Cappuccinos and Gummy Smiles.

A Little Lost...

The quaint little café was empty when Kyuhyun walked in. The lunch crowds should have left a long time back. He walked into the welcoming air conditioned room and chose a seat at a far corner.


He was engrossed in his PSP when he heard someone speak to him.


“Good afternoon sir. What would you like to have? “


Kyuhyun looked up irritably at the source of disturbance. His tired eyes met single lidded ones that exuded warmth.


“Nothing.” Kyuhyun answered in one word and went back to his PSP.


“Well, you can’t just sit here without ordering anything!” The blond waiter tapped his stylus against the order pad, an annoyed frown dancing on his lips.


‘I don’t have money for anything. My bag was stolen.” Kyuhyun replied, not looking up from the PSP. The next thing he heard was a shriek.


“Omo, are you ok? Are you hurt?” the blond waiter placed his electronic order pad on the table and crouched next to him. “What happened? Did you get robbed? How many robbers were there? “


Despite his current annoyed state, Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smile at him. The waiter looked cute when he was flustered.


“I got lost.” Kyuhyun started explaining and was interrupted immediately.


“Lost? How does anyone get lost in this small town? Oh wait! You are new around here. I have never seen you before. What’s your name? “The blond boy rattled on. “Who are you and where are you from and how did you get lost?”


Kyuhyun didn’t know which of his questions to answer first, so he started with the basic.


“My name is Kyuhyun.”


“I am Hyukjae!” the other boy chimed, introducing himself with flourish. “You can call me Hyukkie.”


Kyuhyun took the skinny hand that he held out. It felt warm and protective against his.


“Well, I go to school in New York. I am visiting my brother in Seoul after a long time. He had to attend a meeting and couldn’t accompany me to sight see. He tried to arrange a guided tour for me but I insisted on traveling by bus so that I experience daily life here.” Kyuhyun continued answering Hyukkie’s questions.


“I was looking for doing pretty well with Google maps until my phone went flat.” He held up the latest smart phone with a shrug.  “And I can’t retrieve my brother’s number to let him know I am lost.”


“Well, did you get robbed?” Hyukjae asked again, a curious look running on his face. “How come you have your PSP and phone with you but no money?”


Kyuhyun could almost imagine the wheel turning in the blond boy’s head. A huge dramatic robbery that left him penniless and running for his life.


“I fell asleep on the bus and when I woke up my bag was gone. I got off at the last bus station and I had no money for fare back.” Kyuhyun explained why he had no money and watched with satisfaction as Hyukjae’s face soured at the lack of excitement.


Without realizing it, Kyuhyun felt his signature smirk coming back.


“And I always carry my PSP with me. It’s like a life line.” He waved the gadget in the air. “Wish I could make calls with it though.”


“Well, don’t worry. You can stay here till your brother can come to pick you up. I can give him the directions.” Hyukkie held out his hand for the phone. “After we charge your phone and call him.”


Kyuhyun handed him the phone and followed him to the front of the café.




Hyukkie plugged in Kyuhyun’s phone to charge at the counter and sent him to the staff changing room to wash up. He busied himself making a cup of coffee and fixing Kyuhyun a plate of cute star shaped sandwiches to cheer him up.


A few minutes of charging brought the cellular phone back to life and it tinkled indicating an incoming call.


Hyukkie picked up the call and quickly assured Kyuhyun’s worried brother on his little brother’s whereabouts. He rattled out some information and directions to the café and hung up.


Taking a look at his digital wristwatch, he estimated a four hour drive from where Kyuhyun’s brother was to his café.


Shortly after Kyuhyun returned, having freshen up. Hyukkie updated him on his phone conversation with his brother. Kyuhyun quickly called his worried brother and put him at ease that he was in safe hands.


Hyukkie was waiting for him when he finished the call.


“Well, Kyuhyun shii, your brother will be here in about four hours. You are most welcomed to stay here and wait for him. Or do you want to go out and come…”


“No, I might get lost again and Siwon will have my head. I have strict orders to stay put. “The younger boy sulked, like a grounded kid.


Hyukkie couldn’t help but laugh at his comical expression. He invited Kyuhyun to have a seat at the counter where he could work and chat with him at the same time.




Kyuhyun loved his laughter. It resonated through the empty café and he loved the way his lips stretched exposing his gums. Gummy smile, he termed Hyukkie’s laughter.


Hyukkie’s gummy smile was so contagious that Kyuhyun found himself laughing along with the blond boy. Unlike Siwon and even his own self, Hyukkie was a chatter box and had an excellent sense of humor.


Soon a group of people walked into the café, taking Hyukkie back to work.


Kyuhyun sat at the counter eating his star shaped sandwiches and watching Hyukkie at work. He was efficient, neat and orderly as he prepared the orders. His service was friendly and he definitely floored a few girls in the group with his gummy smile.


A small jealous frown unknowingly marred Kyuhyun’s face when that happened.


As dinner approached, a few more customers came in. The night chef had reported sick so Hyukkie was on his own that night. He was busy running around with his order pad, when Kyuhyun stopped him.


“Can I help you?” he enquired. “Maybe with making coffee?”


“Or …clearing tables?” Kyuhyun dragged hesitantly when he saw Hyukkie pondering.


“Err I don’t have time to teach you how to use the machine. “ Hyukkie smiled apologetically while he prepared a few cups of cappuccinos. “Maybe the table…”


“It’s ok. I know how to use it. We have one at home and I use it everyday. “Kyuhyun’s quick, enthusiastic reply rendered Hyukkie speechless. Kyuhyun quickly pushed Hyukjae out of the way and demonstrated his prowess with the cappuccino machine.


Soon Hyukjae earned himself an enthusiastic helper. Kyuhyun pottered around the shop, making cappuccinos and clearing trays. He kept the kids of a very tired looking mummy customer entertained with his miraculous gaming skills and even paid for a elderly couple who were a little short of cash for their order.He promised Hyukjae , he would settle the payment once his brother got there.


Hyukjae had just smiled.




“Well its closing time. “ Hyukkie announced after Kyuhyun saw the elderly couple to the door.


“But Siwon is not here yet!” Kyuhyun pouted and looked up a little disappointedly at Hyukjae.


“Well I am tired and I don’t think I can serve anymore. Let’s close the shop and then wait for your brother. You can make me a cup of cappuccino. “Hyukkie gave him another gummy smile, assuring him that he was not throwing him out.


They closed up together and having an assistant proved to finish the job faster than usual.


While Kyuhyun whipped up the coffee, Hyukkie messed around in the pantry looking for something.


“Hyukkie, I am done with the coffee. Come on!” Kyuhyun hollered for his new friend. He placed the coffee mugs on the counter and took out his PSP.


“Kyuhyun!” Hyukkie called out to the boy who was busy gaming, as he came out of the pantry. He held a huge slice of strawberry cake. A flickering candle topped the cake.


“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday to dear Kyuhyun, Happy birthday to you!”




“Happy Birthday!” He flashed one of his gummy grins that Kyuhyun had become accustomed to in the past hours.


“How did you know?” Kyuhyun gasped, touched by the sweet gesture and baffled at the same time.


“Well your brother might have just let it slip just now.” Hyukjae chuckled and remembered his conversation with the flustered Mr. Cho Siwon


“Thank you for the directions Hyukjae shii. I am such an idiot. I should have just gone with him. He must be very upset. It’s his birthday and his mood must have been totally spoiled today.”




“Happy Birthday Kyu!” Hyukjae crushed him in a hug after he set the cake down on the table.


“Thank You Hyukkie!” Kyuhyun whispered, touched by the stranger’s congeniality. “Thank you so much! This is the best birthday ever.”


“Hahaha… Guess your brother was wrong about your mood being spoiled. Come on make a wish!” Hyukkie urged him, eyeing the cake hungrily.


Kyuhyun closed his eyes, clasped his hands and made an earnest wish. On a count of one two three, he blew out the candle.


“Mmmmm, this is so delicious!” Kyuhyun popped a piece of the cake into his mouth and chewed. His eyes closed, relishing the taste of strawberries and cream.


“Happy Birthday Kyu!” Hyukkie mischievous voice was followed by a wet sensation on his nose. He had smeared cake on Kyuhyun’s nose.


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened slowly, his lips curving into a sardonic smirk.


“You are dead!” He enunciated the words slowly before picking up some cake. In the ensuing chase, Hyukjae was faster as Kyuhyun predicted.


But Kyuhyun was smarter.


“Damn!” He feigned pain after running into a table and had Hyukkie’s undivided attention a moment later.


“Kyu, Kyu what’s wrong?” Hyukjae was busy looking for injuries that he never saw the cake coming.


“Gotcha!” Kyuhyun smeared Hyukkie’s face with the cake. Hyukkie looked stunned for a second, the next his tongue darted out to the cream that had landed on his lips.


“Strawberries!” His excited cry of love for the fruit and his cake masked face induced uncontrollable laughter for the younger. It proved contagious as the gummy grin broke through Hyukkie’s face as well.


Both of them collapsed into a heap of giggles and laughter. That was how Siwon found them five minutes later.




“I could never thank you enough Hyukjae shii.” Siwon bowed again as his brother rolled his eyes.


“Enough Mr. Exaggerated Gestures. You are embarrassing poor Hyukkie. “Kyuhyun tugged at his sleeves and sent an apologetic smile to Hyukkie.


The brothers helped Hyukkie pack up and Kyu made sure his brother paid Hyukjae for the favour he had bestowed on the elderly couple. After which they dropped him home.


Hyukjae pushed his hands into his pocket and grinned at the boy whose head poked out of the car window.


“Bye Kyu. Stay happy and don’t get lost anymore.” Hyukkie bade his new friend a hesitant goodbye. Some part of him wished Siwon could have come a little later.


“I will see you around Hyukkie.” Kyuhyun’s words held an untold promise that spread soft warmth within him. “And keep smiling. I love your gummy smile. “


Hyukkie stood on the pavement outside his house till the car disappeared from his sight. Till the hands that waved frantically at him was gone.


He hoped he will be able to see him soon. Thinking about him automatically brought a smile to his face.


“I hope you get to see this gummy smile that you love so much, once more, Kyuhyun.” He thought to himself before walking into the house.




“Hyung, I have decided to stay here. And I want to go to school in this town.” Kyuhyun announced as soon as Hyukjae disappeared from his line of vision.


“Bwoh? Why all of a sudden?” Siwon gestured wildly with one hand. “And why this town? Seoul has so many good universities that you can attend.”


“Siwon Hyung, I am agreeing to stay here for your sake.” Kyuhyun sighed dramatically.


“My sake?” Siwon’s brow rose in suspicion.


“Yes, didn’t you promise Mum and Dad that you will fulfill all my wishes?” Kyuhyun turned to his brother who confirmed the fact with a nod of his head.


“Well, today when I blew out my birthday candle I made a wish.” Kyuhyun stated in a matter of fact tone.


“And your wish was??” Siwon prodded, almost guessing what his mischievous little magnae was up to.


“To see Hyukkie’s gummy smile everyday.” Kyuhyun smiled broadly and knew he was going to have his way when Siwon broke out into uncontained laughter.


“Your wish is my command little brother.” Siwon reached over to ruffle his hair. “Happy Birthday. “


“Yep, it has indeed been a Happy Birthday!” Kyuhyun settled into the luxurious seat of the BMW. Closing his eyes, he started dreaming. Of cappuccinos and gummy smiles.

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ionlytoldthemoon #1
Chapter 1: This is a very nice story. I like how kyu and hyuk were so comfortable with each other within minutes of meeting. It is so sweet how kyu seems to be completely mesmerized with hyuk's gummy smile :]
Chapter 1: Omg. Loved this fic. Hehehe. So sweet! Kyuhyuk so adorbs. ♥
kira_angel #3
Chapter 1: Can I trans this into Vietnamese ~~~~~~
I kist luv your sweet story.
michikokasiumi #4
Chapter 1: Hwaaaaa.. it soo cute.. so adorable... cutey kyu >w<
i like it >U<
shivyn #5
Chapter 1: awwww....this is adorable!!! me likey!!!! thank u for writing this...amazing even though its your first time!!!! mwah!~!!!
Chapter 1: thats really cute kkk..kyu should lost more...lost in hyuk world kk..thank kyu for writing write more kyuhyuk ^^
Chapter 1: so nice, a strange yet cute couple
oh new kyuhyuk story..subs and wait for the next update ^^