a normal school day?

My personal Bodyguard

the next you looked around before you went into schol and sighed, no sign of Jaejoong, good.

You took your seat at the back of the class as usual, you pulled out your books and started to read, it was better to be prepared before the lesson.

‘look at that guy’ one of the girl squealed as they faced the window

‘who’s he? He’s handsome’ they carried on

You sighed, what was up these girls. You turn to see Jonghyun, he looked handsome as usual as he sat next to.

You turned your attention back to your book

‘Excuse me, it this seat taken?’ you heard a familiar voice, you looked up to see Jaejoong, unlike yesterday, he was dressed in a shirt and jeans, you had to admit he looked handsome

‘What are...’ but before you could finish the teacher entered,

He sat next you,

You sighed

‘eeveybody’ the teacher started ‘I would like to introduce a new student today Hero Jaejoong, please make him feel welcome’, the whole clapped as he got up

‘please take care of me’ he bowed, all the girls squealed,

You rolled your eyes.

As soon as class finishes you rushed out, it was so hard to concentrate in the lesson when he was sitting next you, you turned to see him following you.

Sheesh, why was he stuck to you like glue, had he not gotten the message last time.

By lunchtime you had enough.

You turned grabbed onto him, looked around and went into a classroom

‘why the hell do you keep following, I thought I told you yesterday to’ but before you could continue, he grabbed on to you and pushed you until your back the wall.

He placed his hands on either side

‘look, I hate this as much as you do, I have better things to do then babysit some girl’ he exclaimed ‘but I have no choice, I’m in charge and I’m not letting you out of my sight, got it’

You turned to look at him, your face only inches from his, he looked serious.

Just as you were about to open your mouth, the door slammed

You both turn turned to see the class staring at you, you spotted Jonghyun staring. You quickly heisted and pushed Jaejoong off and ran to your seat.

You could a few girls murmur

‘what the hell was he doing talking to her’

‘he’s was probably asking her maths questions’ another girl added

Everybody took their seats, and a few girls went up to Jaejoong and started to flirt with him, the door opened.

You turned to see Tiffany, she flicked her hair. You sighed, she was absolutely beautiful, with her long black hair and cute smile she amazed all boys in class,

She turned and noticed Jaejoong, she didn’t say anything but she passed him and gave him one of her famous smiles.

You laughed to yourself, she was playing hard to get,

Good luck getting his attention. 

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Chapter 25: Oh my god!

This would never get updated right?
please update soon!!
ahhh please update!
I got the feeling that its Jonghyun ! <br />
Please update soon! The suspense is killing me !
Eruzayuki #5
Wow,,who is that?update soon.. :D
suspense O: I wonder who that is >D<br />
very good story! I love it :3
i just finished reading from the first chapter about 30 minutes ago. and this fic is awesome!! :D i can't believe that jonghyun is a jerk. jaejoong is super sweet and nice. but he is not anymore since mina is back. --' anyway, update soon! i'll be waiting. and SUBSCRIBED! :D
melanarbs #8
o_o!!! WHO WAS THAT?!
melanarbs #9
uuh... New reader here... Hi! L0ve this fic btw!
Eruzayuki #10
Finnaly you update..thanks fo the update..please update soon :)