


When they opened the door, they all said in unison.
"We're gonna do the party tonight!"
"Weo? Is it my birthday or something like that?" Amber said with an annoyed voice.
"Oh heeum no. But Aaaaarg! We said we're gonna do the party tonight, no need reason. Gaja!" Said Krystal
We all followed her. We walked in Seoul for three hours. We ate in a stand street, it was delicious! We laughed, talked, even Amber. It was a fabulous night, after we went in a noraebangs (Korea's version of Karaoke). We sang some songs of BoA. Then I put some french songs, they tried to sing them, it was really funny. We past more than two hours, in fact we stop it because the owner told us that it was going to close. After we walked and walked in the street. I didn't know where we were but it was so nice. Everybody talked to each others even Krystal and I. Later we decided to come back home, but it was already late.
"Amber, can you accompany Abby at her house? Because it's already late and I don't want something happened to her." Said Victoria to Amber very tendrely that you couldn't refuse her anything. 
"Yeah sure. But before it I have to say you something." Everyone looked at her waiting that she had to say. "How to say?... Hum Abby and I... We are together." I felt my face become red instantly, but I was also shocked. I didn't think that she would say it... Now. 
"Jjinjja?!!" They all said in the same time with wide-eyed. 
"Nea, for now 2years and half." I said shyly.
"Why didn't you said it earlier?!" Said Sulli a little upset but always with a hint of joy in her voice.
"Because I wanted... We wanted to be sure." Answer Amber because she saw that I was embarrassed. 
"And it for that I saw what I saw long time ago. Okay evrything is clear now." Said Luna with a smile
"No, she really slid because of the rug." I said.
"Congratulations" Said Krystal to us with a death glare as she opened the door to enter in the building
"Sorry..."Said Victoria running after Krystal. I looked at Amber and she seemed disappointed by the attitude of Krystal. 
"I think we have to go." Said Luna
"Okay. Bye." I said to Luna and Sulli. 
During the way to come back to my house we didn't speak at all. I was thinking of Krystal's attitude, it wasn't normal. I think that Amber was also thinking about it. We arrived to my door in 20minutes, we walked very slowly.
"Abby, can I sleep there for the night? Because if I came back I will be dead or I will hear screaming or something like this. And don't really want it." Said Amber embarrased.
"No need to justify yourself, of course you can. Just maybe call or text Victoria because I don't want to die next time that I see her." 
"Thanks, I'll text her in a minute."
Amber text Victoria but I think they didn't just speak about the night, because they text each other for maybe 30minutes. I didn't ask her what were they talking about, I was a little shy.. When they finished we watched Very Bad Trip 2, when the film finished it was 3:30. 
"I will take the sofa." Said Amber with a smile
"Oh are you sure? If you want my bed is large enough for the two of us." I said trying to be serious
"Then if you say it's large enough" She answer with a smile. "Go frist I have to call Victoria Unnie"
"Okay." I said happily. 
I was finish with the bathroom when I heard Amber with someone at phone. At first I though it was Vic Unnie but she looked angry so I stayed to listen.
"What?! Why do you say that just now?!" I could hear that she was angry
"It's too late now... I love her and I won't let you separate us." I smiled when I heard it, but it wasn't normal that she had to say that at someone in phone at this time. 
"So what?! Only two years you said?! In two years you have the time to know someone, I know you and I know Abby very well. And if I have to choose then I'll choose Abby." I had a little smile.
"Oooh believe me, I will never regret it, NEVER! Anywhay it's late and I'm tired, Bye." 
When she hang up I ran to my room as if I hadn't heard anything. Amber then came to the room and put her in the bed. I put my head on her chest, when I did it she took by th waist, we couldn't sleep but we didn't say anything, but I think we were both thinking. In fact I was thinking:'Who called her? And Why? I already can say that it's someone who know for Amber and I. But nobody knows expect my sister and girls of Amber's group.' After thinking a long tilme about this I fell asleep. 
When I got up Amber wasn't on the bed anymore. I saw a piece of paper on wich it was written: 
"Abby, I had to go early this morning because of a rehearsal. I will text you later. I love you <3"
Today I didn't work so I passed my day watching a Japanese drama called 'Life' . It was maybe one of the better drama that I ever saw. I didn't do anything else than watch this drama. When I finish it, it was almost time for dinner. So, before do some food I went to the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, I looked at my phone, I had a message.  It was Amber.
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Chelim #1
Beautiful story, following please