Field Trip


this isn't my first fanfic but it kinda is because i delete the last one because its getting bad as i continue to write it...

hope you guys shows alot of love to this!!!!!

lpease subscribe or comment dont read it without leaving a comment i really needed your help...




You are going on a Field Trip with the entire grade to the beach as a celerabration for your last year as a High Schooler. As you are going on bus the teacher assign the seat for all of the student including you. You were assigned to the last row of the school bus. As you sit at your assigned seat, you immedeately notice the awkward sitting, because you have a crush on this guy who is sitting right next to you, but he never know, or talked to you before, he always ignored you whenever you got here him or trying to say Hi to him.



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supahdupahdope #1
Chapter 1: cool story i am starting 2 like it!!!! next level:<3 it!!!

and a....check the spellings ok?

thanks ;)
Geegee123 #2
Chapter 12: Oh myy gurdd!!! That was sooo goood!!!!! XD Love it!!!!!
Chapter 4: (((: I really like this story ^^
> < I wanna know what happens next~ :P