Part 6 - The Chef

Ice Princess

Am I dreaming? Is this real? Okay I should quit being so derpy. This is not a dream. But why did the Ice Princess acted so friendly? Is she normally friendly to reporters? That means she is only nice to me because she thinks I am a reporter? If she finds out my real job, will she be all cold again?

All sorts of questions filled Jaehyo’s head. He walked along the street towards the Starbucks café where he first met Jina. The result of the competition was obvious, Jina got her gold medal again. Jaehyo was a bit speechless when Kyung looked at him in the eyes when Jina won. Jaehyo’s reaction was uncontrollably more hyper than Kyung’s which made him wonder.

Jaehyo was too happy that he was going to meet Jina in a proper way, not by coincidence but by an appointment. He kept smiling as he entered the café and searched around to find Jina.

Jina had her books around her. She glanced to the door to check whether Jaehyo has arrived or not. When she saw him, she raised her hand and waved. Jaehyo saw her and finally walked towards her.

“I see that you keep your promise,” said Jaehyo, casually teasing while he took a seat.

“I normally don’t,” said Jina.

Silence. Jaehyo suddenly felt cold.

“Well, let’s just say I am in a good mood,” said Jina. She smiled, but looking at her cup. “Do you wanna order something?”


The two of them spent an hour full of talks. Jaehyo was slightly nervous when Jina asked about the interview he prepared. He prepared nothing. In the end he made up questions and took brief notes on his little notebook. At certain times he would pop out a question that was actually a joke, to lighten up the mood. Fortunately, Jina responded positively with a laugh.

“So,” Jaehyo scanned his eyes through his notes. It was more than 3 pages, more than he expected. “You were born in 1991?”

Jina nodded. “You don’t believe me? Do I look younger?” asked Jina full of hope.

Jaehyo smirked. “Nah you look my age. I thought we could speak informally but I guess you should call me ‘oppa’”

Jina nearly choked on her drink. “Excuse me? And what year were you born on?”

“1990,” answered Jaehyo.

Jina scoffed. “One year isn’t such a big difference. I call people ‘oppa’ when they are like, what.. 3 years older than me. I can call you that if you feel you are that old.”

Jaehyo was planning to make Jina feel edged and so that she could show some respect. But the Ice Princess is still frozen. Jaehyo scratched his hair.

“Ah.. fine, then. You could call me... whatever,” he mumbled.

Jina just replied with a victory smile. Her smile turned into a pout when she realized her cup was empty. She lifted her left hand and looked at her watch.

“Oh! It’s almost dinner. I have an appointment with my friend. It’s like almost an hour or so we’ve been here. Is it okay if I leave?” asked Jina.

Curious, Jaehyo took a glance at his watch too. “Actually I am almost late for work too.”

The two ended up exiting the café together. They walked until they reached an intersection.

“I’m going back to the ice rink to pick up my friend. I guess it’s up to here,” said Jina.

Jaehyo nodded. “I’ll be going straight to my work place,” he turned to face Jina and gave s 45 degree bow. “Thank you for the treat, Jina-sshi.”

“You’re welcome,” she smiled.

With that, Jina lightly waved and walked away. Jaehyo was stunned.

“You’re welcome? Not even a ‘thank you for interviewing me’ or something like that? Whoa she really is cold,” Jaehyo mumbled to himself while pretending to shiver.


“Why am I the one driving?” asked Jina, her eyes straight towards the road.

Siwan grinned beside her. “Because you won today and I really think you are in a great mood so I basically ‘let’ you drive.”

Jina took a quick glance. “How do you know I am in a good mood? I won a gold medal in some competitions and it doesn’t make me feel great.”

“But you feel okay now, right? I can tell that something awesome happened. You met a cute guy? Or did your dad call?”Siwan guessed.

“Bingo!” yelled Jina.

Siwan startled. “What? Option one or two?”

“My dad called! Just right before the game after I got interviewed. He said he couldn’t come home soon but he’ll be sending me gifts each and every time I win a game! I would really love it if he could actually come home for a while but oh well, I still can tolerate his business,” explained Jina, her face was all smiley.

“Oooh I see. Well it’s good to see you in a good mood! It happens like once in a lifetime,” Siwan chuckled.

Jina just shrugged. “Oh, we’re here.”

She parked the car on the edge of the road and went out before Siwan could open the door for her. She then tossed the keys to Siwan.

“You are so gonna drive on our way back home!”

Siwan gave a full grin. They entered the same luxurious restaurant that they visited before with Manager Kim. As soon as they were seated, Jina leaned in to talk to Siwan.

“Psst! I hope the chef working today is the exact same chef as that day! Remember the heavenly pesto chicken I ordered?” said Jina, half whispering.

Siwan merely nodded. Jina pouted since Siwan didn’t give any comments about it.


“No, put the saucepan just right over there! Yeah... no you shouldn’t mix it yet... what? The ingredients should be enough to serve the guests this night!”

“Chef Ahn?”

“What else?!”

Jaehyo was about to explode when the kitchen wasn’t going right. It was exactly dinner time and the guests were flooding into the restaurants, the orders were piling up. Jaehyo tilted his chef hat back to place and wiped his hands on his apron.

His assistant walked up and showed another order. “This is an order from the same lady a few weeks ago.”

Jaehyo blinked. “Her? She’s here?”

His assistant nodded. Jaehyo clenched his fist and went back to cooking.


Jina fastened her seatbelt while patting her own tummy. Siwan started the car and drove away from the place.

“It’s our second time dining in that restaurant, yet the chef didn’t show up again,” Jina sighed.

“Hmm, too bad. At least he gave us desserts again. On the house,” replied Siwan.

Jina didn’t reply. Siwan looked at her for a second.

“We won’t eat there again, will we?” asked Jina. She sounded like a little girl who just came back from her last travel with her schoolmates.

Siwan shrugged. “Who knows. Maybe we will. You could find information about that restaurant and stalk the chef list if you want to.”

“I can actually do that?”

“I don’t know, HEHE,” Siwan grinned.

Jina punched Siwan’s arm and remained silent until she reached home.


Sorry that it's a short one! my head suddenly went blank when i was typing ;__;

will promise you guys a long chapter for the next one ^^

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SilentReader1810 #1
Chapter 23: I really love this story it's so unique. I know that this kind of comments may annoy you but please update!! :)
update soon ❤
I am so sorry for neglecting this fic and abandoning my readers! I have been very busy in college and I don't really have the time to write anymore. It's my second year in college and my schedule isn't that hectic anymore, so I'll try my best to finish this story! For you guys! Thank you for all your comments and support :)
I'm soooo in love with this fic! Please come back and update sooooon~!
nana4mir #5
Oh my this is an awesome fanfic pls update soon
I want chapter 24 now lol
I love Jinah and jaehyo couple it's so unique I read comments about them looking alike lol
and I want more moments of them together and a kiss lol
So yeah here u are onni! I've been waiting this fics for ages and thought tht I never gonna be updated -- but afterall u are here now! Welcome back^^
Lol at how jinah calling siwan for pads! Kkkk, I can imagine how embarassing is that lol and I really loves jaehyo jinah interaction
Jaehyo just really know how comfort jinah, how melted my heart with his warmness to jinah <3 ah I love this couple somuch event I havent look for jaehyo in the real life (well I'm not so into block b sorry)but I do love them
And love jina characters, she is totalluy chic kkkk
And I'm glad tht jonghun not gonna interfering jaehyo-nana relationships <3 I loves tht they now becoming friends hehe

Anyway fast update pls! Gonna lookin forward for it^^ love uuuuuuuu <3
OHYEAH!! Jina and Jaehyo all the way~!!!!!!
yuichan17 #8
YAY!! I'm happy that jina has made up her mind and stay with jaehyo!!!!
I hope they stay together forever!!!! :)
she doen't need jonghun to help her, jaehyo can do it...
NieyaOzil #9
I got a feeling Jonghun is a relationship wrecker
xtelle #10
Pwahaha! Jonghun's a 9gagger XD