As Thoughts Trail Off...

My Neighbours, Block B

So here's the 8th legible chappie :3
There's going to be some POV's in this chapter and in the chapters afterwards as well:D
(Ikr..I've been waiting to put in some POV's too XD)
But this chappie is mainly about their thoughts which explains the title so yeah....



Jaehyo's POV


How could he do that? How could U-kwon just use her? The way he slid his hands up her back and hugged her was just so ... UGH! I saw the way he looked at me. Freaky as hell but was pure evil. He knows I like her. He knows I like Mi Sun. I could tell just by the way his eyes locked with my gaze.
But the question is...How did he find out?

I mean look at me...I'm a mess right now. I still have that cut on my arm that I forgot to put a gauze around. I don't even know why I'm about to cry.

*Wait...I'm crying?*

I looked into the mirror of the bathroom and saw that my eyes were red and full of envy. Tears were threatening to fall but I fought back and held it in. Why am I like this? Just because U-kwon is just using her to get me if I care...

I sat down on the toilet seat and just sighed. Why did I have to fall for her? Couldn't I just like someone else? Really...what would a girl see in me besides my looks? I was about to be a kingka until I met Mi Sun. I'm lucky I didn't turn into one. But what I'm not lucky about is that I can't get my feelings straight.

I sat there and stared at my arm.

*She said she would put a band-aid on it when we get on the boat, but instead she's cuddling up with U-kwon.*

Aish why are these things so confusing!?!? How can Zico hold in his jealousy so easily? Why couldn't I be like him?

Even if I'm older than Zico and U-kwon doesn't mean anything. I should just give up now...

I looked back at my arm and then back at the mirror. I stood up and smiled evily.

*Or not*


Your POV


"Uhh...U-kwon? You can let go now..." I tugged on his arms and looked up at him. His head was turned the other way and he had this smile on his face that I didn't like. Creepy...
"EARTH TO U-KWON! IS ANYONE THERE?!" I yelled in his ears and he just blinked at me. He soon smiled and nodded. That was the most fake smile I've seen him do. His eyes weren't sincere either. What's wrong with him?

"I think the sea air is getting into you. Let's sit down." I said as I walked off, causing him to let go. When I sat down, I counted the people sitting in front of me.


Wait a minute...where's Jaehyo?

"Oppa's. Where did Jaehyo go?" I asked curiously as B-Bomb pointed to the other end of the boat.

"He went to the bathroom. Something about him washing his arm." He said as he continued staring out of the window. I nodded in response and walked down to the bathrooms.


Jaehyo's POV


Stupid arm. The blood isn't even washing off. I tried washing off the dried blood from my arm but I failed.
And I thought blood was supposed to wash off properly...

I sighed and gave up. I was about to pull the door open until I heard a noise.

"Jae Jae. Are you in there?" I heard Mi Sun knocking on the door. I smiled a little and nodded. But then I realised that the door was closed. I facepalmed myself and opened the door.

"In the flesh~" I said sweetly. She chuckled a little and grabbed my arm. She examined it and frowned.

"Sorry I forgot to put a gauze around it." She apologised while biting her bottom lip and looking down.


"It's alright. It doesn't hurt anymore so yeah. I'm fine." I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled back and nodded.

"Alrighty then! Let's go back to the other's then." She said it so calmly. I didn't want her to go back near U-kwon. They might take a next step. First the hug and then...NO! I will NOT let it go to that extent! EVER! She's to precious to be played around with.

"Uhh...Can you come with me to get some food?" I asked hesistantly. Hopefully it wasn't that obvious. Mi Sun smiled and nodded.

"You love your food, don't you?" She said as she shook her head with a giggle. "Come on. The boat is going to stop soon we'll just get a smal cake to share." She held onto my hand and dragged me to the small cafè area in the boat where they sell pastries and goodies for the passengers on the boat.



U-kwon's POV


What's taking her so long? Where are they? What are they doing? Why aren't they back yet?

Why am I asking myself so many questions? AISH!

I ruffled my hair in frustration and sighed. Should I just them...?


Wow I'm crazy...I'm even flattering myself...

I shook my head and looked up with a smile. Apparently the small greeting I got from looking up wasn't that nice. Zico was staring at me as if I was some psychopathic freak. Pssh...I don't care. I'm going to go to my Mi Sun and at least show her a good time.

I got up from my seat and told Taeil hyung that I was going to the bathroom. He gave me a smug look and giggled a bit before nodding. Weird...
I walked down the other end of the boat until I reached the bathroom.

*No one here?*

I looked around a bit until I heard some laughing. That sweet and adorable laugh. OBVIOUSLY it's Mi Sun's laugh. I smiled to myself and dusted off my clothes. I walked over to where I heard the laughing and stopped in my tracks.

"Here oppa. I'll feed you. You're arm might not pick up the fork." Mi Sun said jokingly as she giggled and held the fork filled with cake up to Jaehyo's mouth. He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth while she put in the cake.


"Mmmm~ Here you have some now." Jaehyo said as he took the fork from Mi Sun's hands and fed her a piece of cake. My mouth widened in surprise.


My face turned red as I sighed and walked back to the group. No point in ing them now. They basically kissed already. Well it wasn't direct or anything which meant I still had a chance, but maybe now isn't the right time.


Zico's POV


The boat came to a stop as I saw U-kwon walking back with his face red and looking down on the floor the whole way here. Damn what's gotten into him?

"U-kwon-ssi, you alright?" I asked but he just looked up at smiled. TOTALLY FAKE!

"I'm alright I guess. Was just getting a bit boat sick." He said as he looked over at Taeil who was still holding his stomach in pain.

"CAN WE JUST GET OFF THIS BOAT NOW BEFORE I PUKE ON ALL OF YOU?!" Taeil yelled as I just nodded and got up together with the rest. Until I realised we were missing two of our little clan.

"Yah U-kwon! Where's Jaehyo and Mi Sun?" I asked U-kwon because he was the last to go to the bathroom and just walked past me barely whispering into my ear.

"Even if you knew, I know you wouldn't like it."

What the heck was that supposed to mean?

I shrugged it off and went to find them myself. I was about to reach the bathroom until I saw two people running towards me hand in hand.

Mi Sun and Jaehyo.

Why are they holding hands? What took them so long? What were they doing? Was this what U-kwon meant? How did he know I like Mi Sun? How did he even get a clue about it?
Well maybe I do but what's the big deal about it?

Ok Zico, don't over react and stop asking yourself so many questions.


No Zico...stop...AISH! 

Stupid emotions. Puberty ! After all those lessons in PDHPE, I actually learnt something from the teacher.

Damn I must be some wizard.

Too far Zico...too far.

Why am I still talking to myself? Why do I feel so...different all of a sudden? Zico don't tell me that you actually fell in love with that THING? I thought it was just a crush. But seriously. Your neighbour? Your childhood b-


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to my right to see Mi Sun right in front of my face with Jaehyo standing behind. I looked down and saw that their hands were still locked and sighed. "We've been waiting for you for like five minutes! Where have you guys been?" I tried to act angry but I guess jealousy took over me.


"We were just eating a snack together. No big deal." She said as I saw her hand grasp tighter onto Jaehyo's. He flinched in response and his face beamed a bright red colour. "Let's go Jaehyo oppa." She walked off with Jaehyo just shuffling behind, hand in hand.

When they were out of sight, I leaned my back against the wall and fell straight down. So she can hug U-kwon, hold Jaehyo's hand, sing with Taeil, laugh with Kyung, eat with P.O and dance with B-Bomb but she cant, I repeat CAN'T, even look me in the eyes and talk to me like a normal human being?





The next chapter will be all about a flashback he has :)

On a side note...OMG 30 SUBSCRIBERS *celebration*
This is like an achievement :3 YAY!!
Thank you for all your support and awesomeness :D Without you guys, I would've stopped writing this by now but IM GONNA KEEP GOING!!

So thank you for the people who have stayed with me from the start and who have joined the journey along the way


- hi_there_kpop








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5 assignements given to me in the first 6 weeks of school!!! D: WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!! :c to be in teh advance class...I'LL BE UPDATING SOOOOOOOONNN


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Please update♡♡
lost_panda #2
Chapter 22: Omfg!!!! My feelings for zico!! You're a really great writer!! I CAN FEEL THE EXPRESSIONS. OMG.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE..oMG.. I LOVE THIS STORY <3
MinRandom #3
Chapter 22: Yhyy I'm crying now and I wish that Zico and MiSun will get each other and live happily.^^
Chapter 4: LOVE THE STORY SO FAR~ I plan to read on after I post this comment(lol). I slightly started tearing up at the ending too because, well, it's ZICO! You get me.
Chapter 22: omg so much drama right now like holy ;A;
Chapter 21: WHAT?no way... poor Zico.....T.T T.T...
purple_amat42 #7
AGHFLGLSDEK the dramaaaaa~!!!! (just read this all in almost one sitting. the feels! ;.;) Awesome story!
Chapter 19: Great story so far, update soon! ^^
munyeca #9
Chapter 19: Omg! ;_; Update soon please ^^ and im subscribing! ^^ yay c:
Yerlie1001 #10
Chapter 19: just got real gurl!xP