The Confession

Waiting for the Unexpected


Seunghyun heard some footsteps and knew that Jiyong was following him so he slowed his pace and turned around, bad timing. Jiyong was running on full speed and couldn’t stop himself so he ended up falling on Seunghyun which caused a flush of pink to appear on his cheeks.

“What the, why turn around all of a sudden?!” Jiyong sighed as he dragged Seunghyun onto his feet. Once Seunghyun got up, he continued walking away but slower than before.

“What the heck is wrong with you? Ending up in my room, walking away all of a sudden, so tell me what’s up.” Jiyong narrowed his eyebrows and faced Seunghyun with a “I-am-waiting-so-start-talking” face. Jiyong was getting serious, did Seunghyun think this is a joke?”

“I-I have feelings for you.” Seunghyun whispered into Jiyong’s ear, he heard his own voice crack while confessing. Of course, he was damn nervous.

“W-What?” Jiyong thought he heard wrong but from seeing Seunghyun’s face becoming red as his own, he knew that Seunghyun meant it. “Quit fooling around! We are both guys!” Jiyong was trying his best to stop yelling at the older one but he had no choice.

“I know that.” Seunghyun sighed deeply facing down and kept on walking. “The real thing is that, what is your you feel the same way?” Seunghyun bit his lip as he looked at Jiyong’s face turning redder by the second.

“To tell you the truth, I-I don’t’s just s-so new to me.” Jiyong lied about saying it's new to him but he had special feelings for Seunghyun but never knew what kind it was, did he really feel the same way? He can’t say till he’s completely positive.

“So is that a rejection?” Seunghyun was trying his hard to not to let himself think negative. Well it’s true that we’ve both only went out with women so he understood.

“Is this a lovers quarrel? I could hear you down the hallway!” CL the leader of 2NE1 has showed up with a desperate impression to know what’s going on.


“Let’s go.” Seunghyun didn’t want to face this women who just twists situations around, so he grabbed Jiyong’s hand and ran out the exit door.

“Not so fast, I can’t afford an artificial hand!” Jiyong whined as they head to the part of their building where the sun never shines.

“Finally, away from that women.” Jiyong knew how much Seunghyun hated CL well she did act pretty cocky most of the time, wanting to know everything that happens in BIGBANG.

As Jiyong caught his breath, he looked around to see where Seunghyun has took him. “Why’d you bring me here? I hate this place and you know that.” Jiyong walked away from the dreadful place to see the brightest side of Seoul appear in his eyes.

“I don’t take "I don’t know" for an answer Ji.” Seunghyun rested his hands on Jiyong’s shoulders and turned him around to face eachother.

“I already told you Seunghyun, I don’t want to say yes without realizing my feelings or reject you because I know that I have special feelings but I need to think about this since it’s not something to accept easily, it’s not rejection more like give me time.” Jiyong turned away from Seunghyun knowing that he can’t face him after what he just said.

Seunghyun can see that Jiyong needs time but it’s probably useless if he can’t prove why he’s meant for Ji in the first place, but how can he?



Short again? Don't worry since I'll be updating daily! How was it? Next chapter coming up in 5mins! Comments are love, if I get any that is! :)

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Your story it's so good, and I love the way all try to help each other xD
when you'll update? *puppy eyes*
Chapter 13: go for your boy, maknae!!!!
Please just let Seungri be happy~~~!
Chapter 12: Great story. It's got good drama in it and i like that there is some light humor in this chapter to lift the mood up more. :) Looking forward to the next chapter. Your updates are so fast :)
bloodymoon #4
Chapter 11: i dont think so
it will back fire
when yb gets closer to vi he might question his feelings again , gd will see this and go crazy with jealousy and be more determined to keep vi and no matter how much he likes yb as bf he will not let stand infront of his love gd is a selfish dragon whos been in love for too long to stop now
as for top he can try all he wants there is no stoping the crazy dragon
sarahid #5
Chapter 11: i love your story , i hope that everyone finds his half
Chapter 1: Good start. Makes me interested to know what will happern
bloodymoon #7
gri all thw wayy
bloodymoon #8
omg things r so complicated
sarahid #9
Chapter 7: i want gtop pleas
Chapter 6: please make this gri~~~pleasssss author-nim...^^