So I'm an Angel?

Death Angel


I changed a bit of the chapter, so make sure to read again!! thank you >.<


‘Jang Yoomi, are you ready to hear your punishment for the act of committing suicide?’ boomed a deep voice. I couldn’t see the source of it though.


‘Yes’ I just replied. I don’t really care about anything that happens anymore. The worst already happened. I mean I’m dead, how much worse can things get after this?


‘Jang Yoomi, you shall now be a death angel-in-training.’ 


What the hell is that? I committed a sin why am I being an angel? Wait do I kill people?


‘Your job is to help dying people pass the real world into the spiritual ones for judgment.’ He explained, almost reading my mind. I assumed it was a ‘he’ because he had a deep voice.


'Um, excuse you, but i didn't just go through my awful life, endure pain –not to mention kill myself– just to go back. You can forget that. Just get some other spirit to do your dirty work and leave me alone to finally rest.' I answered angrily.


Like what the hell? Does he seriously expect me to just do what he wants? Especially when he is making me go back to my nightmare I just I escaped? People who commit suicide kill themselves for a reason, and most of the time they don't want to go back. Doesn't he realize this? Just who is this clueless guy?


‘May I know who you are?’ I asked, very curious. He didn’t reply so I thought he just ignored me. How rude. But just then the space in front of me was starting to change. It’s hard to describe, almost like seeing sparkles but they weren’t sparkles…it was almost shimmering. Then there standing in place of the shimmer was a tall, mean looking blond man with a square jaw and a very toned body. He was kinda good looking, too.


‘Fearless girl, huh?’ he said. His voice was still deep but not very booming anymore. ‘My name is Bang Yongguk. I’m the death angel. The very first one. So pretty much I’m your boss.’


‘Oh okay, great boss’ I couldn’t keep the sarcastic tone out of my voice. ‘How do I exactly do this job?’ Great I’m not only dead, but I have a full on job now? I gotta play along for now. No way am I doing what he wants.


‘Well, I have the power to bring you back to life, this is pretty much where your punishment kicks in. the world you tried to escape, you will now have to return to.


‘No one will know who you are. You will be kind of like a spy undercover. You will know ahead of time whose life is about to end, and it’s your job to make sure they die peacefully without grudges, or else their spirit won’t cross over. And that will mean you have more work to do. Your job won’t finish until the spirit –I don’t care how– crosses over. Your trainer will go into detail with you later. So, any major questions right now?’


This whole time I was taking in all this new information, and my mind was working overtime. He pretty much went through everything, but like i said, no way am I doing this. I better start thinking of an escape plan.


‘Yeah, so I’ll pretty much live with my trainer, right? And live a completely whole new life? Who’s my trainer? Do I have powers? What kind?’ I spit out questions a mile a minute.


‘Oh my, calm down!’ he laughed, showing his gums. He’s cute. ‘Yes, you will be living with him. You’ll have a whole new life and again, no one from your past life will know you. If someone does happen to see you, they will only have a déjà vu feeling but won’t recognize you. As for your powers, you will find them out along with your trainer. He will help you by putting you through a test.’


He hesitated, ‘Regarding your partner…well he’s a special guy, I guess you can say. He’s our best death angel. You’ll get used to him…eventually. He might seem um stingy but…you know what, I’ll just leave you with a good luck.’ He quickly said and disappeared.


Big mistake, he shouldn't have left me. Now I’m free to leave. But I still need him to show me where I'll be staying. That way i can see all my exit options, then at night LEAVE. Better to play along for now.


'Yongguk-sshi, take me to my room!' I called out.


'Ah, arasseo. Kaja.' The voice boomed again, and then he reappeared in front of me. He led me through what started to look like a BIG castle. Aahh, escaping might be a little hard.




I don’t want to train some new girl. Especially one with so much light inside of her. Ugh it hurts my eyes. I can’t believe I got stuck with her. Oh well, I can make this work though. I’ll torture her and make her ‘life’ so miserable she’ll want to quit. If she kills herself again, then there’s no chance for her to become a death angel again. Harsh and evil I know, but it’s for her own good. There’s a reason why I’m known as Death Note’s L.


hello!!! hope you like this chapter, please leave comments on how am doing so far!! i love comments!! ^^

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Sushigirl1 #1
Pweaze update soon!!!