
Changing the Alphabet.
[Amber Pov]

We were both were nine when it first happened and we had just gotten back from school.


"Mom, Dad we're home!" Raiden yelled walking inside the house with me. We both saw my dad drinking in the living room so we tried to get past him without him seeing us but unfortunatley he did.

"You two c'mere, we need to talk" he said to us, his words slurred and his eyes were glassy. I felt Raiden hold my hand trying to comfort me but it did little to help. We both knew when our dad would drink he would get agressive.

"I got a call from your teachers today. What I tell you bout acting up in school?!" He said walking toward us..I was about to say something but I say my brother shaking his head no.

"I won't be dealing with this anymore. I'm tired of getting these damn calls. You want to act up then you'll get your whooped" my dad told us reaching out for my arm, Raiden pushed me and yelled to hide. I got up from the ground and saw my dad smack my brother with so much force he fell. I ran to bathroom hiding in the cabniet under the sink, I was scared and ashamed. Scared of my dad and ashamed of leaving my brother there to take both our beatings.

Hours passed and I no longer heard the sound of leather smacking flesh, the sound of shattering glass or yells and sobs that escaped my brother's mouth as he was beat..

I left my hiding place and went to the living room where I saw my dad passed out but I didn't see my brother, I went to our room and there he was on his bed. His body shook as he was still crying, silently this time, I saw him stiffen up when I sat on his bed.

"Raiden I'm sorry" I told him weakly. I felt tears well up in my eyes knowing my brother was hurt because of me.

"I'm fine" he said in raspy voice, I saw the blood that stained his clothes and skin, I did the only I could do. Holding back my tears I went to the bathroom and got the band aids, then went back to my brother.

I used every band-aid I had in that box to cover every single cut that was on my brothers body. That was the first night in years my brother and I slept in the same bed.

"Goodnight Raiden.."

If I couldn't protect him from my dad then I would protect him from the creepy monsters that snuck into our dreams at night..

[End Flashback]

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Chapter 1: New reader! I really like the story :) please update soon! Dying of cliff hanger here.