Heart Broken

I Love my Bestfriend... Literally

     "Minho, can I sleep in your room tonight?" Key asked once his loud cries turned into small sobs. "Sure" Minho replied with a warm smile. "What about Taemin?" Onew looked over at Taemin. "No worries, I'll sleep with Onew tonight or until you need me to" Taemin answered and Key nodded. "It's getting late, we should go to sleep" Onew said. "Yeah let's go" Minho said grabbing Key's hand. "What about Jonghyun?" Taemin whispered to Onew when Key and Minho were gone. "Who cares? Doesn't seem like he cared much about Key." Onew glared at Jonghyun's door. "But he would never do something like that. Especially to Key" Taemin bit his lip. "Yet he still did and you saw it with your own two eyes" Onew said walking into his room followed by Taemin. "Seeing isn't always believing and why would he bring her here?" Taemin asked as he took a shirt and pants that Onew offered him to sleep in. "Well.... I don't know but I guess we'll find out later. Good night" Onew said laying in bed. "Good night" Taemin turned off the lights and went to sleep.

     Minho put his arm around Key's waist and pulled him close. "S-stop... please" Key said removing Minho's hand. "Sorry." Minho apologized. "Its just that... it just hurts" Key began to cry. "Shhh shh. Its okay. Don't cry" Minho pulled Key into a hug. "M-my heart hurts! He promised he wouldn't hurt me" Key stuttered. "I know. He's and for hurting you" Minho said calmly. "Can I tell you something?" Minho asked when Key calmed down a bit. "Mhmm" Key hummed in response. "I... I like you Key" Key looked up at him with wide eyes. "Minho" Key said in disbelief. "I'm not pressuring you. I just needed to tell you. I know your going through something difficult but I just want you to keep that in mind. I'll wait for you. I'll wait a hundred years if I have too" Minho smiled. "Minho" "Yeah?" "Thanks" Key blushed. Soon both males were asleep.

     "Oh my god Key. I had the worst drea- oh" Jonghyun stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Key wasn't in his bed. Jonghyun sat up and tears started rolling down his cheeks as he remembered everything that happened the day before. He lost his boyfriend and bestfriend. Worst part was that he was telling the truth but no one believed him. If he hadn't let Se Kyung in none of this would have ever happened. People say that things happen for a reason, but what was the reason for all of this. What did he ever do to deserve this. This had to be fixed. Grabbing a pair of regular clothes and putting them on, he walked to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, then walked out. Since it was still really early, no one noticed him leave the house.

     It was already 10 and everyone was up. Taemin offered to cook since Key didn't even want to get out of bed. "Where's Jonghyun?" Onew asked, saying his name in disgust, when he noticed Jonghyun's door was open but he wasn't in his room. "Probably at Se Kyung's" Minho shrugged. The plan was going well... or at least for him. "You don't know that" Taemin frowned. "No but he could be" Onew shrugged. "Let's all just shut up and eat" Taemin said placing a plate of pancakes in front of Onew and Minho. "Why are you so defensive of Jonghyun anyway? Is he your crush?" Onew teased. "No, I just don't believe it. He wouldn't even think about hurting Key" Taemin said angrily. "Again with that? You are blind if you think that. We saw them yesterday. All four of us" "Listen Jinki, If you believe that, the you are blind. Did you never see the love and care that showed in Jonghyun's eyes when he simply looked at Key?" Taemin said coldly. "We saw what happened yesterday" Minho butted in. "Whatever" Taemin rolled his eyes heading to Minho's room to give Key his food.

     "Key?" Taemin said putting a smile on his face and sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'm not hungry" Key mumbled under the covers. "I knew you would say that" Taemin pulled down the covers to reveal Key's face. "Can I be alone please?" Key tried to pull the sheets over his head but couldn't since Taemin was holding them. "I won't leave until you eat" Taemin said pulling the plate closer to Key. "Well turns out I don't want you to leave" Key smiled. "You want to this the hard way or the easy way" "Hmm, the hard way" "Fine then" Taemin smirked making his way to Key's room. "Those new shoes of yours? They're the first to go" Taemin laughed closing the door knowing that that would work. "Wait what?! No! Fine I'll eat" Key yelled, jumping out of bed and running after Taemin.

     "Stupid! I'm so stupid! Why did I even let her in?!" Jonghyun yelled at himself once again as he was driving. "Why do all bad things happen to me?" Jonghyun's eyes began to sting from all the tears he was holding back. "Things can't stay this way. They can't" he said turning onto a familiar street and parking in front of a mocha colored house. Jonghyun got out of his car and walked to the door, ringing the door bell. "Jonghyun Oppa I knew you come for me!" A dark haired girl yelled hugging Jonghyun by the neck. "No Se Kyung. We need to talk" Jonghyun replied coldy, glaring, and removing her hands from his neck.

A/N:   Hey everyone! So what did you think??? Was it good :D, ok :/, or bad D:? MinKey starts here but for those of you who only ship JongKey or you don't want MinKey, don't worry it will only last for a few chapters. A big thank you my 56 subscribers and to AptonKey for upvoting this story *bows to all you awesome people* I hope you enjoy reading. Questions, suggestions, and opinions are always welcome so don't forget to comment and subscribe. Next update will be in a couple days because I have to update Monster  That's it for now. See you guys Chapter 12

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Chapter 17: hmmm 2min.so nice chp.
Shawol181220 #2
Chapter 17: 2min moment ! <3 I am still pissed with minho for the jongkey break-up even though they are together lol
AptonKey #4
Chapter 17: Umm. Unexpected
Chapter 16: a good chp.liked it and thanks for the update
ykitty #7
Chapter 16: what? committing suicide?
BlackRabbit21 #8
Chapter 16: Yea! Jongkey is back!!!! I'm so happy for you Jonghyun! Hope you learned to trust him more Key. Minho don't do anything stupid! Well studied since your first stupid mistake was braking Jongkey! Can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 15: good update
you can't stop here ! ooooooooooh mmmmmmmmy goooooooooood please update soon !