Chapter 10

Kiss of Fate

Chapter 10


Dara turned and was surprised when CL and Minzy hugged her.

"Congrats!", they chorused.


"Nee, it's true, isn't it? You're TOP-kun's girlfriend?", Minzy asked excitedly.

"Yeah, admit it. You're always together and always acts so sweet to each other.", CL gushed.

The other girls in the room also began to join the conversation.

"Oh, you're so lucky Dara-chan.TOP-kun is such a gentleman."

"And he's cute."

They giggled. Then Minzy leaned closer to her. "So, did he give you your first kiss?"

Dara blushed red. "I… well…"

"Tch.", came a grunt from her left. "First kiss, eh?"

"Nee, Jiyong-kun.", Sulli called out sweetly. "Who was your first kiss?" 'I'm going to kill the girl!'

The girls squealed with excitement wanting to know the lucky girl who was able to steal Jiyong's first kiss. They leaned closer curious of his answer.

But Daesung, who was just behind Jiyong, choked at that at looked nervously at Dara.

Dara paled when she heard Sulli's question. ''Jiyong…' Jiyong turned his head and looked straight at her.

A smirk came to his lips. "An idiot girl.", came his reply.

"Eh?", came the disappointed remarks from the girls.

"Idiot?", CL wondered out loud. "You mean Yu Hee-sempai is an idiot?"

"Hmm… I think so.", Krystal laughed as she answered. "I heard she's quite dumb but her looks compensates for that."

"Oh really? I never knew that."

And the girls began to gossip again from one topic to another.

"Idiots.", muttered the annoyed Jiyong.

Dara sighed in relief then glanced back at Jiyong who seemed to be reading the manga on his hands. He has a serious look on his face that tells he is deep in thought. 'What is he thinking?'

"You really don't know what you're getting into."

TOP turned and faced his friend then smiled. "Don't worry Se7en. I know what I'm doing."

"Tch. You always say that.", Se7en snapped. "I've been observing Kwon Jiyong ever since you and Dara Park got together. He seems to be indifferent but he's really angry and jealous."

"Having an alice to feel other people's emotions is really tough for you, Se7en-kun.", TOP .

"I know that you love Dara-chan. But there's something to it, right?", Se7en asked him.

'What a troublesome alice.", TOP muttered. He placed his hand over his friend's shoulder. "I told you not to worry about it."

"You're no match against him, TOP.", Se7en simply stated. "He's dangerous."

TOP just smiled. "I know that."

"Jiyong, what's wrong with you these days?", Jaejoong asked as he walked behind him. They followed Jiyong as he walked into the back of the school building. Normally, it means that Jiyong wants privacy but he's a little worried of his friend's attitude for the past days. Jiyong remained silent, not answering his question, so he turned to Daesung. "Hey Dae, you know something, don't you?"

Daesung sighed. "Better ask him. I don't have any plans to be toasted alive."

Suddenly, Jiyong stopped. Curious, Jaejoong walked in front to see what had stopped him and saw Choi Seunghyun and another guy talking to each other. He glanced at Jiyong and saw him clenched his fists. Jaejoong heard Daesung groaned.

"Damn, this means trouble.", Daesung whispered.

TOP noticed their presence, so he turned around and his green eyes met the fierce crimson eyes of the fire caster. But he doesn't seem to mind the murderous aura that is coming out of JIyong.

"Yo kwon!", TOP called out cheerfully. His friend, on the other hand, looked stricken. He began pulling TOP's sleeves as if stopping him from whatever he was planning to do.

"Tch.", Jiyong grunted as he walked forward until he was a few feet away from TOP and his friend.

"What do you want, TOP?", Jiyong asked coldly.

"Nothing much. I just want to know how you're holding up.", TOP replied cheekily. "By the way, Dara will be my date on the upcoming dance."

"TOP, stop it.", Se7en hissed.

Jiyong gritted his teeth. "So?"

"I just want to let you know in case you have any plans to ask her out.", TOP snickered.

Jiyong glared at him and instantly a ball of fire appeared on his sleeves. But to Jiyong's surprise, the fire doesn't seem to have an effect. It died out.

"What the…!"

TOP smirked. "You thought I was just walking around unprepared, didn't you? I'm wearing a fire-proof uniform, courtesy of Park Bom."

"Tch.", Jiyong grunted in irritation. Suddenly, a fire appeared on TOP's head but then, it also died out.

TOP smirked again and reached for his hair. "Fire-proof gel. Pretty convenient. I'm a chemist you know."

TOP was really irritated this time. A ball of fire then surrounded TOP.

Surrounded with the heat of Jiyong's flame. TOP took a small bottle from his pocket and threw it on the ground. The blue liquid broke out from the bottle and seemed to extinguish the fire surrounding him.

TOP taunted him even more. "My, my. The fire was put out. Liquids are really useful, don't you think so Jiyong-kun?"

Before TOP could react, Jiyong had closed the distance between them and punched him squarely on the face, slamming his body hard against the tree making him fall on his .

"Jiyong!", Jaejoong and Daesung called out in surprise.

"TOP!", Se7en rushed to his friend.

TOP wiped the trace of blood on his lips as he raised his head and gave Jiyong a mocking smile. "Tch. Got annoyed because I rendered your alice worthless, didn't I Jiyong?"

Jiyng lifted his hand and a ball of fire emitted from his palm. "Worthless, eh? How many bottles of that do you still have left, TOP?", he asked sarcastically.

At that, the smile left TOP's lips. His eyes narrowed as he glared back at Jiyong. "You don't deserve her. A cold bastard like you will never deserve her.", he sneered at him.

That stung. Yes, he was a cold bastard. Maybe, he really doesn't deserve her. She was the light… and he was the darkness. They could never be compatible. What's the point of interfering between their relationship when he knew he could never have her? His bloodied hands will only extinguish the brightness within her. He will only cause her pain and suffering. No, he doesn't deserve her. He has no right to claim her love. And that makes him disappointed and angry. He struggled to keep his emotions in tow but… he couldn't help it. He loved her for 6 years. Six damn long years… and the thought of her being with another man is just… so frustrating. He bent his head, letting his raven locks cover his eyes, then he clenched his fists never realizing that his alice seemed to have activated and flames began to surround him; which seemed for the people around him, he's preparing a deadly blow against TOP.

"Stop it, Jiyong!", Se7en yelled at Jiyong. "You've done enough. You don't have to burn him like what you did to Kagu-sempai!"

"Don't interrupt Se7en!", TOP bit out furiously.

"Shut up TOP!", Se7en shouted. "You don't know him. He almost killed Kagu-sempai because of Dara!"

"Jiyong did not burn him without reason!", Jaejoong shouted at him in Jiyong's defense. "That Kagu-sempai tried to.... Dara!"

Everyone paused and stared at Jaejoong. Jiyong just stood there, his head down and his bangs covering his face. The flames slowly fading.

"Yes, Dara and that Kagu-sempai dated but Dara already told him that she does not share his feelings. Sempai was secretly angry at being dumped and he requested for one last date which Dara agreed. During their dinner, Kagu-sempai placed a sleeping pill on her drink and took her to a secluded area. It was fortunate that I saw them leaving that restaurant and I was able to read his mind. I immediately told Jiyong and Jaejoong and we found them before sempai could do his evil intentions on Dara. Jiyong was not able to hold his anger and he ended up using his alice against him.", Daesung explained what happened.

"Dara doesn't have any idea what had happened before.", Jaejoong said. "The academy covered that incident and made it known that Kagu-sempai had an accident. But whatever injuries that bastard experienced, he deserved it. So stop…!"

"That enough, Jaejoong, Dae.", Jiyong interrupted.


They all turned and saw Dara drop her bag in shock. She then rushed to TOP's side. "TOP-kun, what happened? Are you hurt?"

She turned her furious glare at Jiyong and went to face him, then gave him a hard slap. "You've gone too far Ji! What did TOP do to you to deserve this?", she yelled at him.

Jiyong raised his head and her eyes met his crimson orbs. In his eyes, she saw a mask of hurt, disappointment, and frustration. Dara seemed to have realized that she had just made an unjustly accusation without asking the facts first. "J-Jiyong… I…", she called out softly as she lifted her hands to touch the face that she just slapped.

But Jiyong caught her hand. "Don't bother.", he said quietly, then he turned around to leave.

"Coward.", TOP said in a low voice, then he winced at the pain on his back.

"TOP-kun!", Dara tried to help him out. Se7en also kneeled and tried to help him get on his feet.

But TOP ignored them and called out to Jiyong. "You're a coward Jiyong. Nothing will work out if you won't do anything about it. You wanted to protect her? You think you're a hero or something? That won't help if the person you care for doesn't know about it."

Jiyong stopped just for a second, then continued walking away. Jaejoong and Daesung just shook their heads and followed him.

'The person he cares for? What does he mean?', Dara thought as she stared at Jiyong's retreating back. 'Ji…'

"Confused, aren't you?"

Dara turned her confused eyes to TOP. TOP sighed. "You're dense as ever."



so yeah.  I'm not that busy today so I might post 2 chapters today :)

pleaseee subscribe ^.^ thankiee

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Maria0801 #1
Chapter 15: cute!!!
applerkang #2
Chapter 15: Lol I actually want to request for another chapter where Jiyong saw the photo of jae kissing dara. I am curious about that as well. Thanks for this adaptation :)
Katiexotic #3
I want the PDF, authorinim! Can u give me plz?
Sone4eva88 #4
Chapter 14: Such a sweet story^_^
Love it!
CassieJYJlhyn #5
Chapter 14: Nice story...^^
Fluffysan #6
Chapter 14: So cute... I cant help but smile... :) thanks authornim...
Chapter 15: it's sweet n comical.. in short, i like it..
Chapter 14: OMG OMG OMG OMG.!!!!! I loved it <3 DAEBAKKK authernim (^_~)
bluevioletberry #9
Chapter 1: sooooo cuuuteeee...i love Alice Academy anime..and DaraGon...

cute <3
Chapter 1: Kyyaaa alice academy! Instead of imagining dara and jiyong's face I imagined the original characters! I love that anime! Anuway this is so cute.