First Meeting

Summer Love


*Mina's Pov


“Good morning honey!” Grandma wakes me up.

“Grandma, I’m still sleepy, can I sleep a little more?” Begging her w/ my half-opened eyes.

“No. Wake up now. You have to come with me!” She added.

“But grandma” I beg her.

“No buts. Get up now. Fix yourself. And I’ll wait you downstairs. Ok?”She said and went out of my room.

“Neh! Grandma.” I pouted.


“Good morning Grandma, Good morning Grandpa” I greeted them. Then I sit next to my grandma.

“Good morning Mina-ah!” grandpa greeted me.

“Did you sleep well?” grandma added.

“Not really. Grandma wakes me up so early in the morning.” Then I yawned.

“You’re grandma must be excited to spend her day with you.” Then grandpa laughs.

“Araso Grandpa” I nodded and eat my breakfast.


Grandma dragged me into this place. And in my thought it’s a dancing school. Grandma enrolled here. Grandma really loves to dance. She then introduced me to her friends.


            “Aigoo! She’s so pretty.” Her friend said.

            “Thank you!” I said. And I bowed.

            “How old are you?” the other one asked.

            “I’m 18 years old” I answered.

            “Aigoo. Same age with my grandson. You’ll be a perfect couple.” she added.


The other agrees with her. So does my grandma. I just smiled and told Grandma that I’ll roam outside. I went to a near park and sit there. I started to write into my diary. And for a minute I was bored to death. I rolled my eyes and saw two lovebirds mocking each other.


            “Gross!” I said. “Might getting a room lovebirds?” I was just mumbling on myself. But then again thanks to my unstoppable mouth it slipped out. I face palm myself. And I guess that two lovebirds heard it. I was about to walked out in that place. But I guess it was too late. Then I saw that guy standing in front of me.



            “Excuse me miss. What just did you said?” he said. And he gave me a smirk.

            “I thought you heard what I said. Right?” I stand facing him with a cold look.  

“Or are you deaf?”I continued.

            “Yoouuuu!!” Pointing his finger right on my face. “Don’t you know me?” he is really pissed off. By passers are looking at us now. “Great!” I thought.

            “I don’t even care knowing you!” I slapped his finger. He went near me. And he holds my right wrist and waves it up to the air.


            “Yah! ert. Let me go!” I screamed. He tightened his hold on my wrist. I stomp on his foot and run away.

            “Yah! Awww! You!!! Get back here. I’m not done with you!” He shouted. While he still holds his aching foot. “You’re going to pay for this” he said.



“Mina-ah what happened to you?” Grandma asked me.

“Nothing Grandma.” I answered her. While I was catching my breath.

“Are you sure? Looks like some ones running out on you!”

“Yeah! It’s really nothing Grandma.” “Oh! Are you already done?” I changed the topic. Grandma just nodded.  “Ok! Let’s go then.”

“We have to wait for Shin’s Grandson before we go home.” She said.

 “Let’s wait him outside.” Grandma Shin said.

We were about to walk outside the building when I saw a familiar figure of a guy walking towards us.

“Crap! Not that guy again” I thought and bit my lower lip.

“Myungsoo-ahhh!”I saw Grandma Shin waving on that guy. “So he is Grandma Shin’s grandson” I thought. “What a bad day I had.”I hide on Grandmas back. I was praying that he wouldn’t see me.


“Grandma, you’re done already?” he said.

“Yeah! Are you ok? What happened to your foot? Why are you walking so strangely? Grandma shin asked him.

“I’m ok grandma. Just some wild tiger passed by and stomped at my foot.” And he looked at me. With that he smirks again.

            “Wild? Tiger? What?” I repeated it on my head. And our eyes met. “You deserved that! You ert.” I was cursing him on my thoughts.


            “Myungsoo-ahh this is my granddaughter Mina. Mina-ah this Myungsoo you’re Grandma Shin’s grandson” grandma introduced me to him.

            “Nice to meet you Mina-shi!” he sarcastically smiled at me.

            “I really don’t like that smile of him” I thought. “Me too Myungsoo-shi!”  I responded. And fake a smile on him. I guess he already knows that I don’t like him.

            “See! I told you they are really meant for each other.” Grandma Shin squeaks while talking to my grandma.


            I was on my bed. When something is really bothering me. I thought I forgot something. I was walking back and forth in my room. I was about to look for my diary to write what happened this day. But I can’t find my diary. I looked inside my bag. I even took out all my stuffs inside my bag. But it wasn’t there. “Crap! Where did I put it?” Then I remember the incident happened early that day on the park. “Did I forget it there? Aish! What if that ert guy took it?” “That guy is really giving me a headache.”




so how's my story? it's my first time writing this. so hope you all enjoy it. Sorry though for my wrong grammars.

--->eh guys! hmm. cant put any poster. Since my photoshop just cracked up. TT Mian! :(((


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