
His Point of View

           Just three more years and I'll be out. Out to the world of people wandering, trying to find who they are or what are they going to do with their life. I don't want to be them. As strange as this may sound for a guy to actually plan his future out, but i did. I'll major is performing arts and audition for an entertainment and become the greatest singer/beatboxer of all time- in Korea. As intelligent and care-full i may sound, I'm really not. I'm an amateur. I mean, I make mistakes here and there- nothing too horrible. I care, at times. However, at times, I'm just like, "whatevs." That's just me. yaaaaaaayyy 


           ahhhhhh. The sun is out, wind's blowing, and the grass swaying as if they were dancing to the rhythm of nature. What a beautiful day to be alone. Things like this don't occur often to me. I'm constantly surrounded by people. I mean I'm not saying I'm like the idol of the school or anything, just and occupied guy. I date here and there for the heck of it. Usually because I don't want to hurt anyone. eh, I never take it seriously and I feel ashamed because of that. But hey, that's what the girls want. Pff, you think they date you because they're utterly in love with you? no. They date you because you're popular or "cute". 

           Anyways, enough chit-chat about me and my view of life. On such a beautiful day like today, let's just live in the along. I'm just wandering like usual. Today, I'm at this strange park. I've been to this park before but I had never walked this far. It's nice here. For a moment, I thought i heard a girl's voice singing, hitting her every note correctly to the guitar strings. As it fades away, i thought i just passed stage 1 of turning into a complete psycho ang hallucination. Or maybe because it was my favorite song and I just listen to it too much. So I just sang along.

♬♪ When I'm staring at the stars, looking at the moon, wishing that I could be there with you. It's okay and alright. Baby listen to the lullaby-ia. Goodnight, sleep tight, dream away with me tonight....[Song>> Lullaby by Lateeya♫♪

            Humming along the way. I'm walking towards this unknown sound as it occur again. Every time it dies down, I'd feel lost. Lost as if I'm in-front of a house with their lights on and nobody was home. It's so strange how I'm desperately trying to find the owner of this lovely voice- the voice of the unknown. It's strange how every time it stops, i feel as if my heart will do too. It's so strange. And that was how powerful that voice was. It was so angelic. The sound that you hear once, you want to hear it was the rest of your life.

           After a few minutes, i was there. There it was, the owner of the voice I've been dying to know. I walk slowly towards her until i can some-what clearly see her face. I stopped whistling for a moment because i was amazed of that familiar face. I feel as if I've seen her somewhere before. And then it hit me, she attend my school. Hmm, I know that she can speak and do just about anything oh-so well, but I never knew that she can sing this beautifully. As I sat down next to her- which i honestly do not know why, it just seems like my body just did as it pleased- i started humming again. As i hummed note to note. A smile crawled across her face. It was as if I was singing her to sleep. It was a beautiful moment.

          It seems like my voice woke her up. I'm not sure if I'm a bother so i dialed it down- just a bit. My voice got quieter and quieter until there's no sound at all. It's just me, her, the wind, and the idea of how odd it is for me to be here with a stranger and feel completely welcomed. For a second, I also felt fear. Fear that i might not make a good first impression. Terrified with fear of not being liked by a girl that i've never talked to. As insane as i may sound, i just can't explain it any further. There's something to this girl that makes my body move itself- inch by inch, closer and closer to her. It's satisfaction is being with her and only her. It was a complete insanity. 

           Then BAAMMM. This girl just ninja-attack-like woke up and scared the living earth of me. I guess she was too curious of my voice. Strange how i expect most girls to pretend to yawn kawaii-ly because she might wake up to a charming prince by her side- but no, not with her, she just BAAMMM. 

            It was ironic how even though i was a bit startled, i still wanted to smile. So i just smiled. Everything that happened was nothing but strange. Everything that i did was without a thought- it was all because i simply wanted to. It was as if I was controlled in sincere intentions by- i don't know what. 

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I'll be publishing the first chapter on Friday. I hope you enjoy it as much i enjoy writing it. kayz bbcakes.


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Hi hope you still continue this
Chapter 1: Update soon :)