I picked it.

Since he was the guy that captured my heart, I thought ‘Should I keep this?’ Im not a kleptomaniantic. It was just a feel when you really wanna keep a thing from someone you love, but you were unable to have he/she in your life so his/her stuffs would be fine on his/her behalf.

Since then, I brought that handkerchief wherever I go. I have an intention to give this handkerchief back to him, but unfortunately since that show, we rarely met each other.


One day we’re filming Invincible Youth 2nd Season. I was surprised because actually Wooyoung oppa came as the eventual guest. He was called part time worker since Shinyoung Eonnie was unable to present for that day’s filming. It was sort of awkward to see him again.

When the filming started, Youngja eomma offered Wooyoung oppa to test his endurance.

The challange was, Wooyoung oppa need to lift Youngja eomma.

It’s crazy. Right? He need to lift 80 kgs weighed Youngja eomma...

But then,

I don’t know it was a dream or not, Youngja eomma asked me to be the try-out that he should lift before he could lift her. Thanks a lot eomma I love you so much.

Well, no hesitation of course I accept the offer lol.

I was took a square off as he get ready to lift me, then I ran towards him an jumped over him and


I felt his hand on my right ....

He... accidentaly touch my right , I know it was unintentionally and seems like he realized so he moved his hand up closer to my armpit and hold his fist on. After that I could see him gave an awkward laugh but seemed like a happy one, but still..... how do I face him later????? OMG I can’t believe that such a thing could happen.

In the midst of break, I sat on a bench on our house at Daebudo. It was quite windy and rainy at Daebudo at that time. I took the handkerchief out of my right pocket, and staring at it.

“Aigoo so awkward, why did it has to be happened, how should I face him?”.

I hung the handkerchief right in front my face. Suddenly... A wind blowed quite heavily, so the handkerchief flew away while my hands still remain at their position. As I realized that the handkerchief flew away, I chased on it as fast as I can. But then I stopped as the handkerchief stopped at someone else’s face...

it was Wooyoung oppa.

 “Holy crap, what should I do?” I thought.

He then quickly put the handkerchief down from his face and then “Oh? Isn’t this mine?” he said, then he stared at me and asked “Bora-ssi? Did you just chased for this thing?”.

Being like this after that awakward incident turned me to be awkward more and more, so I just ignored an eye-contact with him and said “Ah..a..aniyo oppa” then I dashed right away till I can’t see him.

Oh My God..... What should I do...that was too embarassing.


Finally, the shoot was done. I feel a bit tired and don’t feel like going home right now, so I escaped from my manager’s vision and went to the barn.

It was refreshing at the barn as we were able to see Sunny and Hyoyeon’s dorks, our chickens, and a cow. I was quite a bit shivered there since it was about 11 in evening.

It was peacful and quite before suddenly I heard someone opened the door which caused me startled to death.

I can’t see that person clearly since it was a bit dark at the entrance door, but then that person walked slowly and I can finally saw his face clearly.

It was Wooyoung Oppa with his jacket on his body as he seemed to get ready to head back to Seoul.

“Bora-ssi? What are you doing here?” He looked towards me with his cute eyes and a curious expression

“A...ah...I was just... I.. I need a fresh air because I’m so tired, so.. I came here” I responded haltingly and gave him a smile.

He replied me with smile, then he walked towards my place, and then he sit beside me.

I couldn’t help but stealing a glance to him. But seriously it was the most awkward moment I’ve ever had.

But then he made an action by opened his jacket and wore it on my body.

“You must be cold, have this with you” he gave me a drop dead smile

“Oh my god if You allow me to death right away, Im fine” then I snapped my mind.

He broke the silence as he asked “Where have you been? Your manager is looking for you right now”

“Me? Aah I’ve just been here for quite a while hehe, Manager oppa? Aah don’t be worry I will be back soon” I answered.

OH MY GOD this is the first time we talked together with just the two of us

“Really? Hmm. It’s really nice here.” He nodded his head

“I know right.” I said with smile on my face

Then it was back to the silence again.

“God please help me find a way to break this silence.” I thought.

My heart was thumping so fast. Then suddenly I thought, “should I talk about the handkerchief?”

It spent a long time to think, then I finally made my decision.

I bit my lips before then I started to talk“Uhm.. Wooyoung oppa”

He turn his head to look at me then responded “Ne?”

“About... that handkerchief.... actually I picked that on the backstage because you dropped it and I choose to keep it.. ah... omo.. oops” I splitted my tongue Oh my god! Why did I say that?

Then I saw that he was just chuckled to hear that I got my tounge splitted.

“Aigoo.. It’s okay Bora-ssi, I knew it already, I... actually took some of your photos as well” He said

“Really?” I can’t help but shocked immediately right after he said that he took my photos

I can’t believe what I saw and he just nodded his head to convince me, he even keep my phototaken on his... wallet?

“Looks like I’m getting into you these days.”

“Really? Waeyo” I asked him as I really curious that actually he felt the same way

“Because you are so cheerful and full of spirit on every show when you appeared, and always rap beatifully on the stage, and... anyway it was really attractive so I decide to secretly sneaking in between the audience and took some of your photos when you’re pefrorming. And I don’t know why I feel this way..” He scratched his head and gave me a slight smile

He continued “I was hoping to know you more, so I slowly move myself nearby you without you even realized. And when I heard that you’ll be the guest in the same variety shows that Im gonna attend, you need to know how happy I am”

He continued again “So I was purposely dropped my handkerchief as I know you were walking behind me back then, and then.... you picked it and keep that instead of giving it back to me, so it means... you like me too right? Bora-ssi?” He said in gentle tone then he looked to my eyes.

To hear everything that he explained to me make my mouth remains opened and my jaw dropped.

“I.. actually want to give it back to you but...” before I can’t continue my words he put his point finger into my lips signed that I should stop talking

“I knew it all, you can’t lie to me, Bora-sshi”

“I... don’t know what to say”

“Okay then, do you believe about myths about true love?”

“True love? Is there such a thing?” I said and let out a chuckle

“At first, I don’t believe it at all, but tonight.. I do. I have found my true love. Bora-ssi...... I love you” He knelt down and hold my hands. Meanwhile I can’t say anything because it was too sudden for me.

I like him so much. His flawless attitude. His figure. His eyes. His lips. His look. I love everything about him even he was not Song Joongki.

So since it was no doubt that I would say yes, so I decided to play pranks at him

“What if I say no?”

His expression changed, I could see it clearly.

“Ah..well.. It would be good if you say yes though, I promise you I won’t let any other side to know about us, well of course except our members, so that we wouldn’t get into trouble, Bora-yah I’ll protect you, I promise to be your right guy. Please... would you be my true love?”

From his words, his gaze, his gestures, his expression. I could see it clearly that he was wholeheartedly sincere to me

“I..... don’t.........” I purposely hold my words after the ‘don’t’

Hearing a word “don’t” even made his face seemed worrier and worrier. It’s really cute and funny. You guys should see his face lol.

“I don’t... wanna refuse my feelings for you as well, so I’ll say yes, Wooyoung Oppa”

He smiled brightly as he heard what I’ve said. Then he slowly moved back to sit beside me, he was looking towards my eyes “Thank you... my true love” he brought his face closer to mine, and I thought ‘Oh my god, our faces were so close’ so I closed my eyes, and finally his lips softly touched my lips, I can feel his breath on my face, it’s really soft, and sweet. Then we’re keep kissing each other under the sky with full of stars above, in front of a barn house, Daebudo.


I can see that he is a good guy, and once he fell in love with someone, his eyes will be only looking at one person. I wasn’t wrong to accept him as my guy, we last quite long until now. That night will be the night that I would never forget... the night when I found my one true love. He is the right guy for me. He is my true love.




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AkoSxiEje #1
I'm shipping them really hard after watching IY2, Happy Together and Barefoot friends. I hope one day they will have a dating news. WooRa fighting!!! ♥
Kittycatploy #2
Chapter 1: OMG!!! Soooooo good!!! >||||<
Great story authornim!!!
Chapter 1: Wow...why i just found this fanfic..!!><
Its sooo cute..and all of the moments r real..kkk~
Pls mke another woo-bora fanfics..I love this couple too^^
zatieywookie #5
Chapter 1: omg !!! so sweet :))))))
thanks ^^ please look forward for my another woo-bora fanfics XD
tommy26 #7
Chapter 1: Love story in IY2 :)
Love it..& so cute...
Chapter 1: I love this couple sic I wacth them in Happy together n IY2, and I know every moment which u mean, love this fanfic cause really look a REAL...

Ouh, thank you so much for writing this story, WooBora so sweet~ ^^
ivydee143 #9
Chapter 1: this is really good~