
Love Comes First


“Here.” He hands me a ice cold bottle of water. I take it from him and took a long chug of it. Once I feel satisfied, I hand him back the bottle. 


Thank you.” I wipe my lips with my sleeve. When did you even get here?.. Why are you even here?”


Shouldn't I be asking you that?” He smiles and settles down beside me. I've been here for about a week now. I'm helping with BIGBANG stuff and some 2NE1 stuff.”


Really? That's nice.” I nod, I'm here because of..”


GD?” He whispers which caught me off guard. I forgot I had told Shaun about Jiyong and I's relationship before Shaun left for Korea again. How silly of me.


Y-Yeah and also my parents wanted me back home again.”


Oh..” He puts the bottle on the side of his neck, “Do you plan on helping BIGBANG out or even auditioning to become like GD?”


No way.” I quickly decline. You know I don't want to be caught up with this crap.” I say in a hushed tone.


Right, right.” He smiles, “What about helping me out with choreo?”


That would be awesome !” I grin, “but the thing is, I'm living with the members until my family comes back. My mom apparently wants me to mend my relationship with Jiyong. It's a pain.”


Well, she just want her kids to get along, you know.” He stretches, Just bare with it for a while until you .. go back to the states? Or get a place of your own?”


Yep, I'm hoping to do that.” I sigh and from the corner of my eyes, I see Taeyang walk up to us. I secretly nudge Shaun with my knee and turned to Taeyang. You were great.” I smile.


Does Jiyong know anything about this? You're really good at dancing.” Taeyang claps slowly with a smile on his face. “YG will definitely take you in as a trainee.”


Again with the trainee talk..Never going to happen. Like ever. I laughed it off and hoped Shaun step in to save, but he doesn't. Thanks a lot, Shaun. I actually might consider one day.” I lie and Shaun seemed pleased.


Taeyang, they're looking for you.” Shaun points out to three male dancers from a corner looking at us. Taeyang turns around and waves the the guys.


I'm going to go talk to them.” He starts to back up, Break will end in five minutes so.. yeah.”


Rest up.” Shaun gets up with a groan and goes over to the stereo. I bend over and stretched out my legs. I would kill for a pair of sweats or shorts right now.


Five minutes passes by and once again, we're back on our feet. I manage to ask one of the female dancers to let me borrow an extra hair tie to tie my hair up. The next song Taeyang decides to play is Wedding Dress. The male dancers including Shaun and myself stood behind Taeyang. Shaun loads the cd in and we waited for Taeyang to start singing before starting the dance. This dance was the most dance I practiced with Shaun. I can even dance to this with my eyes close if  I want.


Soon later, we get to the couple up dance sequence and I immediately pair up with Shaun. Before the sequence even ended, Shaun messes up, making me laugh and mess up as well. The song ends and Shaun and I end up just laughing really loudly. I can't believe I'm laughing. I haven't laughed this hard in a while too.


Let's end this practice with I Need a Girl !” Shaun claps his hand and the word 'end' brought smiles to everyone. Everyone worked so hard today. I wonder what it's like before a performance.. I look over at Shaun and he changes the track. Right now, I'm feeling very flustered. This is my favorite song from all the dances Shaun showed me. Very cute, but I don't like Jiyong's rap. Now, almost all the dancers stands around us.


I was about to stand between some girls until I feel someone tug on my pony tail. Just as I turn around, my pony tail comes loose and there stood Shaun. “What are you doing?” I furrow my brows as he pushes me to Taeyang.


You're going to be the lead.” Shaun smiles.


W-What?” I pull him aside. Are you trying to get my on bad terms with those girls?” I whisper and Shaun shakes his head.


They're nice girls. Don't worry about it, they've all danced with Taeyang before.”




Are you shy? Or are you worried about the little peck on the cheek? ” He smirks, OR.. Do you have feelings for Taeyang?” He winks.


What are you saying?” I lightly slap him on the shoulder. We just met today !”


Whatever you say ~” Shaun takes me by the hand and pulls me to where Taeyang is. “Take care of her.”


Of course.” Taeyang nods to me. I could of sworn he's gotten way shier. I do the same and then the music starts for the last time. I get into position with the girls and waited for Taeyang's voice to signal us in. As the song progressed, the look in Taeyang's eyes when we would come together is confusing to me. Why does he looks ten times better up close like this? The intensity of his stare is making butterflies form in my stomach, but why though? I make eye contact with Shaun and I already know what he's thinking.  “Add more feelings to your moves!” or “Act as if you're actually performing.” Well, I guess that means I've got to step up my game.


The rap part of the song comes up and the girls and I strike a pose. I briefly glance over to them to see them strike a y pose. Should I do the same? They're even dancing ily too. I take a good look at myself in the mirror, but out of no where, a blur walks into the practice room. I shake off whoever it was and paid attention to the song. The rap is ending soon which means Taeyang and I have to take the center. I can feel the butterflies fluttering rapidly now and my mouth drying. We're almost at the kiss. The one where my lips have to give.


Taeyang and I come together and our hands meet. We entwine our hands and then, he guides my hands around his neck. A slight tingle goes through my body at his touch. What do I do now? I can't avoid his eyes since our faces are only a couple centimeters apart.


I'ma treat you right..” He sings and just before he could finish with 'baby', the song ends, saving my lips. I immediately let go of him and stepped back. We all look in the direction of the stereo to see a man standing there. A middle aged man to be exact.


Practicing hard I see, Youngbae.” The man speaks up while adjusting his cap. Everyone bowed to him and since I didn't know who he was, I just follow the others. I make eye contact with the man and he smiles. Who is he?





A/N:  Thanks for reading !


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i wrote a lot, but its going to take time to transfer docs.


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16 streak #1
I am reading again after all these years
Yoongi1230 #2
Chapter 48: Okay I'm so confused??? So are they siblings or not?? Wth
TaeSya #3
I read this story again.
taurusgirl #4
Chapter 54: I had read this amazing story and Forget to give you upvote , i'm sorry :'), bcs i'm too focus read the story
16 streak #5
I love this story, read it many times, and i can't find something similar :)
Chapter 49: Hmmm... Sometimes I kind of wish that Jieun and Jiyoung really loved each other >//<
blues132 #7
Chapter 54: Great story! loved it! sequel?? :P
yonggukluhantaeyang #8
Chapter 54: 3rd time reading this...... Still awesome.... Sigh
TaeSya #9
My 5th time reading your fanfic. And keeping reading it. Love this fanfic very much. It different from the other fanfics. :)
Chapter 54: This is my 2nd time reading your story and i still love it! It is defiantly one of my favorites on this site.