The 'Master' Plan (Part.2)

My Neighbours, Block B

B.A.P - One Shot (Audio)
B.A.P - One Shot (MV)

This song is just tooooooo awesome not to ignore <3



"Ughh..." You woke up rubbing your eyes. You heard your phone ring and struggled to look for it.


"You've got to be kidding me..." You rampaged through your room trying to find your phone. You looked in the drawers, in all the rooms, but you just couldn't find it. Your phone was mocking you. Ringing where you couldn't find it at all.

*Stupid little...*

"Oh there it is." You found it under your bed and picked up.



'Mi Sun-ssi, wash up and get changed. We'll pick you up soon.'

'But I can just go over to your h-'

'NO BUTS! We'll be over in half an hour.'

'Ok Yookwon oppa...annyeong.'



*I wonder what that was about.*

You shrugged and hung up. "I guess I have to get ready..." You sighed and went downstairs to have a quick breakfast. "Toast should do it." You shoved the food in your mouth and gulped down some water.

After you finished eating, you went back to your room and took a quick ten minute shower.

*What should I wear...*

You looked though your cupboards and chose something comfortable to wear. A baggy yellow jumper, skinny jeans, a plain white tee, cream coloured beanie and a backpack did the trick.



"Alrighty then!" You were satisfied with your outfit and headed downstairs. "OPPA! UMMA! APPA! I'M GOING OUT!" Before you opened the front door, your brother held your shoulder and spun you around.

"And where do you think you're going?" You looked up to see your oppa staring down at you. "Umma and appa went to work so I'm in charge. No going out for you today little missy." He said as you pulled away from him and frowned.

"Relax Jinyoung oppa. I'm just going out with the neighbours. Nothing much." You sighed and grabbed hold of the door handle. Just before you walked outside, Jinyoung grabbed hold of your waist and carried you. "YAH LET GO OF ME!" He ignored you and just threw you onto the couch.

"I just said no going out." Jinyoung gave an angry glare and pointed intensly at you. But he then softened a bit and sighed. "You know how I don't trust them, right?" He slouched down next to you and flung his head on the headreast of the couch. "I don't want my dongsaeng to get hurt that's why."

You laughed at his concern and nudged him with your elbow. "Oh come on oppa! Don't go all soft on me again." You smiled brightly to him. "I can handle them. Besides, I've known them for quite some time now and we go to the same school. No biggie." You held out your pinky in front of his face and wiggled it around. "Promise."

Jinyoung smiled and locked his pinky with yours and nodded. "Promise." You both sealed your thumbs as you quickly got up.

"I better get going then. Yookwon and the rest might be waiting." You walked to the door and turned around to wave goodbye.

"YAH BE SAFE! IF THEY PUT ONE SCRATCH ON YOU THEN ALL OF YOU ARE DEAD!" Jinyoung yelled out while placing a fist on his palm signaling that he would beat all of them up. You laughed and nodded.

"Arasso!" You waved back and walked over to a small bench in front of your house. You sat there staring at your watch and just twiddling your feet around. "Maybe I should just go there..." You were about to get up but then sighed and just stayed put. "They may be my neighbours, but they're slow as hell." You put in your earphones and stared up into the sky.


"HURRY UP HYUNG! MI SUN-SSI IS PROBABLY WAITING BY NOW!" P.O yelled at Kyung who was still in the bathroom getting ready.

"Hey P.O. Guess what?"


"Shut up." Kyung said while curling his hair and applying cream on hiis face. "These things take time..." He said softly to him self as he was finishing up with his hair.


 He was satisfied with his look and walked out to see an angry maknae who was waiting there all dressed up.

"Took you long enough." P.O grabbed Kyung's arm angrily and dragged him down the stairs. "TaeIl hyung and Yookwon-ssi have been waiting." Kyung huffed and pouted with an angry look.

"Oh come on. It's not like I'm not the only one that wasn't finished on ti-" Kyung stood at the end of the staircase and looked down in shame. "Oh..." Everyone else was ready and finished getting dressed. U-Kwon stepped up and slightly hit Kyung's arm.

"Pabo. I looked outside and Mi Sun-ah is waiting." He said as he crossed his arms. Kyung just looked up with a pissed off expression and frowned.

"It was you that said to get ready in half an hour. There's seven of us living here and it takes longer than that for all of us to get ready." Kyung pushed pass the hyung and grabbed his backpack from the other side of the room. "WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?" He yelled angrily as he walked out the door and slammed it in front of everyone's faces.

"Oh great...the one that's supposed to be cheering us all up is mad." B-Bomb said as he flung his arm around U-kwon.

Zico just stood at the back and stared at the scene.

*Since Kyung is mad, then I now have a chance to make Mi Sun smile.*

Just the thought of seeing you smile because of him made Zico blush like mad. He then shook it off and softly smiled. "Kaja." Zico led the group outside and into the car.


On the other hand, Kyung was walking over to you. He sat next to you and sighed as you took your earphones out. "What's up Kyunggie?" You asked as you placed your arms across the bench.

Kyung just sat there and pouted. "It's always my fault when it comes to being late." Kyung placed his head in his palms and sighed again. "Stupid U-kwon didn't give us time to get ready." He complained as he kicked the rocks on the floor. "I mean, I have feelings too. I don't have to get scolded for the smallest things." He looked over to you and frowned. "Just because I always muck up, doesn't mean I'm not a serious guy."

You sighed and placed your hand on his shoulder. "Of course you're a serious guy. You wouldn't be a guy at all if you were never serious." You managed to pull off a smile but Kyung didn't buy it. "Look, you know it wasn't your fault. So don't tolerate it. Take charge like the guy you really are, Park Kyung!" You gave him a thumbs up and he smiled and your cuteness.

"You always know what to say, Mi Sun-ssi!" He said as he grasped you into a tight hug.

"O-Oppa...I-I can't...b-b-breathe." You struggled to say as he let go and grinned brightly.

"WAE!?!? Can't I hug my favourite dongsaeng?" He snuggled closer to you until you gave up and wrapped your arms around him into another tight hug.

"You can always hug me Kyunggie. Whenever you're sad, just come next door." You patted his back comfortingly. Kyung nodded and smiled.

The both of you stayed like that for a while until..


You and Kyung were startled and quickly let go of each other.

"STOP HAVING A MOMENT AND GET YOUR ASSES IN THE CAR!" TaeIl yelled while you and Kyung sheepishly smiled at each other and scurried to the car.

As you got in, you turned your head and saw Jaehyo sitting next to you. You smiled at him and buckled your seatbelt.

"Do you know where we're going?" You sweetly asked him but he didn't answer. He just took out his phone and ignored you. You pouted at his actions and shoved in your earphones.

*All I did was ask...*

You were about to choose a song when a sudden text message popped up. You opened it and read it with a soft smile.


'You'll see! ^.^'
- Jaehyo




It's so surprising that I have 22 subbies already when I've only posted 4 actual chapters so far ._. 22 is a lot for me...
My mother must be so proud :')

LOL JustKidding ~

I'd like to say a big thank you to all of you :) I couldn't ask for more support from all of you. You are all the sweetest people I know!
Without you guys, I would've probably stopped writing this ages ago XD so I'm very grateful that I'm out of the hospital and I can update for you guys all the time now~ (well maybe not all the time but you get the picture)



- hi_there_kpop





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5 assignements given to me in the first 6 weeks of school!!! D: WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!! :c to be in teh advance class...I'LL BE UPDATING SOOOOOOOONNN


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Please update♡♡
lost_panda #2
Chapter 22: Omfg!!!! My feelings for zico!! You're a really great writer!! I CAN FEEL THE EXPRESSIONS. OMG.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE..oMG.. I LOVE THIS STORY <3
MinRandom #3
Chapter 22: Yhyy I'm crying now and I wish that Zico and MiSun will get each other and live happily.^^
Chapter 4: LOVE THE STORY SO FAR~ I plan to read on after I post this comment(lol). I slightly started tearing up at the ending too because, well, it's ZICO! You get me.
Chapter 22: omg so much drama right now like holy ;A;
Chapter 21: WHAT?no way... poor Zico.....T.T T.T...
purple_amat42 #7
AGHFLGLSDEK the dramaaaaa~!!!! (just read this all in almost one sitting. the feels! ;.;) Awesome story!
Chapter 19: Great story so far, update soon! ^^
munyeca #9
Chapter 19: Omg! ;_; Update soon please ^^ and im subscribing! ^^ yay c:
Yerlie1001 #10
Chapter 19: just got real gurl!xP