The Story of Us

EXO One-Shots

16 July 2013.


“So do you like him?”

“Maybe…its none of your business, Baek,” I put a finger on his cheek and gently push it away and Baekhyun pouts.

“Do you?” he asks again, earning a glare from me.

“Why do you want to know so badly?”

“Nothing…just asking,” he grins and his eyes perks up.

“You have been pestering me non-stop for…an hour now,” I said after checking the time. I groan and cover my face with the humongous book about visual language and culture. Baekhyun snickers and tip the book down with his long finger.

“I can always help you with your homework,” he says in a sing-song voice that is too adorable to resist.

“No, Baek, I need to do it myself,” I prop the book back up again and Baekhyun chuckles.

“Just answer me, do you like him?”

I click my tongue and shake my head.

“Never telling you.”

“Okay, so you do like him. Cool,” he nods a few times and watches my eyes widen.

“No! I never said anything like that,” I reply, scandalized. He laughs soundlessly since we are in the library. Who knows how many times Baekhyun has gotten us in trouble with his tendency to be loud.

“You’re being nervous again,” he points out and I sniff.

“No, I am not. You have no proof, Mr. Byun.”

“Really? Are you really going there?”

“Bring it on, Baek.”

He sighs and shakes his head with pity.

“You know your cheeks flush red like it’s the flag of China when you lie?”

We let his words sink in. He looks at me, prompting me to answer. I feel a strong urge to wipe that smirk off his face with the thick book I have in my hand. Sometimes being best friends with Byun Baekhyun is more bad than good.

“Whatever, Baek,” I wave him off and try to concentrate on the words floating around the page in front of me.

“Well, Kim Jongin might or might not have mentioned you to me too,” he mutters and looks up at the ceiling, pretending to be interested in the black spot on the white painted walls. He blinks innocently but he exudes mischievous aura. I am at a loss of what to do…

It is true though. Ever since that new student Jongin came, I, like the rest of the female population, have been eyeing him shamelessly. Unfortunately, he has…a reputation.

They say his last girlfriend only lasted for a few weeks. And that she is just one of the many whose heart he breaks so…cruelly. He does not look very remorseful to me. Jongin looks like he is anything but sad in class. The moment he stepped into this school that is deprived of good looking males (aside from Baekhyun…Even I have to admit he catches my eyes a lot), Jongin is like a social butterfly. He is instantly friends with the boys from our school’s soccer team. Girls would flock over him and gush about his striking handsome look. He doesn’t run away from them. A part of me think its because he is too friendly to everyone. The other part of me is secretly afraid that he just likes the attention…

But he seems like a sweet boy to me. I think he is secretly shy. I caught him staring at my wavy hair one day in class. His eyes went wide and he threw me an awkward wave before looking away.

That was the beginning of everything.

We never formally introduced ourselves to each other. Jongin would wave to me and I would give him a shy smile back, hoping that some day this would progress into something else. It does not look very promising though…

Naturally, this leads me to doubt Baekhyun’s words. He can already tell.

“You don’t believe me,” he laughs and takes out his cell phone, unlocking the screen.

“I have my reasons,” I say stubbornly. Baekhyun continues to fiddle around with his phone. He finally smiles with satisfaction and looks up to me.

“Want to see something?”

“Show me.”

“Tell me he doesn’t like you too,” he says with a goading tone, as he holds up his phone. I see an unfamiliar set of number on the screen with ‘Jongin’ written next to it.

The text says, “ I think she’s cute….”

I gasp and clap my hands on my mouth.

“Excuse me, what were you saying?” Baekhyun’s eyes glints with a playful light.

“Baek…are you playing a prank on me? Is this April’s fool or something? It is not funny,” I start panicking, throwing my papers everywhere on the table in an attempt to find my own cell phone to check the date.

Baekhyun guffaws and people start to shoot him unkind looks.

“Silly. Its not even April. It’s July,” Baekhyun says, still wheezing with laughter. I stare at him with a dead serious face.

“Byun Baekhyun…tell me what is going on…this instant.”

“Jongin went up to me a couple of weeks ago and he asked about you since he sees me around you a lot. He looks like a nice guy, so I thought you could use a boyfriend after that jerk,” Baekhyun’s voice drips with venom at the thought of my ex-boyfriend. It leaves a bitter, unpleasant taste in your mouth too. He…is just a history now. Baekhyun never forgot about it though.

“Yeah well, I may or may not have an itsy bitsy crush on Jongin,” I mumble and Baekhyun looks almost too gleeful.

“This is too perfect, you know that?”

“I know. It does sound too perfect to be true, which makes me very doubtful, Baek.”

“Do not ever doubt the one and only Byun Baekhyun,” Baekhyun holds his hands up as if he is some deity to be revered. I gawk at him and hurriedly pull his hands down to avoid unwanted attention from students around us trying desperately and in vain to study with Baekhyun within five meter radius of them.

“Text me tonight, okay? I have to go,” Baekhyun starts getting up to leave. I am relieved, honestly. No more distraction for me.


“Because you need to tell me if Jongin finally gets the guts to ask a pretty girl out on a date,” Baekhyun says a little too loudly as he walks away. I groan and cover my face with the sleeves of my oversized jacket. If Baekhyun were to be an expert in something, it would be in humiliating me.

“Jongin?” A girl’s voice rings in the thick silence and a flutter of whisper spreads in the library like wild fire.

I think it is time to leave so I gather my belongings and try to ignore the murderous looks from the girls around me. I take my phone out and quickly check the screen.

0 new messages. Somehow my heart sinks a little with disappointment. Baekhyun had better not be up to some funny business.



27th July 2013.


Jongin slips his hands around mine as the air is filled with bubbles of laughter. It is a warm summer night. I have decided to wear a skirt just this once because…Jongin says it’s a special date night.

I guess I have to eat my words and thank Baekhyun. He was right. That night, Jongin finally texted me. I can’t seem to remember what I did afterwards…I think it involved screaming so loudly that my sister stormed into my room asking if I am possessed or something…And Jongin will never know anything about this.

“You look really beautiful tonight,” Jongin says in a blunt manner and I laugh. We have been going out on casual dates and Jongin is anything but a player. His reputation is just a false label. I have come to learn this just from our phone conversations. Kai is a sweet, thoughtful boy who would remind me to eat my vegetables, do my homework, drink enough water and have sweet dreams every night.

I think my definition of sweet dreams involves Kim Jongin…

“Thank you,” I say to him and I am taken in by his deep eyes. He has an adorable smile that I never get bored of seeing. He has these serene eyes that I can drown myself in. Sometimes, it is scary how obsessed I am with him.

I break away from his gaze and look at the bright lights we are leaving behind. We just came from the carnival that Jongin took us to. Many rides and cotton candy later, here we are, taking a slow stroll through the city walk. I am no longer filled with adrenaline rush from the ferris wheel we were just on, but I am on cloud nine. Jongin squeezes my hand a little and I whip my head to face him. He grins playfully at me and I pretend to glare at him.

“Has it been a good birthday for you?”

I nod happily with a wide smile. If anything, it has been the best birthday ever. Jongin showed up to my house at precisely six o’clock with the biggest bouquet of pink roses I have ever seen. That was just the beginning.

“Good. I just have one last thing…”

“What is it?” I muse.

Jongin walks with a nervous jitter in his steps. He sneaks a few glances to me. I look at him with confusion.

“Jongin? What is it?” I ask, feeling a little scared now.

“I like you.”

I am taken by surprise. Pleasantly surprised…

“I…like you too,” I mumble, feeling heat crawl to my face at a painful pace.

“No…I mean…I really, really, like you,” he starts again, his voice starting to break a little. I stop in my tracks and look at him. With burning face, I open my mouth.

“Yes, I really, really like you too. Where is this going, Jongin?” I sigh and look at him with amusement. He is full of surprises sometimes. I wonder what he is thinking of right now.

“No, wait, just…walk a little more with me,” he almost pleads to me so I do as he requests. I think walking makes him a little less nervous.

“Are you okay, Jongin?” I ask, trying to figure this boy out.

“Yeah…just…hold on,” he pauses. This time he is the one who stops us. He takes his hand off mine and slips it in his pocket and takes a small box out.

“I really, really, really, like you. Stop me if you want, but…would you…be my girlfriend?” Jongin says a little louder than his talking voice and he holds out a sparkling heart necklace to me, with a pleased look on his face. I…

I am speechless. I stare at him, my eyes starting to sting and water. I open my mouth to answer him but nothing comes out.

This…this is…


“Um, okay, I guess not, sorry for-”



“I said…yes, Jongin. Yes, I would love to be your…girlfriend,” I giggle a little. The word sounds foreign to me. And once again, I feel like I am a naïve girl in love for the first time. I am warm and fuzzy inside. The world is beautiful tonight. And I…I am Jongin’s girlfriend.

Jongin takes a moment to register this new information and once it does, he laughs and throws me in a tight embrace. His strong arms wrap around me, and mine around him. It feels like we are never going to let each other go anytime soon, but Jongin releases me. He has a permanent smile stuck on his perfectly sculpted face. Jongin takes the beautiful necklace that gleams brightly under the night sky…just like a star. He picks it out of its place in the box and gestures for me to turn around. So I did. He sweeps my hair aside and fire dances on my skin where he touched them. I can barely contain my feelings.

“Thank you,” I mutter. Jongin snaps the clasp shut securely and the heart dangles on my neck. I spin around to give him another  smile. Whatever is happening right now…Its indescribable. I feel like I am walking on fluffy clouds. And Jongin is right next to me, holding my hand…

“Finally,” he sighs and pulls me close to him again. I wrap my arms around his waist. Jongin starts brushing my hair; a habit of his ever since he took me out on our first date.

How many times have we gone out together? I lost count. But who cares really.

“I have been looking forward to this ever since goodness knows when,” he whispers close to my ear.

“Me too, Jongin…me too,” I answer him, too amazed at what just happened to say anything else.

We don’t need words to fill the silence as we remain like that for quite some time.



1s  December 2020.


I laugh as Jongin drops me on the bed. I struggle to get up from the clump of white mess that is my wedding dress. Jongin snickers from the other end of the room as he flicks the light switch on and undoes his tie at the same time. Just mere hours ago, we got married.

Yes. Jongin and I…we are married now.

It’s unbelievable. Baekhyun was the best man and he gave a surprisingly good speech. I teared up a little when he talked about how just years ago, I accused him of playing an April’s fool joke on July…when he told me about Jongin.

Was I really that idiotic?

And then it was the vow… I couldn’t keep still and kept bouncing on the balls of my feet. Jongin held my hand reassuringly. He held it through it all. He would never leave me alone…Never.

The two words…Some people say it’s the hardest thing to ever say in your life. I find it to be the easiest. I can tell Jongin agrees with me. Why?

Because I know I am in love with this boy. I am head over heels in love with him and nothing will ever change that. I am glad that he thinks the same of me.

We kissed. The crowd cheered for us and Baekhyun whistled loudly. Just for the night, I didn’t mind. Nothing could ruin it for us. I am happily married to Kim Jongin.

“You should go to sleep,” Jongin settles down next to me. He starts taking bobby pins out of my hair, which has been done up in a graceful bundle for the special occasion. Half of my hair is let down in a flurry wave and the other half is still high up in an elaborate bun. I start lifting my fingers up to help him take it all off, but Jongin puts his hands around mine and pulls it down gently. I sigh and sit up closer to him so that our bodies are touching. Jongin still smells of the cologne I got him for his birthday a few months ago.

“Let me do it. You must be tired. You should…rest your eyes,” he mutters and picks at my hair. I can picture his look of concentration.

“Aren’t you tired too? You should rest, Jongin. Aren’t we flying tomorrow?” I ask him, stifling a yawn. I am exhausted. These few days have been brutal to my body.

“Not really, I’m not. But yes, baby. We are flying tomorrow,” he chuckles. Jongin asked me where I wanted to go for honeymoon. Honestly, I think I am content with going to Disneyland. So that is exactly what Jongin did. He booked us a hotel in Disney World resort for a week. In Florida…

And this is why I love him.

I play with the ends of the blanket so I won’t fall asleep. Jongin is performing his duty as a responsible and loving husband wordlessly. He does not complain about the massive amount of hairspray that has plagued my hair, rendering it hopelessly immobile and stiff.

“I can’t wait,” I say, breaking the silence. My eyes are fast drooping already. It doesn’t help that Jongin’s presence has a comforting effect on me.

“I know, neither can I,” he chuckles. “There, done,” he says, feeling very accomplished.

I pat my hair and start tugging on it. Jongin laughs at me.

“Get changed and go to sleep.”

I nod and walk over to the bathroom in a sloppy manner. I slip out of my dress with ease and change into my pajamas before brushing my teeth. I manage a sleepy smile when I return to see Jongin sitting with one of his legs propped up as he leans on the backrest of the bed. He pats the space next to him and I walk over to him quickly, feeling a sudden burst of energy.

I pull up the blanket and snuggle up close to Jongin. He is still dressed in the suit but I don’t mind at all. I sigh and smile to myself, already drifting off to sleep.

“Sweet dreams.” I hear Jongin say in a distant part of my mind. I wasn’t sure if he really did say it or if it was part of my imagination but I was sure Jongin bent down to give me a soft kiss on my forehead and cheek. I can feel him smiling as he lingers on my skin and I smile as well. 

“I really, really, really love you,” Jongin says out loud as if I am still fully awake and alert. I can only nod weakly and pull his shirt closer to me.

The last thing I remember that night was Jongin telling me how adorable I am when I’m sleepy. Which I completely disagree, but I was too sleepy to tell him off. 


A/N: HFBJHDBCKJHBCDHSBCAS I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY TT_TT OTL So...yeah, this is my long update for you guys...HEHEHE. THIS IS DEDICATED TO MY IDIOTIC, DERP COUSIN, KL-mars. THE IGOR TO MY DOPEY. OR WHATEVER...LOLOL. I put both of her ultimate biases in here LOL. \o/ Well Idk she would totally be BFFs with Baek if he's here...OHKAI. I NEED TO SLEEP. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT. <3 And check out my cousin's works? Heheh, she writes beautiful things OTL. 

P.S. to my snot cousin: when you see the drama version of the MV, don't get depressed and just read this. HAPPY EVER AFTER WITH JONGIN YESEEEUUUU <3

Ohkai, BYEEEESSSS <3  

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Who should I write about next omg I write about Kai too much OTL


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mmyyuseong #1
May I put your one shot on my recommended list? =]
Chikitten1698 #2
Chapter 32: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Thank you thank you thank you!
It's soo cute and perfect.
Thank you!~
raissaov #3
Chapter 32: sooo fluffyyyy

po_951015 #6
Chapter 32: I like this really much. It's so cute <3<3<3<3<3
flyingfili #7
it's sweet to see how happy yixing to meet jian, and how they just click into each other <333

_uniquelynghi #9
Chapter 31: /flails/
Xing Xing. Q u Q
thank you for the update~ c: