Chapter 9

Kiss of Fate

Chapter 9

"Dara, why don't we go out as a couple… even just for show?"

Dara's eyes widened at TOP's words. Did she just hear that right? Go out as a couple?

"Y-you mean like b-boyfriend and girlfriend?", Dara asked, not sure if she got what TOP meant.

TOP gave her a lop-sided grin. "Yeah."

Dara narrowed her eyes at him. "Baka! Didn't I just told you that I love Jiyong?", she said folding her arms over her chest.

"Huh?", TOP glanced at her, confused at her words. Then he laughed. He lifted his finger and poked it against Dara's forehead. "Hey, didn't you understand what I said?"

"I already dumped you.", Dara snapped back. "If you said that a month ago, I would have screamed for joy."

TOP slapped his hand over his forehead. "I said just for show! Pretend!", he exclaimed. "Besides, do you have to throw it at my face that you have dumped me."

"Well, sorry for being dumb.", Dara muttered.

TOP sighed and scratched his head. 'I'm really such a good guy and… a masochist. Why the hell am I even trying to help them?' He glanced at Dara who was still sulking after he laughed at her. It's painful to think that the girl he loves has feelings for somebody else. But there's no way he could force her to love him back. And it's even more painful to see her suffer because of that bastard Kwon. But that Kwon kid also shares her feelings, only just too stubborn to admit it to her. Fate, eh? If those two are fated for each other, he couldn't go against it.

But he's neither a saint nor a martyr. A small smile curved against his lips. 'Well Jiyong, you're gonna pay for hurting Dara. I'm going to give her up to you only after you deserved it.' Call it damn pride, but he's not going to make it easy for the fire caster.

"Hey, Dara.", he called out. Dara turned to face him and he leaned forward until their foreheads touched. "Well, let's just put it this way. You want to know how Kwon Jiyong feels about you, right? So, we're going to see his reaction when he thinks we're a couple. Also, you don't want him to see that you were hurt after he ditched you for blondie.", he said to her. "Well, come to think of it, maybe because that blondie is much prettier and ier than you. Don't worry, if Kwon ditches you, I'll be your knight in shinning armor…"

Dara stepped at his foot in irritation.


"Serves you right.",Dara snapped back. Then she sighed. "Well, maybe we could give it a try." She turned and looked at his grinning face. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?"

TOP leaned back and flopped himself on her bed, then closed his eyes. "I mean to.", he said as he smiled. "And Dara... if you see me burning, please make use of your nullifying alice."

And it started… *evil laugh*


"Dara, he's coming.", TOP whispered.

"Huh? Where? Where?", Dara glanced around, then gasped as she felt TOP's arm curved around her waist pulling her closer to him.

"It's show time.", he whispered at her ear, which actually to other people looks like he's nibbling her earlobe.

Jiyong stopped dead at the sight that beheld him. TOP had his arm around Dara's waist, and they were pretty close... not just close... they were practically embracing while in the hallway! And TOP was whispering something in her ear... or is he nibbling her ear? Suddenly, Dara giggled and tried to push the laughing TOP away, which actually looks kind of sweet as if they were playing some kind of intimate game that only the two of them understands. Jiyong clutched his fists in irritation. Damn her! Double damn him! He turned around and walked away from the two lovebirds, then when he was out of anyone's sight, he kicked the first thing that he saw.

A few distance away, two shadows are currently hiding in the depth of the forest.

"Are you sure this is okay?", a female voice asked.

"No one's gonna see us here, babe.", a husky voice answered.

"But what if..."


some noises

"Kah! Kah! Kah!", the guy panted as he kept on pumping.

"Ah...yes! yes! That's it!", the female voice continued to encourage him.

"One more, babe.", the guy said.

"Eh...what's that noise?"

They both looked up and saw a something on fire falling towards them.



The balloons that they had been pumping for a surprise birthday party all exploded after the burning trash can crashed into them.

(You were thinking of something else? Bwahahahahahah!)

Going back to what really happened…

"TOP-kun, you're breath is tickling my ear!", Dara giggled as she pushed TOP away. Then she saw Jiyong walking away as if without a care of what he saw. Dara's shoulder slumped in defeat.

"T-TOP-kun... he doesn't really care about me.", Dara said sadly.

TOP sweatdropped. 'What a dense girl.', he thought then smiled inwardly. 'She didn't see the way Jiyongs eyes burned when he saw them? And we're just starting…'

They are just everywhere. EVERYWHERE! Jiyong thought angrily as he kicked and burned another trash can.

Everywhere he goes; it seems that those two are also there. Holding hands, talking sweetly, laughing together, sharing food! He would act as if doesn't care at all. Even up to the point of giving a little attention to that dumb blondie Karin.

'Damn! Damn! Damn!'

He wanted pull Dara from the jerk's arms every time he sees his arm on her waist. And that jerk seems to be enjoying every bit of it.

He felt he needed another item to turn his anger on. 'Where's the trash can?'

He was deep in thought that he didn't see Jaejoong and Daesung approaching him.

"Ahm, Jiyong?"

Jiyong turned and glared at his bestfriend. But Jaejoong seemed oblivious at his bestfriend's dark mood.

Daesung however paused. 'This is not good.', he thought. "J-Jaae…"

Ruka was holding a plastic full of trash that Hotaru had blackmailed him to throw. "Have you seen the trash cans here? They all went missing."

That was the last straw.

Jaejoong yelped and dropped the garbage bag as it was consumed by flames. He was surprised when he noticed Jiyong's face.


Jiyong clenched his fists in anger without realizing that fire began to emit from his hands.

'Choi Seunghyun, you're dead!'


chada! :)))))

remaining 5 more chapterss :) 

don't forget to subscribe ^_~ pyong!

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Maria0801 #1
Chapter 15: cute!!!
applerkang #2
Chapter 15: Lol I actually want to request for another chapter where Jiyong saw the photo of jae kissing dara. I am curious about that as well. Thanks for this adaptation :)
Katiexotic #3
I want the PDF, authorinim! Can u give me plz?
Sone4eva88 #4
Chapter 14: Such a sweet story^_^
Love it!
CassieJYJlhyn #5
Chapter 14: Nice story...^^
Fluffysan #6
Chapter 14: So cute... I cant help but smile... :) thanks authornim...
Chapter 15: it's sweet n comical.. in short, i like it..
Chapter 14: OMG OMG OMG OMG.!!!!! I loved it <3 DAEBAKKK authernim (^_~)
bluevioletberry #9
Chapter 1: sooooo cuuuteeee...i love Alice Academy anime..and DaraGon...

cute <3
Chapter 1: Kyyaaa alice academy! Instead of imagining dara and jiyong's face I imagined the original characters! I love that anime! Anuway this is so cute.