
Christmas Love

-Angel/Jay POV-

'Snow? I guess we will have a White Christmas this year after all', I thougth to myself. I walked out of my apartment and went to the parking lot. I was on my way to meet Donghae-oppa, he called me over to the super junior dorm because he wanted to take me out today. And he also said he had a surprise.

*WoWoW* my phone suddenly started to ring. I picked it up and answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Yeoboseyo? Who is this?" i said.

"Guess who? And don't look at the caller ID Angel." the person on the phone said. Well, the idiot just revealed himself. There is only one person who calls me Angel. Oh well, I guess I'll just for a while until he realizes it.

"Hm? HeeChul-oppa? Is it you?" I said.

"Yah! Who are you calling Heechul. It's me, Donghae, your friend who is supposed to take you out today!" he yelled. 

"Woah! Take it easy, Donghae-oppa. I was just kidding with you." I said while trying to calm him down.

"You know how much i hate it when you do that, and you still do it almost everytime I call." he said. I could tell he was pouting, and the thought of that made me chuckle.  

"So.. What is todays schedule? And are you sure you're free today?" I asked him. 

"Yes, I'm free today. And I have a surprise for you." 

"Really, tell me what it is. Please?" I pleaded with my famous aegyo voice that he couldn't resist.

"No way. I wont tell you even if you use that aegyo voice!" He said. Well thats a first. It's the first time he has rejected my aegyo voice. I let it go since it probably really is a surprise. 

"Fine. I'm on my way to your dorm right now. See you when I get there." I said before hanging up. I went into my car, started the engine and started driving to Super Junior's dorm while trying to remember what day it was today.

I should probably tell you more about Leeteuk and me.My name is Choi Jaerim aka Angel and I am 24 years old and Donghae oppa is 26. We had been friends since I started working as their assistant or extra songwriter. I was only 19 at the time and when i met him I fell in love with him at first sight. In Super Junior, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk and Heechul are my bestfriends. Leeteuk-oppa because he's the cutest and easiest to get along with and talk to, Eunhyuk-oppa because he is funny, and Heechul-oppa because we have almost the same personalities and we like the same things when it comes to fashion. 


-At the dorm-  Author POV

"Yah! Donghae, where should we hide?" Eunhyuk shouted. The boys at the dorm were planning a surprise party for Angel  because it was her birthday. The guests were her friends in SNSD, and her dongsaeng's group SHINee. Her dongsaeng in SHINee was Minho, so she had big eyes like him. 

"Just hide anywhere. Just make sure she doesnt see you when she walks in. But you should also hide in a place where you can jump out and surprise her." he replied. All of them went to hide somwhere except for Donghae. Donghae was waiting in the closet in their hallway so he could jump out when the door opened. He left the door unlocked, hid himself in the closet and waited for her to come. 


-Angel/Jay POV- 

When I got there, I parked my car in the parking lot close by. I started to walk to their dorm, when i felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it and saw that the the text was from Donghae-oppa.

From:  Hae-oppa <3
¤Where are you?¤

To: Hae-oppa<3 
¤Relax, I'm on my way! >_<¤
From: Hae-oppa <3
¤Okey!! ^^" ¤

I got to the building and went into the elevator. I pressed number 11 and the doors closed. After a while a *ding* was heard and the doors opened. I walked in the hallway and found their dorm number. I pushed the door bell, but no one opened. I rang the bell again but no one opened. 'What the... He asks me to come over but he doesn't open the door' I thought.  'And if he jumps out of nowhere when I get in, I promise, I'll get a heart attack.' I tried to open the door, and to my surprise, it was open. I walked in and shouted:

"HELLO! Anyone home?" and unfortunatley, no one answered. I took of my shoes and jacket and was about to walk in, but stopped when i heard a giggle in the closet. I was so curious and opened the door. Halfway to opening it, someone jumped out and shouted:

"Surprise!" I jumped and fell down on the floor. While I was busy cursing myself mentally, I felt two strong hands holding me, and a blindfold which was starting to cover up my eyes. I started to panic and started to struggle. Then someone said: "It's just me, Angel." the guy said. Now I knew exactly who it was. It was no other than Donghae. I stopped struggling and just waited for him to put me down(He was carrying me bridal style.)

He put me down somwhere in the living room and took off the blindfold. When I opened my eyes a bunch of people were standing in front of me and after a few seconds they all shouted: "Surprise"

I just sat there and had a confused look on my face. Heechul-oppa noticed it and said: "Dont tell me you forgot your own birthday?" he asked. I gasped and realized that today was the 24th of december and it was christmas eve. I mentally face palmed myself and nodded to Heechul-oppa's question. 

They looked shocked and had expressions that were asking questions like: "What? Who forgets their own birthday? How on earth could you forget it, especially when its on the same day as christmas eve?"

And I was like: "Wow! Take it easy with the questions! I remember it now right?" and they all nodded. Then I suddenly got showered with gifts. It was doubled since it was christmas and birthday gifts. I only opened the ones marked with a B since it stood for BIRTHDAY. Here is a list of what i got from some of them:

Heechul = Super Junior Album : Spy and y, Free & Single.
Eunhyuk = A red formal dress
Leeteuk =  Angel winged white shoes
Taeyeon = A collection of Romantic short stories in one book
Onew = Two Tofu plushies 1 | 2
Minho = A ring and necklace with angel wings.
Donghae = A mysterious letter? 

After the party, which had to end a bit earlier because of the others schedules, Donghae decided we would go out. Alone. The thought of being all alone with him made my heart beat faster. He led me to his car and let me get inside before going in himself.  After being in the car, with both of us being silent all the way, we finally arrived at some park. I walked out of the car and looked around. It was already starting to get dark but then something caught my attention. It was a white pavilion in the middle of the park.

( Pretend that there are lights lighting up the pavilion and that its dark )


In the pavilion was a bench and some lights around it. I looked at Donghae with a confused expression and he just smiled at me. He led me to the pavilion and we sat down on the bench.

"What's this?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled, which made my heart melt. 

"It's my surprise. Did you bring that letter like i asked you to?" he asked me. I nodded and he continued. "Open it up and read it while I go and get something." he said before going off somewhere. I took out the letter out of my pocket and opened it.


To Angel,

I know you probably think that I only see you as a dongsaeng or a friend, but you're wrong. 6 years ago when we first met, I fell in love with you at first sight. And when i got to know you better, I fell even deeper in love. But I never had the courage to tell and now I have the chance, since your brother didn't oppose to the idea and the same with Super Junior. So here I go.

Angel, I've always loved you because your beautiful on the inside and on the outside, because of your loving smile and your charming eyes. I fell in love, and I still am, with the girl who was never afraid to say what she meant. The girl who had the courage to do what she wanted to do, and to stand up for herself. The girl who would laugh at my lame jokes and actions, and the one who would be there for me when i needed her. And its okay if you don't accept my confession because you probably think of me as a brother or friend but I still want to ask. So, Angel Choi, Do you want to be my girlfriend?

From your beloved Donghae, The east sea.


After I read the letter, Donghae came back and looked at me. He knelt down and handed me a red necklace box and I opened it. Inside was the most beautiful necklace that i had ever seen. It had angel wings and a purple diamond/gem in the middle. I was dying of happiness and over joy at the moment.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked. Then the tears started running down my cheeks and I nodded. 

"Of course! Yes!" I answered and hugged him. He kissed me on the lips and hugged me tighter. 

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Chapter 1: So beautiful!
Keep it up author-nim and have a Merry Christmas!