Chapter 1

This Love Isn't Too Soon, It Is At Just the Right Time.


The cold air brushed against my skin as Baekhyun and I walked back to the SM building, hand in hand. I always pondered many things on these walks. How did I get a boyfriend like him? Good looking, loving, essentially the perfect package. We had just gotten back from one of our normal dates at the coffee shop close to our dorm, and, as always, it was amazing to see him. Baekhyun looked down and smiled at me and I smiled back, leaning on his arm.

We got to the main doors and walked in them, a blast of hot air overwhelming my cold body. I sighed in relief as we walked into the elevator. He pressed the button of the floor we both lived on with our members and then the elevator abruptly stopped, the metal doors opening to the familiar area.

“Night Baekhyun.” I smiled at him.

“Goodnight.” He planted a light kiss on my lips and I walked in the opposite direction of him, turning the corner. I started walking towards my dorm until I remembered Baekhyun had my sunglasses in his pocket. I began to go back towards him when I suddenly heard the elevator doors open again and someone talking.

“Hey Baekhyun.” I heard a familiar voice say. Eun Hye? I flinched.

“Hey Babe.” My mouth gaped open as I heard him speak those words to her. I looked around the corner in secret and saw them...


.Lip to Lip.


I turned the corner as they broke the kiss and stood there, a tear silently escaping my eyes. Baekhyun turned to me and his eyes widened. “_____, Its..Its not what it looks like.” He stuttered, grabbing my hand. I pulled away quickly from his grip.

“Whatever. How long have you guys been doing this behind my back?” I sniffed. I looked at the person, who I thought was my best friend, and she remained emotionless.

“2 weeks.” She said simply.

“TWO WEEKS!?” I brought my hand up and brought it across Baekhyuns face. He cringed in pain and Eun Hye raised her hand about to slap me when I swiftly grabbed her wrist. “He asked for it.” I grumbled, slamming her arm down. I ran off, away from them and burst into my dorm. I saw my other friend, Min Hee sitting on the couch.

“Hey _____, what’s wrong?” I sniffed and opened my mouth but nothing came out.

“Eun Hye and...” I stopped.

“Baekhyun? I know.” She admitted.

“YOU KNEW?!”I screeched. Eun Hye walked into the door and I harshly grabbed her arm. “You.....You....WHY? EVERYONE ING KNOWS! WHY?”

She remained emotionless as she answered me. “Just let me go _____”

I ran out my dorm, afraid of the repercussions. I sprinted down the hall, into the EXO-M dorm, not stopping until I got to Kris's bedroom. He was standing next to his dresser and I nearly slammed into his chest, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. I sobbed into his upper body, getting tear stains on his black long sleeve shirt. He didn't speak a word to me but instead, just hugged me back and my hair. I broke the hug and sniffed.

“What’s wrong?” He asked me, handing me a tissue.

“I saw. Baekhyun and EunHye...He...cheated.” I could barely speak and I stared at the ground.

This time Kris hugged me first. “It’s okay. It will be okay.” He spoke to me in English.

“I...wanna...go...home.” I admitted but my home was hours and hours away in America.

“I know. Just stay here with me.”

I looked up at him. “Can I...really stay here tonight?” He nodded. “Thank God. I don’t wanna be at the dorm now. I slapped Baekhyun and I bet Eun Hye is angry.” I looked at the corners of the room in slight shame.

“Yah~~” He sighed.

“Did...Did you know about this? The whole, Baekhyun thing...w-with Eun Hye.” I trailed off.

“Nope none of us knew... Remember? We just got back from China.”

I nodded. “Oh yeah....Well now I feel less hurt.” I sat on the stool at Kris' desk.

“I need to go take a shower. You just...lay down. I'll be out soon. You can take my bed; I'll sleep on the floor.” He left before I could protest.

I lay in his bed, face first in the pillow. I could only imagine what my face looked like right now. Red. Puffy. Eyes bloodshot and watery. I probably looked like I got ran over a truck.



I heard the shower turn on and I just sat on the bed of my best friend's.

Soon he was out of the shower and walked out of his bathroom. He was wearing pajama pants.

Just pajama pants.

(A to the N: Kris, shirtless. Just stop and think >.<)

“You don’t mind, right?” he asked me. I quickly shook my head as he grabbed some blankets from the closet.

“Kris, you should sleep here. Not me. It’s bad for your back.” I said, in worry.

“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want to weird you out or anything.”

I looked up at him. “Why would you weird me out? You’re like my best friend.”

I got underneath the blankets and brought the top all the way up to my face. Kris went to the other side and got next to me, copying my position, blankets up to his nose. I giggled at him. He had his same straight face he always had, unless Tao made him laugh or Xiumin puffed his cheeks.

“Don’t look at me like that Kris. You always look angry.”

He nudged me with his knee. “I can’t help it if that’s what my face looks like.” He admitted. I laughed at him and my eyes began to slowly close.

“_____?” Kris broke the silence.

“Hmm?” I hummed.

“Baekhyun is stupid. I can’t believe it.”

I opened my eyes to see Kris’ eyes staring into mine. “Why do you think that?” I asked him, even though I knew the answer.

“Well, you are a beautiful girl. Who gave him nothing but love. You deserve better.”

My eyes widened. “You think I’m pretty?” I asked him and in response he just scoffed.

“I have eyes _____.” My eyes narrowed.

“Whatever Wu Fan.” I closed my eyes and spun around.

“_____, listen…I have loved you ever since you arrived here in Seoul.” My eyes suddenly sprung open. “I know it’s probably the wrong time to tell you this but I wanted to get it out now before, I was too afraid to.” He sat up and I sat up, looking right at him. “I love you _____.” My eyes widened and I just threw my arms around him.

“I liked you before I liked Baek. But I thought since you and I were friends…nothing romantic would ever come from it…” I released from the hug and a soft pair of lips hit mine. His hands found their way around my waist and my hand wrapped behind his neck.

He broke the kiss and looked at me again but this time, I could see the love in his eyes. “Since we are on break for Christmas, why don’t we go back to America for a while, not tell anyone, get in trouble…” at this point, we were laying down.

“Kris~” I whined and he laughed at me.

“We will tell Soo Man and our managers. Okay? Happy now?” He wrapped his warm arms around me.

“Yeah. I will go by the dorms tomorrow when no one is there and pick up my clothes and passport.”

He kissed my forehead. “Good.” He placed his chin on the top of my head.

“You know what Kris?” I asked him.



“This love isn’t too soon, it is at just the right time.”



Thanks for reading my one-shot~!

I wrote this last year so sorry if the writing seems a bit immature but, I wanted to post this on here :)

Read my other stories please!! <3


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cathyokrane #2
Chapter 1: I am so mad at beak ~ way to go Kris
Chapter 1: that was amazing!!! Boo , baekhyun for cheating on this * Shows off body *
Sound interesting! Please update soon ~