
Falling for My Heavenly Angel


-Episode Two; An Angelic Invasion-



Tiffany woke up to the beautiful aroma of breakfast lingering around her nostrils. She opened her eyes and stretched her slender arms while stiffling a yawn. She smiled and hugged the stuffed toy Totoro resting on the other side of the bed. It was a beautiful morning and Tiffany was expecting to have another wonderful day.

She got up from the bed and wore her slippers. Just as she stepped out of her room, she saw Seohyun already preparing the dishes on the table.

"Good morning Fany unnie." The younger girl greeted with a warm smile. She was wearing an over-sized shirt with a sergeant Keroro design. Her hair was also tied into high pigtails which made her look like a cute kindergarten. 

"Morning Maknae," Tiffany greeted back with a giggle. "What's up with the outfit today?"

Seohyun pouted. "Please don't make fun of my Keroro. You know how much this t-shirt means to me." Tiffany laughed even more as she tugged firmly on the hem of the younger girl's top. "Seo, you've been wearing this shirt for almost every night. Aren't you getting sick of it?"

"Aniyo. I'll never get sick of Keroro. And besides, he's the only one that I'm going to allow myself to fall in love with." Seohyun answered back with a little laugh. Tiffany looked around the room and saw no sign of the ice princess. As if reading her mind, Seohyun pointed towards Jessica's bedroom.

Tiffany headed to the bedroom where she saw Jessica's sleeping body sprawled across the queen-sized bed. She tiptoed her way to the bed and sat down on the matress besides the sleeping figure.

"Jessi, yah sleepy-head." Tiffany began poking the older girl's cheek. "Wake up already."

The ice princess stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up. Tiffany continued on poking her until she rolled over to the other side of the bed and groaned with desperation.

"Leave me alone Miyoung." Jessica's voice growled against the pillow that was covering her face. 

"Get your lazy off this bed right now. Or else.." Tiffany thought wonderingly of what she should do in order to get her bestfriend out of this bedroom. Suddenly a bright idea popped into her mind. She wiggled her eyebrows and yelled, "SEO! WHERE DID YOU KEEP THE JAR OF CUCUMBERS AGAIN?!"

Instantly, Jessica bolted up into a sitting position. Her brown locks were all ruffled and tangled and it looked like she just got hit by a hurricane. Tiffany quickly covered in order to prevent herself from laughing.

The ice princess glared at her in a not-so-nice way.

"GET OUT." Jessica demanded while pointing a finger towards the opened door. 



"Leader Taeyeon, what do you have in store for us today?"

Yoona showed up in the large living room of the penthouse they just bought last night. She flexed her long slender but strong arms as she sat down on the couch where the other two angels were hanging out. 

Taeyeon and Yuri were entirely focused on the chess game that they were playing.

"Simple. Since our mission is about learning how to live like humans, we'll have to do it step by step. Our first step," Taeyeon easily managed to use her knight to eat up Yuri's queen. She smirked and leaned her back against the sofa. "is to enter a college university as students."

Yuri frowned as her queen got eaten up. "College university? You mean the one where mortals go to right?" Taeyeon nodded quickly in reply.

Yoona grinned dorkily. "That sounds exciting, a school where we'll be able to mingle with human beings." She clapped her hands excitingly. Taeyeon sent her a short glare. "Don't get too excited my dear. We're here for a mission, not to relax or have a vacation." the leader muttered out.

"Got it." Yoona's shoulders dropped as she pouted. 

"And also keep those lips of yours from sticking out. It's annoying." Taeyeon grumbled as she ended their chess game by eliminating Yuri's king. The tan-skinned angel groaned in defeat as she smacked her forehead. "Get yourselves ready. Our first day of school shall begin today." Taeyeon stated and as she snapped her fingers, her figure had dissolved into thin air.



Jessica parked her BMW right in their own spot at the parking lot. The three girls hopped off the car and instantly they were greeted by a crowd of students surrounding them around.

"Hi Jessica!" One student from the crowd yelled as she waved her hand frantically in the air to get her attention.

"Tiffany unnie! You look so pretty!" Another one yelled from the crowd. 

"No! Jessica is prettier!" One argued.

"What are you saying? Tiffany is more appealing to the eye!" Counterfired the other.

"You goons! It's quite obvious that Seohyun is the prettiest!"

The three girls rolled their eyes at the same time. As they squeezed themselves through the thickening group of people, Tiffany occassionally waved and smiled at her fans. Seohyun just politely bowed her head while Jessica was just being her ignorant self again.

The three of them finally caught their breaths once they broke free from the crowd. They entered the campus and walked along the hallway with their arms linked to one another. 

Jessica, Tiffany, and Seohyun were well-known and quite popular for their status at the university. Tiffany was the head captain of the cheer-leading team and is adored for being friendly; Seohyun was the smartest student of the school; while Jessica is known for her golden voice. The university is an all-girls' school, so most of their fans were girls. 

"Ooh, my first class is History." Tiffany muttered out as she checked her class schedule for today.

Jessica followed by saying, "Mine is English." She felt relieved that her first period of the morning is actually her favorite subject.

"I'm having trigonometry." Seohyun beamed. "I can't be late for class. I'll see you unnies later!" Seohyun waved before running off.

"I guess we'll have to split up too. Text me later 'kay?" Tiffany exclaimed with a small smile. She and Jessica hugged each other before parting ways.


Jessica walked along the silent hallways of the third floor. She was searching for the classroom where the English subject is taking over. As she turned to the corner, she was surprised to see a taller girl who accidentally bumped into her. 

Jessica's belongings scattered on the ground because of the hard impact. But before she could even bend down to pick it all up, the girl before her had already scooped them all in her hands. The girl handed everything back to Jessica with a charming smile.

"Sorry about that. I didn't see you coming." The stranger said as she fixed the collar of her checkered shirt. Jessica cleared after observing the girl's gorgeous features for a short while. She raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"You better be sorry. Next time please watch where you're going." Jessica muttered snobbily before whizzing past the girl, making her way towards the room at the end of the hall. 

The girl was left alone standing in the hall. She looked over her shoulder and watched as Jessica's figure dissappeared in a distance. She smiled to herself while mumbling, "Interesting."


Meanwhile Jessica arrived in class just in time. The teacher wasn't there yet and all the female students were doing their own things inside the classroom. Others were gossiping, some were texting, most were sleeping. But silence grew once Jessica entered the room and filled the atmosphere with her usual icy aura.

Jessica ignored the quietness and walked at the very back of the room. She sat on her chair and plopped her things beside her on the floor. She laid her head flat against the desk before slowly drifting off to sleep..

"Good morning class!" The teacher's voice had caused Jessica to snap out of her nap. She lifted herself off her table and once her vision cleared up, she saw their English teacher standing in front. "Sorry I arrived late. I had to accomodate a new student that had just transferred to our school."

The teacher's announcement earned attention from all the students. They were all eager to know who the new student was. All of them except for Jessica who just stared blankly out the window.

"Please treat her nicely because she's from somewhere far away and is not familiar here in our city yet." The teacher continued. "Please all welcome, our new transferee student!" He motioned at the door and it suddenly swinged open, revealing a tall and tan goddess who stepped into the room.

All of the female students suddenly swooned at the beauty of their new classmate. she looked so charming, especially with that cool smile of hers that melted all of their hearts away.

"Hi. The name's Kwon Yuri. It's nice to meet all of you ladies." She flashed a winked and almost each and every student had fainted.

Her voice had actually caught Jessica's attention. She turned her head to face the front and it widened once she recognized the new girl standing in front. Jessica felt like her breathing hitched at that very moment.

Just in time, Yuri's eyes wandered around the room and it accidentally met with Jessica's gaze. They shared an eye contact for a few seconds until Jessica pulled away. Yuri's smile was so charming, that even Jessica herself can't deny the fact that her heart was beating.

What is this feeling..

But although Yuri looked nice, there was an abnormal feeling Jessica was having towards her. Jessica shook her suspicious thoughts away once she felt someone sitting on the vacant chair right next to her.

"Hi." Yuri's voice made her jump in surprise. "Did I scare you?" She laughed once she noticed Jessica's reaction.

"No I'm fine." Jessica responded quickly. She wanted to focus on the teacher's lecture, but she can't right now especially when the new student was staring at her. Jessica turned to face Yuri with an ugly look in her eyes. "What do you want?"

Yuri smiled. "For your information, I'm not a bad person Jessica-shi." with that she reaverted her gaze back to the teacher in front, leaving Jessica dumbfounded.

H-How did she know what I was thinking of earlier? And how on earth does she know my name?


Seohyun was in the midst of finishing solving an equation that was given by the trigonometry teacher. The ballpen that she was holding was roughly writing her calculations on her notebook. Her brain seemed to be spinning as it was filled about a lot of possible solutions that she can come up with to provide the answer for the problem.

Just before she could finish her work, the bell on the teacher's table suddenly rang. 

"Time is up." The teacher announced. "Please raise your hand, to whoever got the answer to the equation." 

Seohyun frowned in frustration, seeing her notes filled with all sorts of numbers and calculations. But she didn't even get to find out the answer. Since she was the smartest among all students, she expected no one had gotten the answer as well because she didn't. But to her surprise, one student from the back had raised her hand.

The teacher smiled. "Oh miss Im. Please come forward and write your solutions on the board."

A tall doe-eyed girl with long flowing hair stood up from the back. Seohyun watched as the girl walked towards the board and began writing her solutions. Seohyun's eyes widened in horror once she saw how far complicated the girl's solutions were from her own. 

"Excellent!" The teacher exclaimed once the doe-eyed girl had finished writing on the board. "You got the perfect answer that I was looking for! What a smart girl!"

The girl smiled and bowed in response. She faced the class and all of the students began applauding her. Some of them were even squeeling about how good-looking she was. The girl looked so proud and so confident, that it made Seohyun feel envious and inferior.

How could that be..She's just a new student.. Nobody has ever beated me before.

The teacher turned to look at Seohyun with a dissappointed sigh. "Miss Seo, that was kind of surprising. I was expecting for you to provide me with the correct answer." He then chuckled afterwards while patting the new girl on the shoulder. "But miss Im Yoona here is a genius! I guess you have to learn more from her."

Yoona smiled and glanced at Seohyun's way. Seohyun wasn't the type to get angry easily, but when it comes to people threatening her academic ability, it's not going to be pretty. Seohyun just glared at her before scribbling some notes on her notebook.

Later on during break, Yoona approached Seohyun.

"Hi there." 

Seohyun turned around and was surprised to see the girl who was more intelligent than her. She refused to say anything and just smiled back with a force. It was too painful for her pride.

"You're not mad at me, or are you?" Yoona asked all of a sudden. Once Seohyun faced her again, she lowered her head and fiddled with her hands. "If that's the case, I'll try not to threaten your intelligence ever again. I'm sorry if I did."

Seohyun blinked her eyes. 

"What are you saying? I'm not..mad at you." She exclaimed. 

A smile suddenly spread across Yoona's lips. "You're not? So are we friends now?"

The expression on the younger girl's face immediately darkens. "Sorry, but I don't mingle with new people that much." Before Yoona could say anything further, Seohyun already walked out of the classroom. 





Author: Updated! I hope you guys would like this chapter! :)) What do you think are the angels planning? Why are they suddenly getting interested on Jessica, Seohyun, and Tiffany? Find out soon. >:)

Later on I'll also update my other Taeny fic and then I'll decide if I should also post the third chapter of this today. ;) Thanks for all of your support!

You guys totally rock! Don't you? :P















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4 years already
gabiel #2
Chapter 4: Author-nim please continue this story of yours
mioaio #3
Chapter 4: New reader here ^-^ Your story is really amazing! I first thought Hyoyeon was Taeyeon's sister or something XD but she is still the choding we all know haha. >~< The couples are surely adorable and YoonHyun are making a progress ^-^ Hope I could read more from you :)
lynne17 #4
Chapter 4: awww. the 3 couples are so adorable!! especially taeny! haha. i love this fic. please udate soon author-ssi! your fics are daebak!!
Chapter 4: 태니♥ TaeNy is so cute!!
Chapter 4: Hi. I am new here. Owh.. This fic is jjang.. Authorshi can u please update..hu8.. Psstt i will patiently wait.. No worries k.
Chapter 4: Naaaawww.. I'm in love with this story already! The couples are indeed cute together~ :)
Chapter 4: Waaa, I love this story,update soon ^^
Chapter 4: Omo one of my fav story here update update i can't wait pls author ssi is this with action also because they have mission right ^^ daebak!! Im so loving it
LeoDarkKnight #10
Chapter 4: three adorable couple...XD