Not Sure



When I was sure he was okay I finally suggested that we leave as it was half past closing and I was pretty sure someone would think we were loitering. When we got outside we could instantly see how much the scenery had changed in that hour. There were barely any people out on the streets, and the snowfall became twice as heavy.
I pulled out my phone, expecting it to be past midnight, but it was only 10:30. I looked to the man.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” I couldn’t help but ask again.
“Yeah.” He shivered. “I’ll be going now. It was nice meeting you Kai.” He bowed and began heading down the street. He didn’t even give me time to reciprocate before he left… I shrugged my shoulders and turned to head towards my house. After only three steps I heard a loud thud and stopped in my tracks.
I turned around to see what it was and saw Kyungsoo on the ground, rubbing his behind. I quickly walked over and bent down in front of him, much as a parent would to praise or scold their child, and looked down to a pouting boy with red cheeks and big, round eyes.
“Ow…” He complained as he rubbed his bum.
I stared him down. I’ve known this man an hour and all that’s happened had been bad.
“Maybe I should walk you home. You may say you’re fine but it seems danger has a way of finding you.”
His full, thick lips were quite noticeable this close up and made me wonder how old he truly was, as it contrasted with  the childish aura he was emitting. Should I be using honorifics? Was it wrong for him to call me ‘sir’?
“Here.” I reached out my hand. “Let me help you up.”
With hesitation did he allow me to hook my hand under his arm and lift him up. He protested my following him but I could care less. 
Snow was still falling pretty heavily when we started on our way and I couldn’t help but notice at how he shivered near constantly. I wasn’t surprised though- he was pretty small. He was maybe 5’7, 5’8 maximum and had a small frame. There was barely any meat on his bones. Nothing to keep him warm. 
I decided that, well if I ever see him again anyways, next time maybe I could offer a scarf or something. Something he can add to his outfit of two jackets and jeans since that obviously wasn’t doing enough to keep him warm.
We had walked in silence for about a block. I was about to spark up a conversation when I saw Kyungsoo’s leg falter and his arm fly up to balance him. I instantly reached out my arms to steady him, making sure he didn’t fall.
After a second of making sure he had his balance, I let go.
“T-thanks. My shoes are making me slip on the ice. I might as well walk barefoot.” He ‘tsked’ and rolled his eyes off to the side. I cracked a smile. 
Perhaps he had a little diva in him?
“Well, while we’re on our way, why don’t you tell me about yourself. And we should probably say how old we are so we’re not accidentally disrespecting each other. And I know that sounds weird but I swear I’m not a weirdo or anything asking for your information on the first meet and oh my god im rambling on and on and-”
A beautiful, angelic laugh escaped his frosted lips and I had to do a double take to make sure that I wasn’t hearing things. A puff of air could be seen dissipating in the air and I caught a hint of a smile on his frost-bitten face.
“It’s alright Kai. I know you’re not weird. And I would do the same thing if I met a new person.” He took a short pause and continued on. “Well, to start off, I’m twenty-one years old.”
My mouth dropped.
There was no way this boy… this man* could be two years older than me. He looks so much younger. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he was my age.
“What, is that a bad thing?” He interrupted my thoughts and I closed the mouth I hadn’t realized was that open.
“N-no, I was just surprised is all.” I commented as nonchalantly as possible.
“I look a lot younger, don’t I?” A smile appeared on his lips and he looked forward, snowy flakes falling lightly unto his styled hair.
I didn’t comment.
He laughed. “That’s what everyone thinks. Don’t feel bad if that’s what was running through your mind. How old are you?” Those giant eyes looked to me with curiosity and I almost forgot what we were talking about.
“Umm,” I let out a nervous laugh, “I’m nineteen.”
And this time, it was his turn to look surprised.
“Really?! You look so much older! Well I mean not like older older, but I thought you were older than me.” He looked off to the side and stopped walking. I didn’t even realize we had gotten into a residential area until he pointed to the two story house that was decorated with Christmas lights and snowflakes.
“Well, this is my house. Thank you for walking me home. It was nice meeting you.” He bowed and quickly turned his heels the other direction before walking off.
And again, he didn’t give me time for a reply.
“Wait!” I yelled, perhaps a little louder than I should have at this time of night, and watched as he halted and half turned to me.
“I should be the one bowing!” I yelled with a smile and did so 90° before turning around and catching a slight glimpse of what might have been a smile from the other.
Nevertheless, I went back on my way. I noticed that it had taken about ten blocks before I got back to my apartment. I don’t really know what had happened today, but I had work tomorrow so I had to go right to sleep…
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illLoveYouForever #1
Chapter 7: Kyungsoo is so innocent!!! they're both too cute too handle...update soOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 7: This chapter is so cute haha.
Chapter 5: Aigoo I love this.
illLoveYouForever #4
Chapter 4: please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe...kyungsoo was the one who's singing...