I'm Still Here Without Your Love

When You're Gone

Ljoe's POV:

   I'm here, when you're somewhere up there. I sulk here and there. The sofa, cold without your touch, my toothbrush stands alone. Your hair, in the bathroom, disappears. Our picture, was here, now left in the corner for me to sob at. I now walk the streets of Korea alone, and cold. 

  I cry to sleep, knowing that I would never feel your touch, see your face, kiss your lips....stare into your eyes.....ever again....I would never look at another girl ever again...If I died, I could join you, but a force and a voice always holds me back from piercing my skin with a razor sharp knife...


Your POV:

   I float to your house. Seeing you sulk here and there. Trying to live without me.... blaming yourself for my death. When it was my fault. Cancer just engulfed me. I should've told you before hand, but we were so happy, and your were always smiling, I couldn't have just out right tell you that I had cancer. Your life would have shaddered.

    Now I just look over you, helping you everyday. But what really kills me, is when you point that horrendous piece of metal to your heart. I will do whatever it takes to make sure you live your life like the way you should. I will make sure you will love again. But you will have to wait for me. While I beg the Lord for another chance in life, you just sit on your couch, with tears staining your porcelain face that I fell in love with.


                                                                    Wait for me Lee Byung Hun....just wait...

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Chapter 1: oh...! this was short, but so deep...
4DRainbow #2
I love you! Why do I have to be dead though :(