Chapter 17: School basketball and soccer teams’ captains

Girls Revolution

Mary and Minho headed to the gym where the coach was waiting for them.

“Well kids sorry for taking your free time but what I have to ask you is important” Mr. Cho said once they were inside

“There is no problem sir. We understand” Minho said

“So let’s get this on with so you can still take some profit of your free period.” the coach started “Minho as last year I want you to be the captain of the basketball team for the tournament and as for you Mary I wanted to ask you to be the captain of the feminine soccer team”

“Why me? I’m not actually from the school” Mary questioned

“You are part of this school for a full year so you think that isn’t enough?” he asked her

“If you say so sir I’ll accept the spot as the captain” she said

“Good, what about you Minho?”

“You know you can always count on me couch”

“Well this year is a bit different.”

“How so sir?” both of them asked

“You’ll have to train the teams without my help. I’m forbidden to help you by this year’s rules”

“We won’t let you down sir we’ll be able to train the teams by ourselves”

“Excuse me sir!” Mary called Mr. Cho

“Yes Miss”

“When will this tournament be?”

“In two weeks it was supposed to be next week but it coincided with the Dance competition so we postponed it” the coach explained

“Two weeks! we’ll have to start practicing as soon as possible!” Mary exclaimed

“Easy Mary you still don’t have a team to work with” Minho laughed “When are you planning on joining a team, sir?”

“I’ll put an announcement in the school corridors, in the cafeteria and here on the gym. So I’m expecting to have a team in two days.” Mr. Cho explained

“Okay! Then we’ll start practicing in two days” Mary said serious

“Mary can you calm down and be less Yara and Taemin like?” Minho asked

“What do you mean?” she inquired

“They were the ones that started to practice like crazy once they were assigned to the dance competition” he explained with a serious face but the coach started to laugh “sorry sir… but what’s so funny”

“Nothing… it’s just that is so typical of him to do that. He sure loves dancing”

Yara is the same and she doesn’t participate in something like that in so long. She’s practicing nonstop because she wants to be as good as Taemin” Mary said

“But she already is as good as him” both man said

“She doesn’t think like that so she takes it a bit to the limit” she explained “but seriously I’m not like that we only have two weeks”

“She’s right Minho. You better than anyone know that not all people that applies to the team is a good player. As Miss Mary said you’ll have to start practice as much as you can” Mr. Cho said “You can go now and enjoy the rest of your free period”

“Thank you sir” with that said both Mary and Minho got out of the gym and headed to where the others were

“So… you need any help?” Minho asked

“With what?” she asked

“Training what else” he laughed

“Maybe, but who knows what’s in your mind” she smirked


“Yeah, you boys have a dirty mind!” she laughed

“Have not!” Minho protested “But seriously do you need help with training the girls?” he asked

“Yes you have” Mary said smirking “It sure would be great to have a hand but I think I’ll ask Yara for help. You would be drooling” she laughed

“Why can't and would I?”

“You just want to see the girls in shorts”

“That’s not why and Yara wouldn’t be much help either. I mean she’s not good at sports”

“She’s good enough to help and unlike you she won’t be drooling while observing the game” she said laughing

“YAH!” he yelled

“Shush! There are others having classes” she laughed

“It’s your fault” he said

“No it isn’t! I didn’t tell you to scream and I just told the truth” she said trying to suppress her laugh

“Stop laughing” he muttered between his teeth

“You take things too much to heart” she giggled “I was just joking with you of course I want your help. You know them better” she said smiling

“Okay. So you wanna help me with the boys practice?”

“Why not?” she smiled at him

“So it’s settled. By the way do you know why Anko, Xti and Ari have been avoiding Key, Siwon and Jonghyun?”  he questioned

“They won’t tell” Mary said “Is that Rin and Onew? What are they doing?”

“Where? Are you kidding?  I have to take a photo of that” Minho snickered taking out his phone of Onew back hugging Rin

“They’ll be so embarrassed” Mary chuckled evilly

“Let’s go to them, the others must be coming soon” he said grabbing her hand and started to run

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Arabshawol #1
Chapter 32: I really love this story . plz update soon ^-^ .I'll be waiting
Awesome storyy!!
it's so great so far ! please update soon
dancelover201 #4
Chapter 1: Greeting from Brazil! Can't wait till the next chapter! Fighting!