Here Goes Nothing

My Neighbours, Block B

Your POV



So many things were going through my mind. U-kwon just confessed to me. What do I do? I can't break his heart. If I do then it would ruin our friendship. But if I say yes, he won't see me as a friend anymore. AISH!

"I...can't answer you now." That was the only thing that I could say at that moment. The first reason being that we're in a crowded area and people are staring. The second being that I need some time to think it out. Having your best friend confess to you doesn't happen everyday.

"I'll give you three days," U-kwon looked down at me, "You have three days to think it out and answer, ok?"

I just nodded and he left, just like that.

I stood there dumbfounded and looked at people who were staring. "He just walked off, right?" The people nodded at my question and walked away themselves. I sighed and looked around. Since I'm near some shops then why not eat?


Zico's POV


I was in my room, staring at the necklace that I bought for Mi Sun. A smile crept up on my lips and I pressed the necklace against my chest.


Everyone was upstairs in Kyungs room playing video games while I was downstairs, still remembering the moment I held hands with Mi Sun. I couldn't even think straight.

While I was smiling like a complete idiot in the living room, the door swung open. "Hyung. Where have you been?" I asked. U-kwon just looked at me and weakly smiled.

"I went to go get fresh air and eat some ice-cream." U-kwon said as he walked upstairs towards Kyungs room.


I looked back into my hands and stared at the necklace. I unconciously grinned and pulled out my phone to text someone.

'MI SUN-AH! Where are yooouuuu ~~ You left something on the boat the other day!! :C'

She replied straight away which made me smile even more.

'I'm in town ^^ want to meet up?? I'll be near the mini water fountain :3'

'Sure~ I'll be there soon!'

With that being said, I put the necklace back in the box and headed out.


"MI SUNNIE!" I skipped happily towards her sitting on a bench near the mini fountain. She looked at me and pulled out her earphones.

"That was quick." She said with a slightly startled face. She then smiled at me and I couldn't help but feel a blush forming on my cheeks. "So what was it that I forgot on the boat? I don't remember having anything missing."

I fluttered a bit on the inside. "Have you eaten?" Mi Sun shook her head and I stood up, "I'll give it to you later. First...WE MUST EAT!" I held out my hand as she grasped it with her's. My face felt warm for a bit but I shook it off, "What do you want to eat?"

She looked around and pointed to a small ddukbokki stall. "Let's eat over there."

I nodded in response as we started walking towards the food stall. You could smell the spiciness from just standing metres away from it. It smelt so good!

"Ahjumma! Some ddukbokki for two please!" The stall ahjumma smiled and nodded. She prepared the ddukbokki for us and handed it over. I gave her the money and she handed me back the change.

"I hope you and your girlfriend eat it well!" The ahjumma said as we awkwardly laughed at each other.

"We're not really...together." Mi Sun said as the ahjumma just giggled.

"You would make a cute couple though. See you soon." The ahjumma waved and we waved back.


I started to heat up a little as we sat down on a table. "Eat up!" I chanted as I got a piece and put it near Mi Sun's mouth, "Say ahh~"

Mi Sun shook her head and opened , "Ahh~" She bit into the ddukbokki and put a thumbs up. "It's good~"

I softly smiled as we both kept eating.


We were walking back home once we finished eating and it was slightly awkward so I tried to break it, "So what were you doing in town?"

"I was going out for some fresh air and went to eat ice-cream but then you texted." Was all she said.

That was exactly what U-kwon said he was doing in town...

It stayed silent as we finally reached our houses. Mi Sun faced me and smiled with appreciation, "Thanks for the food oppa. See you tomorrow at school." She started to walk off through her driveway.



She looked back and laughed. "Oh yeah. What was it?" She asked coming back.

I cleared my goes nothing.

"Close your eyes." She looked at me baffled.

"But wh-"

"I said close your eyes." Mi Sun rolled her eyes then closed them shut.

I smiled and pulled out the box from my little backpack that I had on and opened it. The necklace was sitting there perfectly.

I stepped behind her and placed the necklace around her neck, clipping it closed. "You can open them now."

Mi Sun opened her eyes and looked at the necklace. Her face so soft and genuine. "I saw you looking at it yesterday so I bought it."

She turned around and suddenly wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you Jiho oppa. This means a lot to me."

I smiled and hugged her back. "No worries. I'm glad you like it."

We stayed like that for a bit until the hug broke. We awkwardly looked at each other and smiled. "See you at school?"

"Yeah. See you."


Your POV


I went back inside and ran to my room. I closed the door shut and flopped down on my bed. Zico bought me the teddy bear necklace...

I looked at it and smiled as my heart fluttered a bit, but my face soon fell.

What about U-kwon?



What about U-kwon?? Whats going to happen her feelings????

If she rejects U-kwon then I can have him ^^ kekeke....

Hope you liked this chapter :D


- hi_there_kpop





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5 assignements given to me in the first 6 weeks of school!!! D: WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!! :c to be in teh advance class...I'LL BE UPDATING SOOOOOOOONNN


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Please update♡♡
lost_panda #2
Chapter 22: Omfg!!!! My feelings for zico!! You're a really great writer!! I CAN FEEL THE EXPRESSIONS. OMG.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE..oMG.. I LOVE THIS STORY <3
MinRandom #3
Chapter 22: Yhyy I'm crying now and I wish that Zico and MiSun will get each other and live happily.^^
Chapter 4: LOVE THE STORY SO FAR~ I plan to read on after I post this comment(lol). I slightly started tearing up at the ending too because, well, it's ZICO! You get me.
Chapter 22: omg so much drama right now like holy ;A;
Chapter 21: WHAT?no way... poor Zico.....T.T T.T...
purple_amat42 #7
AGHFLGLSDEK the dramaaaaa~!!!! (just read this all in almost one sitting. the feels! ;.;) Awesome story!
Chapter 19: Great story so far, update soon! ^^
munyeca #9
Chapter 19: Omg! ;_; Update soon please ^^ and im subscribing! ^^ yay c:
Yerlie1001 #10
Chapter 19: just got real gurl!xP