Ramen,Love,and FlowerBoys


What do you get when you mix ramen and love? Then add a dash of flowerboys? Well what is get is pure hell,I mean, you get pure "trouble". Expirence as 12 FlowerBoys are stuck under one roof as they tackle love,an over wave of ramen orders, and the excessive use of "Oppa!~" Yup. They definitely have it rough. FIGHTING OPPAS! Opps~ 




LuHan Age: 21

LuHan is a very bubbly and fun person. He is full of aegyo! He works as one of the waitors in the shop. He also lives in the shop too! His ultimate favorite thing to do is mess around with Xiumin's cheeks.


Xiumin Age: 21

Xiumin, also know as Baozi, has a very fun but loving personality. He cares very much about his friends (espically LuHan). He works as one of the waiters but occasionally helps out in the kitchen. He lives with LuHan in the Ramen Shop. He hates it most when people pinch his cheeks but LuHan is an exception.


Chen Age: 20

Chen is the ultimate troll. He loves to joke around with people but some find it very annoying. He works as one of the waiters with Xiumin and LuHan. He also lives with Xiumin and LuHan. (Cant leave them alone right?)


Kyungsoo Age: 20

Of course Kyungsoo is going to be the chef! He is the best at cooking out of all of them! Not only is he good at cooking but he has amazing vocals. You could hear him singing while he is cooking all the time! He is very popular with the noonas because of his big doe eyes.


Chanyeol Age: 19

Even though he is a senior in highschool he still like to help out in the shop. Well by help I mean bother Baekhyun all day long. He is also best friends with Sehun and Kai. Most people know him as well a happy virus.


Baekhyun Age:19

He is still in school but he still likes to spend his time working in the ramen shop. He is very friendly person ( not to Chanyeol though) and you can easily get to know him! He works as one of the waitors and also lives with Xiumin, LuHan, and Chen.


Kris Age: 21

He is the owner of the shop. He really doesnt do much except boss everyone around. He may look like a "hot guy" but in the inside he has a liking toward cute fluffy things. He lives with Xiumin,LuHan, Chen, Baekhyun, and Kyungsoo in the shop.

More charcters coming soon!

Hi guys! So these are the characters so far. Some people arent active until later chapters. Oh and yes this fanfic is sort of based off of Flowerboy Ramen Shop. This story will contain but I dont know about . I will try to see where I can put it. Okay that is all! Till the first Chapter! Bye!




Update coming soon sweeties!


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