


I sat on the rough tiles of the rooftop, not minding the few loose ones beneath my feet. I stretched out my long and slim fingers and legs.
Is it because I couldn’t speak means I get ignored? I couldn’t help but wonder. Though I had friends and loving parents, because I was born without the beautiful ability to make a sound, it was like I was never here. Everyone would simply forget me.
I’m always invisible. Non-existing.
I stared out at the misty city that was laid out in front of me like a map, clenching my fingers together and placing them at my side.
The ladder that leads up to the roof creaked painfully behind me. I unclenched my fist slowly and shifted my gaze from the city to the tiles, inspecting the bumps and cracks that ran through some of them. It reminded me that nothing is perfect, even the simplest of things.
“Oh, annyeong~” I heard a voice call out as they scrambled down the tiles to where I was sitting. My eyes remained on the imperfect tiles.
“Hello? Are you alright?” I shifted my head slightly and used the corner of my eyes to make out who it was.
Oh. Taemin. From my grade.
He probably can’t recognize me, let alone remember me. Or know me. I didn’t look at him and remained silent. Not that I had a much of a choice. I let my fingers weave through my hair distractedly.
“____? Is that you…?” Taemin called out, leaning forward to take a glance at me.
Well, I guess he does remember me after all. I turned to him and a forced a smile. His puppy like eyes lit up and he grinned brightly.
“It is you! Hey! Are you alright?” I felt my fake smile soften into a real one.
One of the good things about this kid; he didn’t talk to me loudly like I was deaf or stupid, unlike some people. Plus he treated me equally.
Slowly, I nodded. Taemin chuckled and shifted closer to me.
“That’s good to know.” Silence filled the damp air. I tugged unknowingly at my sleeve, feeling a tad awkward. I ducked my head and quickly sneaked at glance at Taemin. He was staring out at the city, probably lost in his thoughts. I let out an inaudible sigh and tilted my head back towards the sky filled with white wispy clouds.
“You know…” Taemin glanced up and smiled softly. “That you’re really pretty?” He finished hesitantly, rolling a piece of thread in between his fingers. I didn’t look at him, not wanting to show my surprised face and let my long hair fall down like a curtain surrounding my face. No one had ever said that to me. My mouth fell open, to thank him and momentarily forgetting about my voicelessness. Instead, I faced him fully and beamed, my way of saying thanks. Taemin only blushed in return, looking like he didn’t believe he just said that.
“And… I. Really. Like. You.” He basically forced himself to say it slowly and quickly leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek. But soon after he was already clambering down the ladder before I could react.
A smile spread on my face.

Speechless just wouldn’t be the right word anymore.


A/N: No idea what I just wrote, tbh. 
Doesn't make too much sense to me now... -.-"
Well, anyways~ Hope you enjoy'd it either way! 



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Chapter 1: ahaha! that was sooooo fluffy *^* and you should give a rose to your crush too *wink wink*
Chapter 1: aww me gusta this one (:
Joyvin #3
Chapter 1: Aw this is nice!