Come Fly With Me

Takeoff for Romance








Come Fly With Me...

“So, what brought you to the great land of China?”

Joonmyun raised his eyebrow at the small hint of sarcasm in Yixing’s voice and replied “I have some relatives living there, but I mostly go there to visit my cousin and his boyfriend.” The redhead smiled to himself thinking about how he missed the rambunctious already.

Yixing caught the happy look on the other’s face and couldn’t help but feel slightly envious of him. His relationship with his own mother wasn’t the greatest at the moment, especially after his parents got divorced during his first year in high school. He could still clearly remember the late night arguments his parents had and how he would purposely stay out of the house late at night just to avoid his parents yelling at each other. He remembered how he would force himself to study for hours after school so that he can get good grades and leave his broken home, leave his old life behind in China.

But of course Yixing couldn’t just abandon his own mother so she made him promise to visit her whenever he could.

Then his thoughts went to the past relationships he had, which were almost non-existent because he threw himself into his studying rather than having a social life and wasting his time dating someone for a short period of time, only to be dumped in the end.

Yixing smiled bitterly, there are no such things as happy endings, they only exist in fairy tales…

Joonmyun waved a hand in front of his face and grinned when the brunette jumped in his seat, startled out of his reverie, ”Welcome back to earth, Yixing.”

Yixing blinked at him a few times before playfully rolling his eyes and scoffed at the boy next to him “Technically we’re not back on Earth because we haven’t landed yet,” and without skipping a beat Joonmyun added, “But we are within Earth’s atmosphere, no?”

The two men looked at each other before chuckling and smiling at each other’s lame comebacks. Yixing was about to respond back when a sudden wave of turbulence struck their aircraft, causing the brunette to shut his eyes and grip the armrest tightly.

Please don’t freak out… not yet, I need to stay calm… Yixing concentrated on calming himself down and to steady his breathing while beads of sweat formed at his temples, unaware of the redhead watching him with concern in his eyes.

For Yixing it felt like forever before the turbulence ended, his eyes still tightly shut and hands gripping the armrests, but his eyes snapped open when he felt a warm hand cover his cold one; Joonmyun was gazing at him with an unexplainable look in his eyes, but one that Yixing seemed to interpret as It’s okay, I’m here now… and for that he truly felt grateful.

Yixing slowly felt himself unwind and relax, but it didn’t last long as he could feel a wave of nausea hitting him and he knew he had to get to the washroom fast.

He quickly stood up and excused himself, leaving a confused and worried Joonmyun behind wondering what was wrong with the brunette.




Joonmyun sat patiently in his seat, reading an eBook on his iPad, while waiting for the Chinese male to return from the plane's lavatory. He paused on his reading only to remember how frightened and pale the other boy looked when the plane hit the turbulence.

It was then that Joonmyun noticed that Yixing had been gone for over ten minutes.

Worried, he stood up and set his iPad down in his seat and started to make his way to the back of the plane where the lavatories were. Only one of them was in use and Joonmyun knew right away that Yixing was still occupying the other one. He raised his fist, about to knock on the door, but stopped when he heard muffled coughing coming from the other side, followed by something being dropped and scattering all over the floor.

''...'' Was all that came out of Yixing's mouth, quietly muttering to himself, when he knocked down the bottle containing his anti-anxiety pills. He let out a harsh sigh of frustration as knelt down on his knees in the cramped washroom and started to pick them up one by one, only to notice his hands were slightly shaking. It didn't help the fact that Yixing was feeling nauseated and pretty much threw up the little food he ate in toilet.

Yixing froze at the sound of light knocking followed by a muffled ''Yixing'' undoubtedly coming from a concerned Joonmyun.

''Yixing, are you okay? I mean, you've been gone for a while and just wanted to... to make sure you were fine.'' Yixing would've smiled at the worry in the other's voice if it weren't for the next wave of nausea that sent him reeling over the toilet bowl.

It was then that Joonmyun knew something was wrong with the brunette especially when he recognized the sounds of someone puking their guts out. Although they were merely strangers, Joonmyun knew he needed to help out Yixing who was clearly sick at this point.

''Yixing-sshi... please open the door and let me help you out just this once.'' Joonmyun stood there patiently for the next minute before he heard some movement inside and Yixing's weakened voice, ''J-Joonmyun...''

Yixing knew he shouldn't allow himself to get too close with the red-haired boy; after all he was only a stranger and nothing more. Sure, Joonmyun was friendly, kind, and attractive and--damn it, he was going off track. It's not like we'll ever see each other again after we land, thought Yixing as he slowly got up and unlocked the door with a soft click.

When the door opened Joonmyun frowned at the sight of a sweaty and tired, much paler looking Yixing; then he looked down.

Yixing followed the direction of his eyes and immediately began to panic, “I-It’s not what you t-think it is… I swear... m-my anxiety doesn’t handle flying too well…” his voice trailed off when he looked up only to see a warm smile on Joonmyun’s face.

“Yixing, it’s okay. You don’t have to feel like you owe me any explanation. Now, sit down and let me help you pick these up.” Joonmyun didn’t waste any time and gently pushed the speechless Yixing onto the toilet seat, pulling lid down first, before crouching down and began picking up the scattered pills. Yixing sat there in awe, his heart fluttering in his chest, watching the red-haired angel and wondering as why he was being so kind to him.

“Why are you doing this for me, we barely know each other…”

Joonmyun looked up at him and truly noticed how tired and defeated Yixing looked; he gave him a confident response “That’s easy; you just needed someone there for you.” And he gave Yixing a winning smile.


Yixing was not expecting that.

Nor was he expecting his body to react to those words in such a way that sent him feeling uncomfortable.

Those simple words made him feel like he was worth the attention; he felt important.

He sighed, feeling his resolve dissolving the longer he spent time with the red-haired boy and couldn’t help but feel saddened by the prospect of never meeting the kind-hearted man once they land in Korea. 

For an unknown reason, Yixing felt his eyes sting with unshed tears but he blinked them away, and offered Joonmyun a rare genuine smile. Joonmyun returned the smile while handing the bottle of pills back to him, and added in a serious tone ''I hope that one day, regardless of where you are and the circumstance, that you don't have to ever use these again.'' 

Joonmyun's hands lingered on Yixing's and the Chinese male noticed how pleasantly warm and comforting they felt on his own cold ones, and blushed at his thought of how it would be like to hold hands with the red-headed boy; how right it felt. 

Joonmyun helped Yixing up on his feet, who although was a little shaky, and tried to maneuver around the tiny washroom to let Yixing out however that... wasn't going so well... 

''I'll move this way and--no Yixing, not that way!'' 

''Damn it, Joonmyun! Make up your--ow! That's my foot you're stepping on!'' 

''S-Sorry! Ow! Not the sink, Yixing, d-don't shove me against the sink.'' 

''Well, excuse me for trying to get out! And damn it Joonmyun, stop yelling so much! You're m-making too much noise, p-people might get t-the wrong idea...'' 

''I wha--oh...'' 

The two men were completely unaware that in the midst of all their scuffling, the other passengers on the flight heard the commotion coming from one of the lavatories, with some letting out a few wolf-whistles and others coughing to hide their discomfort. 

Then it got pretty quiet between the two when they stopped shuffling around and an awkward silence filled whatever space was left in the cramped room. Both males tried to look anywhere else but each other because it's not like it can get any more awkward with them holding onto the other closely, right? 


It really did get more awkward, especially for Joonmyun.  

Yixing had decided to kindly point out with a blank face, and quite bluntly, that Joonmyun was vertically challenged--calling him short. 

Joonmyun looked up at the taller boy with a cute pout on his lips, ''I'm n-not that s-short...'' 

The smirk on Yixing's face was immediately wiped off as soon the shorter boy pouted and he found himself concentrating deeply on those thin, pink lips of his. He gasped when he caught the shorter boy staring at his own lips with the same hungry look in his eyes, and he made a move to turn away from him only for his shoulder to bump into the light switch. 

Now they were completely surrounded by darkness. 

''You've got to be ing kidding me...'' muttered Yixing.

''I-It's okay, Yixing. If we can just turn it on... then we should be--'' Yixing could feel Joonmyun trying to find the light switch, ''--fine...?'' but ultimately failing in the end.

''Okay, let's just focus on finding the handle to the door then...'' suggested Joonmyun. 

Yixing turned to move but instead let out a manly squeal when Joonmyun's brushed against his behind, ''J-Joonmyun, what t-the hell?!'' he yelled, slapping the shorter male's hand away.  Joonmyun laughed nervously,

''S-Sorry! I was just trying to--ah, I found it!'' He latched onto the door handle and opened the door only to fall while pulling the taller boy along with him.

Yixing fell right on top of Joonmyun, chest to chest and crotch against crotch.



Things are definitely moving along for these two~ ;o
I really tried making the chapter longer this time so I hope it didn't disappoint? x)
If I can get more comments then maybe I'll post Hunhan chappie sooner~lol.
Next update will be the characters info and background.
Image does not belong to me.

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Ughh don't know when I'll post the new chapter... I hate having writers block... o(T^T)o


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Chapter 5: So cute.... ;A; I see the KaiSoo hints xD
Chapter 3: I really love this author-nim~ SuLay is one of my favourite ships ^^ HunHan too
Chapter 3: Lol! The ending was hilarious! How I love awkward situations xD looking forward to the next chapter author-nim~
uniquegals #4
Chapter 2: It's good, of course ;) Sulay and Hunhan FTW! Looking forward for next chapter. :*
Chapter 2: This one is also very good! So cute! ^^
I can't wait to have the rest of the story! :D
lunaluna #6
Chapter 2: Auww both story were so cuteee
Chapter 1: Waaa, so good!
It seems like it'll be a really good story! :D
Please, update soon~
Omo. The hunhan part ;A; and I lub sulay too! But too ot12 stories, sulay and xiuchen are always left out