


1. Of or excured in (SHADES OF) a single colour

2. Black-and-white

3. Lacking in variety or interest- DULL. 

Life isn't as simple as people wish it could be, let alone as it should be. It isn't simple and that's the plan, black and white truth in this world. One of the only ones that I have ever found. 
Another simple thing is that life ust isn't as simple as is the cup half empty or half full. Because there will ablways be a grey area, whether as to what the actual mass of what is inside of the cup is or what the actual mass in between sombodies ears is. 
There will always be parts to our society that are grey, and there will always be these same grey parts in our lives too. In my experience, there will always be a demon in our heads that is mch stronger than in our realities. 
Or maybe I'm wrong and things always are as simple as black and white.
Perhaps I'm wrong and nothing I've learnt over this time is true.
Perhaps I'm wrong, and all I believe and all you believe is merely a lie. 


Hey ho here we go ^^ It's little old Stella, back again to pluck at your heart strings (hopefully) :3

This is dedicated to my most gorgeous person ever- Cathy <3

Have fun reading guys! 


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