


Abby's POV
"Nea, It's Mr.Lee. It's about your book, it will be on sale today. In every library, I'm pretty sure that it will be a best seller!"
"Thanks Mr.Lee, I will come to your building next week to know the number of books sold. But if you need me earlier call me. So, see you next week. Goodbye."
"Alasseo. Goodbye Mrs.Lang."
I was nervous, because of the release of my book. I couldn't wait in my sofa or something like this, I had to go out. So I went to the supermarket, I listened to music very loudly. I bought lychee juice and biscuits for watching dramas. Going to the cashier I bumped someone. I turned to apologize and I was very shocked by seeing who it was. She looked at me with her death glare and walked. 
Krystal's POV
"Luna, Victoria, Amber, Sulli, I go to the supermarket. If someone need something, it's time to say it." I said going towards the door.
"I need hair gel, the pot is almost finished." Said Amber shouting for that Krystal hear her.
"Okay. Nothing else? I come back quikly." I said closing the door
I need new notebooks, jus, fruit and hair gel for Amber. I walked fast with my music. Within a raduis someone bumped me. I turned with a death glare and looked at the person with. When I reconized her I walked away from her. I didn't want to see her anymore, I didn't like her. Because of her Amber didn't feel good, didn't eat, didn't sleep for a few weeks. I couldn't bear her! I hurried to finish my shopping and went back to the dormitory. 

"You'll not believe me! Guess who I saw at the supermarket." I said just return
"Who, who? Say me!" Said Sulli impatient to know who it was.
"I saw Abby! She bumped me at the supermarket." 
Amber's POV
"You'll not believe me! Guess who I saw at the supermarket." Said Kystal just return
"Who, who? Say me!" Said Sulli impatient to know who it was.
"I saw Abby! I bumped me at the supermarket." 
When I heard this name I stiffened. I came to Krystal, took my hair gel, went to the bathroom to put it in and go out. I need air.
"Amber! Amber! Where are you going?" Asked Luna shocking. 
 I ran in the street and I saw Abby's photo in the library and saw that she published a book. I bought it and went to a park. No, not a park but THE park. I had so much memories with Abby in this park. I hid myself behind a tree and read Abby's book. I was crying while reading it. She said so much true things! And so much things that I didn't know. Like the fact that she organize the party for me, the day that I said everything to her. The fact is that I'm very thankful to her and I always love her. And she made this book for me, so she really loved me. But I can't see her anymore or 'she' will continue... It's the person who made me broke up with her. 'She' said me that I will regret it and I didn't believe 'her', but now I know... When I finished the book, I was crying like a baby. I stayed a long time sitting behind the tree, when I finally stood up and walked to go back to the dormitory, I saw Abby. I tried to hide myself but she saw me.
Abby's POV
To see again Krystal this morning made me go haywire. I wanted to walk, so I went to the park that I used to go with Amber. I walked for almost 3hours before entered in the park, I don't why. I think I was afraid because I didn't came to this park since Amber broke up with me. Each place in this park remined me Amber, I didn't walk 10metres that I cried. But I continued to walk, everyone were looking at me but I didn't care at all. I stopped me when I saw Amber. In first I was thinking that I was dreaming but I wasn't. When she saw me she tried to hide her but it was too late I had already seen her. When she realized it, she start to run. 
"Amber! Amber!" I screamed while running after her. She ran faster than before and there were a lot of people in the street so I loose her. I stopped at an intersection in an dessert street, I fell down as I was desperate. I was crying, screaming, hiting the floor...
Amber's POV
When I realized that she saw me I didn't know what to do, so I ran. 
"Amber! Amber" She screamed while running after me. I ran into a dessert street and hid me in dark alley. When she loose me, she fell down, she cried, screamed, hit the floor. I just wanted to come and hug her, But I couldn't. I couldn't do it, so I stay here looking at her, crying and putting my hand over my mouth for that I won't call her or something like this. 
Hours passed and she was always down in the dessert street when she stood up, she was like a zombie, she had her head down. I follow her for make sure that she go back to her home. After it, I didn't go back home. I went to a bar. I spent a lot of hours in, I drink, drink and drink....
Victoria's POV
"Aiiiish Krystal! Why did you need to say that? You know how it hurts her when she hear this name." I said a little angry at her, because Amber went out and she didn't come back whereas it's already late.
"Mianhae Unnie." Krystal said guilty.
I was really worried for Amber, she didn't answer to my call and my text. It was now very late and she didn't come back home. What happened to her? I though it was finish. I though that it didn't hurt her anymore. I was wrong... Luna, Sulli and Krystal were slepping, but I couldn't. Then about 02:30, I heard the key in the door. It was Amber.
"Yah! Where were you?! Do you know how many times I tried to call you?!" I stopped me and smell her. "Did you drink?" She didn't answer to me. "Amber Josephine Liu you're drank! Are you serious?! You know that if someone of the compagny saw you, your contract may be terminated! Do you know that?!" I said trying to don't screaming to loud for don't wake up the girls.
"Yes, I know. Well then?" Amber said like she didn't understand what I just said.
"Did you understand what I said?"
"Yes I did. But if because of the compagny I can't be with Abby. So I prefere that my contract ended now! Do you know why I broke up with Abby? Hun do you know why?" She really loved her, you could see that in what she just said. But I also can see that she was angry and sad because tears were beggining to flow down her cheeks. 
"No. No, I don't know..." I said a little embarassed. 
Nobody's POV
"I will say you why." Amber stop herself, then she continued. "Abby... I loved her like crazy, I could do anything for her. Everything were passing well beetween us until the night I said you that we were together. I didn't know why Krystal took it badly. I didn't want to sleep here so I asked to Abby to stay at her home and she said me yes. Then I send you a message for say it to you. Maybe 5minutes after Krystal called me..." 
"Amber, it's me. I just need to say you something. I... I love you."
"What?! Why do you say that just now?!" 
"I wasn't brave enought to say it to you. But now I am. I can do anything for you."
"It's too late now... I love her and I won't let you separate us." 
"But it's only two years!"
"So what?! Only two years you said?! In two years you have the time to know someone, I know you and I know abby very well. And if I have to choose then I'll choose Abby." 
"You will regret it Amber."
"Oooh believe me, I will never regret it, NEVER! Anywhay it's late and I'm tired, Bye." 
*End of Flashback*
"Krystal called me and said that she loved me, but I said her that it was too late, and she said that I will regret it. At first I said her that I will never regret it, but the next day manager oppa called me and said me that he wanted to see me in the day, so I went to his office and he said me that I had to broke up with Abby. And if I didn't my contract will be terminated... I knew that it was because of Krystal. So when I came back I said to Abby that we had to broke up. And now she wrote this book about her and I." She stop herself and cried more than before. "I love her Victoria... I really love her. So, I really don't care about my contract." Victoria had tears in her eyes. When Amber finished what she need to say, she went to her bedroom. But she saw Krystal, she heard everything that Amber said. 
"Yes, I said evertyhing! So don't do the innocent maknae, we all know that your not."
When she finished her sentence she entered to her bedroom. Victoria were looking at Krystal with a we-are-going-to-speak-tomorrow glare. Then everyone went to bed and calm has returned home. 
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Chelim #1
Beautiful story, following please