Missing You

The Alter Ego


“You have a twin sister.”


1,2,3..more seconds continue to count off and I was muted and even immobile. I didn’t see this coming. I could  not describe what I’m feeling right now. A what? A twin sister? Who is he messing around?




“Shut. Up.”


“Meet me by the fountain tonight.”


I met with my dad only to have him do all the speaking. I don’t understand anything he’s saying. My mom did not know too? What?


“When your mom was in labor, she was asleep. You were born through caesarian. That time, I still don’t have a job and I thought, we could not keep you both. So that’s what I did, I gave your twin sister to my friend in Busan.”


“But how could she not know? How about the ultrasounds?”


Dad smiled at this. “She has a past, your mom. Every time we went for check up, she would not talk to the doctor. All she wanted to know was the baby’s condition.”


“Why would she do that?”


“When your mother was born, her mom died.”


“It was like, a trauma?”


“Yes. The doctor and I talked most of the time. I would speak in behalf of your mom. During ultrasounds, she closes her eyes and she doesn’t want to hear anything from the doctor but the words ‘the baby is fine’. I asked the doctor to keep it a secret; having two babies. I applied to almost every photography agency in Seoul and managed to go into one who paid just enough for the three of us. But I made sure your sister, Minkyung, was in good hands.”


“Where is she?”






“She’s dying.”




And there goes another blow. Mom died a week ago then I found out I have a twin sister who is currently dying. Three blows in a row. Just how is my life working? I think it’s broken.


The fountain is still the same as I’ve left it. Peaceful. This tranquil sanctuary never fails to make me at ease. Although the past seems to be haunting me even more, I could care less. I’m moving on. And if I truly am, I have to let go.


After our talk, I’ve been a different person. I distanced myself from everyone. I was alone. This morning, I would be meeting my twin sister. Instead of heading to Busan, we’re going to Daegu. We arrived in a place almost deprived from civilization. My heart is pounding so hard that it would almost burst out of my chest. Dad knocked three times and a minute or so, the door opened. We are led to the kitchen by a petite woman in her forties. He and dad talked and I was left behind.


Bored as I am, I wandered about the house. It was small but big enough for two persons. There are three rooms, two on my left and one on my right, beside the porch. I was taken aback when I reached the porch. The scenery before me is just simply breathtaking. The sea is glistening under the rising sun.


“Beautiful, isn’t it?” asked a voice. I looked around and there on the far corner to my right, is a girl sitting on a rocking chair.


“Yes.” And as I near her, I am as though looking at a reflection. Peculiar as it seems, I am in front of a human mirror. Minkyung smiled a weak smile. There she is, my alter ego. My exact replica.


It’s getting dark and I should be going home. I was thinking of Minkyung for the nth time today. Minkyung..wherever you are, I am missing you.

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