
I Love my Bestfriend... Literally

     Months passed and little by little the once broken friendship between Key and Jonghyun began to rebuild itself. Taemin no longer shared a room with Onew and instead moved to Jonghyun's room. Trusting was an issue with both Key and Jonghyun. Key had trust problems with Jonghyun while Jonghyun had problems trusting pretty much anyone. Valentines day was today and the broken hearts had healed. 

     "Happy Valentines day everyone!" Taemin yelled giving everyone a warm hug. The house was filled with love and it was as if nothing had ever happened. The only difference was that Key had grown close to another person. Minho. They did everything together. It was as if he was his bestfriend now.

    Everyone went back to their rooms and got ready to go out for their special breakfast at IHOP. "Is everyone ready?" Minho asked after only Key and Taemin were still getting ready. "Five more minutes!" Key yelled from the bathroom. "Yeah he won't be out for like another hour" Jonghyun chuckled. "Let's go to the car to wait for them. Maybe that'll make the come out faster." Onew suggested.

     After a few minutes in the car, Key and Taemin were finally ready. Key took a seat in the passanger seat and Taemin sat in the back between Minho and Onew. "Are you ready now?" Jonghyun asked making sure. Taemin and Key nodded in response. "Great so let's go" Jonghyun said before beginning to drive to the restaurant.

     "There's a lot of people" Onew said when the waiter left with their order. "Its valentines day, what do you expect?" Taemin asked, continueing to color on a napkin with a green crayon he found lying around "You are such a kid" Jonghyun chuckled when he looked at Taemin's dinosaur. "Its you" Taemin showed them his completed drawing. "That could be your twin" Onew held back his laughter. Let's just say it wasn't the best drawn dinosaur. It sort of looked like a 5 year old could do better. "I am offended" Jonghyun faked a surprised gasp and everyone laughed.

     "Here is your food" the waiter said placing a plate in front of everyone. "Thanks" Minho answered for everyone. "Happy Valentines Day" she said before leaving. "I think she likes you" Key told Minho when the waiter was out of sight. "Yeah I think I saw her blush" Jonghyun added. "Well I do have that effect on girls" Minho said making the rest laugh again.

     Once they finished eating, they paid for the food and went outside. Minho took a deep breath. "Key" he said and Key turned around. "I want to ask you something" Minho grabbed Key's hand. "You know I like you" Taemin and Jonghyun stared at eachother wide eyed, already knowing what was going to happen. "And I know you like me. So today on Valentines day I want to ask you a question." Key looked scared to say the least and didn't even look Minho in the eyes. "Will you be mine?" Minho lightly grabbed Key by the chin and turned his head so Key was looking at him. Key thought for a while before replying... "Yes"

     Hey guys! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday but I had to go to my highschool orientations and didn't get out until 1 in the afternoon and then my mom took me to so many places to shop for new clothes for school, to get my hair cut, to get new shoes, ect. And by the time I got back I had to shower and stuff and by that time it was already too late. But anyways How was the chapter? A big thank you to my 60 subscribers, to those of you who comment, and to the 3 people who upvoted. Next chapter will be up tomorrow. Don't forget to Comment, Subscribe, and Upvote if you really like the story. Ok so that's it for now, I'll see you guys tommorow. Bye~ <3

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Chapter 17: hmmm 2min.so nice chp.
Shawol181220 #2
Chapter 17: 2min moment ! <3 I am still pissed with minho for the jongkey break-up even though they are together lol
AptonKey #4
Chapter 17: Umm. Unexpected
Chapter 16: a good chp.liked it and thanks for the update
ykitty #7
Chapter 16: what? committing suicide?
BlackRabbit21 #8
Chapter 16: Yea! Jongkey is back!!!! I'm so happy for you Jonghyun! Hope you learned to trust him more Key. Minho don't do anything stupid! Well studied since your first stupid mistake was braking Jongkey! Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 15: good update
you can't stop here ! ooooooooooh mmmmmmmmy goooooooooood please update soon !