Baekhyun's POV



'but it never came'

I opened my eyes slowly but there was 'no' father..., but that's when I hear someone whinned below me. I looked down and saw my father lying on the ground, blood coming out from his nose. He was still obviously alive cause he's still 'whimping', he's not unconscious. 'Who did this to him?'

Right... not the time to think about that. All I have to do right now is to run away, but that's when I bumped unto something hard when I turned around with a speed.

"Going somewhere my little princess?" I was looking down while rubbing my nose but when I heard the 'unknown person's' voice, it sound of a bit familiar so I looked up to see the owner of the voice. And guess what? I was right about who the person is.



End of Baekhyun's POV



Kyungsoo was at the school gate, waiting for Seohyun who was now 2 minutes late. When students started to fill up the gates to go out, Kyungsoo began to jump to see if Seohyun was with the 'students' that made some of the student gave him a weird look. But he don't really care about the people's judgemental looks about him. Jumping up and down, he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling his name behind him.

"Kyungsoo! Whom are you looking for?"

Kyungsoo stopped from jumping and saw Seohyun standing beside him with an angelic face printed on her face. "You?"

Seohyun chuckled that made Kyungsoo blushed a bit. "Sorry for being late, I'm scheduled today to clean our classroom."

Kyungsoo showed an understanding smile. "It's okay, so now that your here, shall we go?"

Seohyun nodded before they made their way to the school's library.


Time passed by as both Kyungsoo and Seohyun studied pile of books in the library. For a long time, never did both of them said something. But that's when Seohyun decided to break the silence.

"So... Kyungsoo...?" Seohyun said while hitting his chin lightly with her pencil.

"Hm?" Kyungsoo answered, eyes never leaving the chemistry book he's holding.

"Do you ever have a girlfriend? boyfriend?"

By that question, Kyungsoo looked up and stared at Seohyun's questioning eyes for seconds before answering. "None," Seohyun's eyes widened, as if it's impossible for her to believe that Kyungsoo is not in a relationship with anyone. "what's up with that look?"

Seohyun shooked her head, realizing that she trated with Kyungsoo with wide eyes for a long time. She felt embarassed about her reaction and lowered down her head. "Nothing... it's just... your sweet and you looked like a caring person, why don't you have anyone?"

"Not interested," Kyungsoo answered, stretching out his arms and letting out a yawn, feeling tired. 

Seohyun looked up to look at Kyungsoo, "why?"

"Well, nothing much. I was hurt twice and I've learned a lot."

"Who?" Seohyun asked without thinking that he and Kyungsoo just met, so of course, Kyungsoo won't tell her directly.

Kyungsoo thought for a second if should he tell that it was Kai who hurt him but he made his decision. "You know what? It's getting late. I think we should go home now." Seohyun wanted to insis him to tell her who was it but she knew that she'll be going too far if she'd ask so she just nod with a smile.

They, together stood up from their seats, gathered all their stuffs before leaving out the library.


"where'd you live?" Kyungsoo asked Seohyun as they stopped at the school gates.

"at xxx--xxx-xxxx" 

"really? My apartment is just blocks away from there, shall we walk together?"

Seohyun smiled and nodded before they started walking.

The cold breeze started to hit Seohyun's skin as the girls' unifrom in their skull had just a simple upper. Kyungsoo noticed Seouhyun's shivers so he took off his coat and handed it over to Seohyun.

"What about you? You'll get cold" Seohyun said with a worried look, leavind Kyungsoo's arm with the coat in his hand in the air.

Kyungsoo smiled. "I'll be kay, you need it more" 

Seohyun gladly accepted the coat and wear it comfortably.

Both of them them shared laughs together as they walked towards their respective places. They looked like a happy couple walking at a desserted street as the rain just stopped a moment ago before they went out in the library.

Kyungsoo was enjoying his moment with Seohyun, not that he loved Seohyun like how he loved Kai and by mentioning Kai's name, he stopped in his tracks as he saw Kai in front of him and Seohyun staring at them with a lustful look.

"What's wrong Kyungsoo?" Seohyun asked but she got no answer, so she followed where Kyungsoo was looking at tand saw Kai. She turned her gaze back at Kyungsoo and realized that Kyungsoo's eyes became wattery like he was about to break up in the street.

"Let's go Seohyun" Kyungsoo sounded so cold. It's a sound that both Seohyun and Kai never heard before. Seohyun just nodded and followed Kyungsoo's way. Seohyun felt someone boring holes in her head as she and Kyungsoo passed ny Kai. 'Maybe it's Kai.' Seohyun thoguht of the person whom Kyungsoo meant that he learned from. She didn't miss a drop of tear that came out from Kyungsoo's eyes.




Chanyeol's POV

I brought Baekhyun to my apartment, gladly Sehun and Kai wasn't around. I brought him here to let himself heat up cause god! He's so drowned in wet. I head towards my closet and get a clean shirt and walk over to Baekhyun who was sitting on my bed, quitely shivering. "Here, you can borrow my shirt." I handed him my shirt and he bowed before he gladly accept it. "You can use the bathrrom outside, just walk staright and turn left, there's you'll see a blue door. He smiled in response before heading out in my room.

I lied down to my bed, waiting for Baekhyun to comeback. He really looked like a lost puppy  when I saw Him almost beaten up by old man out there. He's so lucky that I made the right decision to look for him.

I was stopped by my thoughts when a heard my door opened, revealinga pale looking boy. Baekhyun made his way towards me wth a smile. 'How can he still smile after everything that happend to him today? He's unbelievable!'

"Thankyou,"  Baekhyun bowed down to me two times with a very grateful smile. "Your always in a good tyming you know." 

"huh?" Why does he always have to make me confused?

"duh! You were also in a good tyming when you saved me from drowning.

Right... I forgot that he knew that I was the one who saved back then during the trip.



"Your my savior," Baekhyun answered back before opening his book once again.

"What do you mean?" 'Could he possibly knew that I'm the one who saved him?' Chanyeol thought 'Did Taeyeon told him the truth?' Chanyeol is so confused right now about what Baekhyun meant to say.

Baekhyun closed his book again before tunring his gaze to Chanyeol. "I'm not stupid Chanyeol. I know that you were the one who saved me from drowning."

Chanyeol's eyes widened at Baekhyun's response. "But--but how!?" Chanyeol almost shout, gladly, everyone was busy with their own business that they didn't care about what's happening at the furthest part of the bus.

"Your wet," Baekhyun answered coldy.


"When the time I woke up, I saw Taeyeon staring at me and she claimed to be the person who saved me, so at first, I really thought that she's the one who saved me  but when I saw you, I realized something."

"what?" Chanyeol asked two times, still confused of how Baekhyun knew that it was him.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at Chanyeol stupidity. "Don't you get the point? She wasn't wet when I woke up, but instead, you were! So how can  a person saved another person from drowning without getting wet?, she easily dried up or something?" Baekhyun let out a small laugh at his thought. "See I'm not stupid!"

'Right! How can I be so stupid? Of course he'll know that it was me cause I'm the one wgho got wet nad Taeyeon was fully dried up. Stupid me!' Chanyeol thought.




"I also knew that you were the one who kissed me" Baekhyun said jokingly with a chuckle that made Chanyeol stare at him, mesmerized by his cute smile.

Yes it was me and I wanna do it again. 



End of Chanyeol's POV







*CLAP HANDS* I'm so happy that I got a chance to update ☺

Chanyeol was 'mesmerized' by Baekhyun's smile? LOL! I never knew that I'll came up with that XD

So, this will be may last update until next week.. *cries*   

SORRY! WRITER'S BLOCK... I had an exam right??

So please be patient with me ^_^


Please read my other story ^_^

You'll enjoy it from guessing. I MEANT :-D




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Chapter 26: God it all Kai fault if not Luhan will be with Sehun
Chapter 26: my heart hurts so much ;-;
Chapter 25: Haha Chanyeol is so Funny hehehe
Chapter 25: ogod chanyeol you meanie pshhh
Chapter 24: woohoo.. please update soon :D
Chapter 24: OKAY YOU DID. POOF
Chapter 23: OMG!!! What will happened if HanSoo found baek in the kingkas home XD
Can't wait another chap...
Please update asap :)
Chapter 15: What taeyeon doing here?? Adgfjfkgklgjglh
exocouple #10
Chapter 23: Update please!!! I'm waiting!! :D
You story is beautiful! ;)