Waiting in hope

School 2013 Season 2

Ha Kyung sat in the hall as she kept staring down at her watch. It said 1.30 p.m. Ha Kyung felt herself seating at the edge of her seat eager for the orientation to end for the day. Her leg shook as she bit on her lip wanting the event to end as soon as possible.

“Alright students! That will be it for today. I will see all of you next time as a student of SNU again! You may dismiss.” The lecturer announced.

As soon as dismissal was announced, Ha Kyung ran for the door. She was going to be late, no she was late. It was the first day of her orientation as a student at S University and it was also the first day of Nam Sun enlisting into the army. Ha Kyung wanted to make sure she could see him one last time before he left. Ha Kyung ran as fast as she could. She quickly hailed a cab and rushed the driver to send her to the military base.

* * * *

Nam Sun looked around nervously waiting for Ha Kyung to appear. He glanced down at his watch that showed 1.15 p.m. He had to enter by 2p.m and Ha Kyung was nowhere to be found.

“She’s coming, don’t worry.” Kang Joo said encouragingly as she squeezed Nam Sun’s arm.

Nam Sun only gave her a wry smile as Heung Soo gave him a pat on the shoulder.

“I wish I could stay longer but I need to get to work.” Heung Soo said as he gave Nam Sun an apologetic smile.

“It’s okay. You guys go. I’ve still got a little time.” Nam Sun said.

“We’ll see you during your leaves right?” Kang Joo asked and Nam Sun nodded his head.

“Take care.” Heung Soo said giving him a brotherly hug.

Kang Joo too hugged him and left with Heung Soo by her side. Nam Sun waved back at Kang Joo as he watched their backs slowly disappear. Nam Sun clasped his hand as he still looked around for any signs of Ha Kyung. Time passed by and slowly every single man that was enlisting entered the base camp. Nam Sun kept glancing at his watch as he held tight onto the envelope in his hand.

“Ko Nam Sun? Is that you?” A female voice called him.

Nam Sun turned towards the voice to see Gil Eun Hye standing a few steps away from him. She stood with her arms crossed and a smug smirk on her face.

“You’re enlisting today too?” She asked as if it was an amusing thing.

“What are you doing here?” Nam Sun asked disinterested as his eyes still searched for Ha Kyung.

Eun Hye followed Nam Sun’s eyes to realize he was searching for someone.

“Finding for someone?” She asked but Nam Sun never answered.

“Is that…. For Ha Kyung?” She asked pointing at the envelope in Nam Sun’s hand.

Nam Sun tried to ignore the fact that she was actually talking to him as he glanced down at his clock. He had only 2 minutes left.

“Young man! Quick!” An army called to him from the front gate of the base camp.

“I’m coming!” Nam Sun answered back as he nervously continues looking out for Ha Kyung.

“She seems to be running late. I can give that to her for you.” Eun Hye said snatching the letter from his hand.

Nam Sun tried to take it back but the army by the gate kept calling for him.

“Go. I’ll make sure she gets the message.” Eun Hye said smiling back at him.

Nam Sun hesitated but he had no more time, slowly his feet started moving towards the gate but his eyes still tried to search for Ha Kyung. He then realized she wasn’t going to be there. Nam Sun sighed as he turned around and walked into the base camp feeling empty inside of him. Eun Hye waved at Nam Sun’s back as she smiled. Soon enough, the gates to the base camp closed behind him.

“Song Ha Kyung… You think you can get everything you want? Over my dead body.” Eun Hye mumbled as she slowly ripped apart the letter in her hand.

She then released the bits and pieces of the letter from her hand and allowed the wind to blow away what was left of it. Just when Eun Hye had released the last bit of the letter, she turned around to see Ha Kyung running towards her. Her lips turned into a smirk as she waited for Ha Kyung to reach nearer to her. Ha Kyung didn’t even bother to look around her as all she was thinking about was to reach to Nam Sun but as soon as she reached the gate, she realized that she was too late.

The gate was closed shut and no one was lingering around the area anymore except for a woman standing not too far from the gate. Ha Kyung peeped through the narrow opening of the gate hoping to get a glance of Nam Sun if it was possible but she couldn’t see anything. Ha Kyung sighed and turned around.

“Were you planning to see someone?” Eun Hye spoke up suddenly.

Ha Kyung glanced over to the woman she noticed earlier to finally recognize her as Gil Eun Hye. Ha Kyung adjusted her purse and decided to act like she hadn’t heard her.

"Ko Nam Sun isn’t it?” Eun Hye spoke just as Ha Kyung took a step forward.

Ha Kyung bit onto her lip as she turned her head slightly making it able for her to see Eun Hye’s figure through the tail of her eyes.

“I think he left a message somewhere.” Eun Hye said that made Ha Kyung turn to face her.

“Or… maybe not?” Eun Hye said in a teasing manner as she smirked with her arms crossed.

The way Eun Hye acted just made Ha Kyung angry. Ha Kyung decided that Eun Hye was just trying to mess with her so she turned around and walked away hoping she would never see that spiteful girl again.

“It’s your lost if you don’t want to believe me!” Eun Hye yelled as Ha Kyung walked further and further away.

Finally when Ha Kyung was no longer near the base camp, Ha Kyung allowed her feet to bring her to wherever she felt like going. At the moment, she felt like she was in a daze feeling so upset that she wasn’t able to say her goodbyes to Nam Sun before he left. Just then, she felt her phone buzzing in the pocket of her jacket. She pulled it out to see an incoming call from Kang Joo.


Kang Joo: Ha Kyung ah! Did you reach on time? Did you see Nam Sun?

Ha Kyung: Nope…

Kang Joo: Owh…

There was silence between them for a moment before Ha Kyung spoke up again.

Ha Kyung: Kwenchana. I can still write to him right? It’s not like I’m never seeing him again.

Kang Joo: You’re right. Anyways, cheer up okay? We’ll go visit him the next time he gets a day off or something.

Ha Kyung: Araso.

Kang Joo: Anyways, I gotta go. I’ll call you later.

Ha Kyung ended the phone call and realized she was standing near the entrance of a neighborhood park. She walked in and sat down on one of the empty benches under a lamp post. Ha Kyung sighed as she looked down at her phone in her hand.

“Did he even texted me?” Ha Kyung asked herself as she started going through her phone.

To her disappointment, there weren’t a single call or even a mere text message. Ha Kyung could only bare a sigh as she leaned against the wooden bench. Sitting there alone in the day that was getting darker by the minute, it made her wonder whether if she was ever important to him. If she was, wouldn’t he at least texted her a little message or something?

“Aish, Song Ha Kyung stop thinking nonsense!” Ha Kyung said to herself out loud.

Ha Kyung realized that the day had gotten darker so she got off the bench and started walking to a direction she thought would feel familiar to her. Ha Kyung didn’t give much thought but she ended up right in front of the front gate of Seung Ri High School. Ha Kyung just gave one last look at the school before she turned and walked away. There was nothing for her to go back there again.

Ha Kyung continued walking till she reached upon the hot dog restaurant that Kang Joo liked going to. Ha Kyung smiled remembering how Kang Joo so often liked to eat there after school hours and sometimes Nam Sun and Heung Soo would “tag” along too. Though she did wonder if the four of them could meet up as often as they used to now that they the three of them is starting college and Nam Sun being in the army. Even Kang Joo and Heung Soo would be much busier than she is with their part time jobs.

“Kang Joo ah, do you have time? If you do, let’s talk.”-Song Ha Kyung

Ha Kyung sent a text message to Kang Joo and crossed the road to the street vendor across the hot dog restaurant.

“Ahjumma! One bowl of udon and a bottle of soju please!” Ha Kyung took her order as she sat down on an empty table.

“My shift ends at 7. Can you wait?” –Lee Kang Joo

Ha Kyung glanced at her watch that showed 5.30 p.m.

“Keurae. See you at the stall across your favourite hot dog restaurant.”-Song Ha Kyung

For the next hour, Ha Kyung sat there as she ate and drank and drank and drank. Ha Kyung sighed as she prop her arm on the table and rested her chin on her palm.

“Ko Nam Sun, you mean jerk.” Ha Kyung blurted as she poured another shot of soju.

“Couldn’t you at least called me or something?! Haish!” Ha Kyung mumbled as she gulped down her drink.

Ha Kyung hadn’t noticed how long she had actually been sitting there drinking. Just about a little past 7, Kang Joo appeared by entrance of the stall as she searched for Ha Kyung. When Kang Joo had finally found her, Ha Kyung was leaning against the table with her head hanging down.

“Where is she?” Heung Soo asked appearing next to Kang Joo.

“Right there.” Kang Joo answered pointing towards Ha Kyung.

"And pretty much drunk.” Kang Joo said again as she shook her head making her way towards Ha Kyung.

Ha Kyung finally lifted her head and noticed Kang Joo taking a seat in front of her followed by Heung Soo.

“Owh! What are YOU doing here?” Ha Kyung said pointing towards Heung Soo as she emphasized the word ‘you’.

“We were going to get dinner together?” Kang Joo explained.

“Owh…. Keurae?” Ha Kyung smiled as she nodded her head, pouring another glass for herself.

“Yah! Song Ha Kyung, what are you doing drinking here all alone?” Kang Joo scolded as she snatched the bottle from Ha Kyung’s hand.

Ha Kyung glared at Kang Joo before she snatched the bottle back and drank the glass of soju she had just poured for herself.

“I can drink anytime, anywhere I want! Araso?!” Ha Kyung scolded Kang Joo back with her lips pursed.

“Yah! You said you wanted to talk so stop drinking!” Kang Joo yelled as she took the bottle from Ha Kyung’s hand.

“Aish…Araso, araso! “ Ha Kyung yelled as she placed her shot glass down.

“So, what was it you wanted to talk about?” Kang Joo asked.

“Kang Joo ah… I was thinking earlier… erm… “ Ha Kyung said before she started giggling.


“I was thinking… Why not we move in together?” Ha Kyung said finally as she hugged Kang Joo’s arm and looked her in the eye.

Kang Joo went quiet and looked away from Ha Kyung.

“So?” Ha Kyung asked not letting go of Kang Joo’s arm.

“So, you’re drunk! Let’s get you home. We’ll talk when you’re actually sober.” Kang Joo said picking up Ha Kyung’s belongings.

“Yah! I’m not drunk!” Ha Kyung yelled back at her as she pouted.

“Can you help me carry her?” Kang Joo asked Heung Soo who had been quietly sitting by.

Heung Soo smirked and shook his head as he went to carry the drunken Ha Kyung. To him, the two best friends were just exactly the same. The both of them couldn’t hold their alcohol well but still insist on drinking. Kang Joo paid for Ha Kyung’s bill and they left the stall. Kang Joo walked quietly with Heung Soo next to her and Ha Kyung on his back.

“What bad luck do I have, having to carry both of you drunk?” Heung Soo muttered.

“Mian.” Kang Joo apologized embarrassedly.

Heung Soo didn’t say anything but quietly smirked as he glanced at Kang Joo. Kang Joo may have been too embarrassed to look at Heung Soo that she was walking with her head down.

“Forget it. It doesn’t matter.” Heung Soo said.

“Still, sorry that you had to do this.” She said.

“So, we’re sending her home right?” Heung Soo asked as he adjusted Ha Kyung on his back.

“Owh, no we’re not. I’ll just let her stay at my place for the night.” Kang Joo said as she walked ahead of him.

They walked for a little distance before they reached Kang Joo’s place. The one roomed house was not lit as all the lights were off. The two of them quietly entered Kang Joo’s room and placed Ha Kyung on the single mattress she had laid on the floor. Kang Joo took off Ha Kyung’s jacket and tucked her in. After Ha Kyung was tucked in, Kang Joo and Heung Soo quietly slipped out again.

“Why?” Heung Soo asked suddenly when they were walking.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Kang Joo asked clueless.

“Why didn’t you just send her home?”

“I’m not trying to take the gamble incase her parents are home. Her parents would kill her if they saw her going home like that. More, they’d think I made her drink.” Kang Joo said as she smiled bitterly.

“Why would they think it’s your fault anyway?” Heung Soo asked.

“The rich will always be prejudiced towards the poor won’t they?” Kang Joo said it like it was a known fact.

Heung Soo went quiet. She was right. That was how the world worked. The ones that are rich and powerful would always be prejudiced towards the weak and poor. No one gives a piece of thought to those that are poor and only the ones that are rich will be respected and influenced.

“Anyways, you must be hungry. Wanna go get dinner?” Kang Joo said back to her old perky self.

Heung Soo was drawn away from his thoughts as he nodded his head towards Kang Joo. Kang Joo smiled at him before she hooked her arm with his and pulled him. Somehow it made him smile seeing how easily she brushes off worries and pastes a smile on her face like it was nothing.


I'm sorry to make Nam Sun leave the story for a while... Though his suppose to be one of the lead but I'll make sure you guys won't be disappointed with the outcome later... >_<

Anyways, thanks to the new subscribers!! Thank you for choosing to read my story!! I hope you guys enjoyed it so far! ^_^

Lots and lots of love and thank you!! ♥

SPOILER!!!: The new chracter comes in the next chapter... So, hope you guys will like it!!

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Should I update the last chapter today?? But I don't want to end it so soon!! >_


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Ahmadmursidin #1
School 2013 season 2 sudah rilis belom???
320 streak #2
Chapter 33: Wow! The ending was nicely done! ^^
320 streak #3
Chapter 15: Wahhhhh is he gonna stop because of her? Nice Heungsoo. But you better do it also because you want it. :D
320 streak #4
Chapter 5: Oh, as I have been reading this, I just realized, this might not be a HeungSoon fic. lol! oh well, since I already started, I might as well read it till the end. ^^
exoisalways1 #5
Chapter 1: i wish they really made school 2013...
will they?
I'm going to start reading today! Just found it hehe.< and i loved the tv serie so i hope this is even better!!!
Chapter 2: Finally ~ I found this fic XDD This fic is so popular in my FL lululul
puputshp #8
Chapter 33: hohooo... good ff.. great endingg.. i love happy ending ff :D
Kiomeeka #9
Chapter 5: You really need to go back and change 'Ko' Nam 'Sun' to Go Nam-soon. I like your story so far but every time I read his name it distracts me cause its wrong. Even your tag is spelt wrong.