
My personal Bodyguard

You wake up the next day with a massive headache; you remember yesterday’s events and shiver.

You get out of bed and get dressed, you have to remember to thank Jaejoong, he saved you and brought you all the way home in the rain in his arms.

You had to thank him maybe get him a present, you thought, as you finished getting dressed and went downstairs.

But instead of Jaejoong waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs there was another man, you turned to him ‘who are you?’

‘Your bodyguard for today’ he replied

Without another word you headed to your dads office, what had happened to Jaejoong? Had he quit? Did you annoy him to much?

‘H e called up sick’ your dad smiled

‘oh’ so he didn’t quit, but wait... it was your fault he was ill, if he hadn’t carried you in the rain, he would of been fine.

You paused and after a few minutes you turned to your dad ‘don’t wait up for me tonight, I will be late’ you exclaimed and you left the room

‘Wait, but tomorrow’ your father exclaimed, but it was too late you had already left.


You stood in front of the building, you had finished school and got the driver to give you Jaejoong’s address, you partially begged your bodyguard to let you go by yourself.

You had to give him a visit, he was sick and it was your fault, you stopped by the store and got him flowers, it was the least you could do.

You breathed in and rang the bell, but there was no answer, he was probably sleeping, you considered going home, but before you could do anything the door opened.

You eyes widened as you saw Jaejoong, he was in a vest and tracksuit not only did he looked hot but he looked ill, his hair ruffled and his nose red.

‘what was are you doing here?’ he exclaimed

But you didn’t say anything and just walked past him and into the house

‘make yourself at home, why don’t you’ he mumbled

You stood in the middle of the living room looking for the kitchen. As any other guy his house was a complete a mess, his clothes all over the place, plates everywhere.

You didn’t say anything as you walked into the kitchen, you had to find a vase to put the flowers in, the kitchen was no different to the other rooms, you opened to the fridge ‘why the hell is your fridge empty?’ you exclaimed, as you found a vase in one of the cupboard and put the flower in.

‘I order out’ he exclaimed

You sighed, such a typical guy.

You walked into the living room to see him lying on the couch

‘yah!!!!How do you accept to get better in this type of environment?’ you exclaimed

‘hold on’ you paused and got out your cell phone, you called the bodyguard downstairs and gave him a list of things to get from the supermarket.

‘why would I need all that disgusting food’ Jaejoong sighed

You assumed he was talking about vegetables

‘To get healthy, you have to eat healthy’ you said as you started to clean the living room

‘why are you doing this?’ he asked ‘you feel like my mother’

You smiled ‘I owe you, your always taking care of me, I thought I’d do the same for you’

‘but I get paid to do so’

You paused, he was right but he was always nice, today you had spent the day with another bodyguard and he wasn’t as caring as Jaejoong was, he just stood expressionless following you everywhere you went, he didn’t speak or smile, he searched anybody that came at least 5 feet of you.

By the time he had got the food, you had cleared the living room, put all the clothes in the washing and washed all the plates; you really did feel like his mum.

Once the food came, you made him chicken soup, luckily whenever your dad was ill you had made him soup, so you knew what you were doing.

By the time you had finished Jaejoong had stopped watching TV and lay there

‘yah get up and eat something healthy’ you exclaimed as you placed the soup on what now was a clean table

‘you didn’t have to do this, you know?’ he sighed as he got up

‘it fine, just eat this and go to your bed, so you can have proper rest’ you said, as you walked into the kitchen to clear up

Once you had finished Jaejoong had already finished and was asleep.

You smiled once you went into his room, he lay on top of the cover, and he hadn’t bothered to put the covers over him.

You gently pulled the cover from under him to over him, and that is when you realised that he was fidgeting and sweating, he had a fever, you quickly got him a wet towel . You lay it over his head and sat on the chair next to his bed you had to make sure he was ok. He was handsome when he slept, so beautiful and peaceful. 

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Chapter 25: Oh my god!

This would never get updated right?
please update soon!!
ahhh please update!
I got the feeling that its Jonghyun ! <br />
Please update soon! The suspense is killing me !
Eruzayuki #5
Wow,,who is that?update soon.. :D
suspense O: I wonder who that is >D<br />
very good story! I love it :3
i just finished reading from the first chapter about 30 minutes ago. and this fic is awesome!! :D i can't believe that jonghyun is a jerk. jaejoong is super sweet and nice. but he is not anymore since mina is back. --' anyway, update soon! i'll be waiting. and SUBSCRIBED! :D
melanarbs #8
o_o!!! WHO WAS THAT?!
melanarbs #9
uuh... New reader here... Hi! L0ve this fic btw!
Eruzayuki #10
Finnaly you update..thanks fo the update..please update soon :)