Let's Get Lost

Let's Get Lost


I meant for my voice to come out a bit more powerful, but somehow it ended up becoming the complete opposite.

“Yuri unnie...” I whispered again, my head peeking half way through the cracked door to my sleeping group member’s bedroom.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning and everyone was up and about, ready to enjoy the day.

Everyone except for Yuri, that is.

Usually, it was Jessica who caused problems such as this but they must have swapped bad habits over night. What annoyed me the most was the fact that I had to be the one to wake her up.

It being one of the youngest members sometimes.

Seohyun and I always had to do tasks the others refused to do whether it be washing the dishes, assist in helping prepare dinner, or waking up sleeping unnies…

Taeyeon sent me to wake Yuri, since Seohyun was already forced agaisnt her will in helping her and Hyoyeon prepare breakfast.

I hope she isn’t the cranky type

Taking in a steady breath, I slipped quietly inside, making sure to close the door behind me.

The room was silent and still.

Yuri was laying flat on her back; her tousled hair hung down loosely over her face, shielding her beauty. The flawless curves of her body were left uncovered by the crisp white sheets that were bunched up carelessly around her nicely tanned legs.

My palms began to sweat profusely. 

Why am I so nervous? It’s just Yuri…

…Sexy Yuri.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking such thoughts.

Stop it Yoona! Don’t think about her like that!


I couldn’t really help it.

She made it impossible to do so.

As I tiptoed closer to the bed, I could see the rise and fall of her chest. Each breath she took in was slow and steady. My fingers curled and uncurled themselves as I gathered up my much needed courage.


No response.

“Unnie…it’s time to wake up.”

The raven haired girl stirred a bit, shifting the position of her left arm so that it was draped across her exposed belly but remained asleep.

My hand rose up hesitantly to nudge her but it dropped back down to my side when the nerves kicked in.

Just do it.

I lightly tapped her shoulder.

She didn’t react.

I tried again, this time using a little more force.

No change occurred.

“Yuri unnie, please wake up, breakfast is almost ready…”

Impatience began take effect in me.

I lifted my left knee and set it onto the mattress, the bed springs creaking slightly at the sudden weight. Letting a few seconds pass, I allowed my other knee to rest next to it’s opposite.

“Unnie, wake up.” I grunted with irritation, swinging my right leg over her waist so that I was hovering above her.

A soft sigh was all I received.

Looks like we’re going to have to do this the hard way.

I placed both of my hands onto her bare shoulders, feeling her soft skin under my finger tips. Ignoring the throbbing in my tightened chest, I started to shake her gently.

“Time to get up, Unnie...”

Yuri’s angelic facial features was now reveled due to the movement I had initiated.

It was like a punch in the stomach.


My eyes were drawn to a particular area.

Those soft, plump lips of hers.

...Untouched lips.

Although the room was void of sound, my ears were pounding loudly with the beating of my heart. It was as if those lips of hers had its own gravitational pull, me in with full force.

I hadn’t realized just how close we were until I felt the tip of my nose brush against hers ever so slightly. My breathing grew ragged as I mindlessly began to close the final few inches between us…

But things took a different route.

In a blink of an eye, I was roughtly flipped over onto my back with very awake Yuri straddling my waist.

My mouth opened to speak only to have it taken captive by her.

An overwhelming rush of pleasure surged in my veins as our bodies meshed together, allowing me to feel every last curve of her perfect figure against my own.

Our lips moved together in a sensual pace.

A soft moan escaped me when she tenderly at my lower lip, playfully tugging at the soft muscle with her teeth. I felt myself get dizzy once our tongues clashed rapidly together in a passionate dance.

It all seemed like a dream.

My mind was spiraling out of control and at one point, I was sure that my heart burst due to the adrenaline constantly pumping through me.

But none of it mattered.

I wanted more.

Hips grinded rhythmically, hands wandered to certain area’s that caused shocked gasps and soft whimpers. Once oxygen came into play, we parted, both of us panting heavily. Seconds whizzed by as we struggled to control our harsh breathing.

Yuri was the first to recover. 

“Good morning…” She hummed, a lazy grin playing at her lips.

“Morning…” I managed say with a smile of my own.

She switched our positions so that she was now on the bottom with me laying half way on top of her. Her arms encircled my waist.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” She chuckled, twisting the loose strands of my hair around her fingers.

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

“You’ve been wanting to kiss me?”

Yuri nodded.

“For the longest…and judging by the way you reacted, you’ve been wanting it too.”

She laughed quietly as my cheeks became an even deeper shade of red.

Our ious actions had sent me to a place I’ve never been before.

It was as if lost myself for those few moments with her.

Somehow...that excited me.

“I should be a bum more often.” I heard her say.

That sentence alone trigged my thought process.

Instead of having morning breath like the average person who had just woken, I recall tasting a hint of mint during our kiss. Her face was also usually clear and freshly washed.

I nudged her side playfully as I puzzled the pieces together.

“You were awake the whole time weren’t you?”

She smirked slyly.

“You got me.”

“Why didn’t you get out of bed then?”

She shrugged.

“Like I said, I felt like being a bum and besides, I was hoping Taeng or the others would send you in to get me..." Her left hand cradled my chin. “I love seeing your face first thing in the morning.”

My heart fluttered inside my chest.

“Me too…” Was all I said before reuniting our lips.

We were so caught up in each other that we didn't notice someone standing in the door way.

"You guys on your honeymoon or something?" Taeyeon asked, altering us of her presence.

"T-Taeyeon unnie," I stuttered out in embarrassed, trying to remove myself from Yuri but she only tightened her grip around my waist.

"We are spending the day in bed." She said causally, resting her chin on top of my head.

"What the hell? Kwon Yuri, don't spread your lazy disease to innocent Yoong! I needed her help with cleaning today!"

"Go ask maknae to help you, Yoona is mine today."

Taeyeon stared at us momentarily before exiting out of the room with, mumbling a curse under her breath.

"So...I'm yours today huh?" I asked with a silly smile.

"All mine." She confirmed with blantant confidence.

"And we can do whatever we like?"

"It's up to us."

"Well then..." I gathered up the wrinkled fabric of her bed spread and whispered one last thing before submerging us underneath.

"Let's get lost in these sheets."


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aeries_ #3
taejellybean #4
Chapter 1: haha, cute and fluffy :) who could have thought that Yuri planned it all along corrupting Yoong :) nice story!
Chapter 1: this is so cute.. i want more ㄱㄱㄱ
Chapter 1: Wow what a naughty yul
i love it ^^
JoyBigbig #8
Chapter 1: hahahaha~ poor Taengoo .. Yuri will do everything for Yoona XD Please make another exciting and byuntiful fic about YoonYul XD
ThatFan #9
Chapter 1: That was very good! I will certainly read your other stories! =)
F1e_4pple #10
Chapter 1: woah... cool
love it :)