Is Love Worth It???


im sorry that i didnt let u explain wat happened that night...im sorry 4 ignoring u...i know that u didnt really mean 2 its just that.....

i couldnt say anymore and looked up ay him he was smiling

wat!!?? u like me in my sadness!!???

no.....he said with a serious face

i hit him on the chest

ow!!! he said rubbing his chest

im just glad that ur talking 2 me he said

i smiled im just sorry

well u shouldnt be

he explanied everything and i trusted him

i hugged him

he hugged me back

and we both said

i miss u

we laughed and talked more and more



i like u....

i smiled

me 2.....

actuallly i dont like u

oh...i said glumly

he lifted my head with his hand on my chin

i love u and kissed me


we quickly stopped kissing and saw the whole group smiling at us

i blushed.....

taec scratched the back of his head

he he he said nervously

khun motioned him 2 go on

taec shrugged and kissed me again

this time the crowd left us alone

he holded both of my hands'

will  u be by girlfriend???

yes...i said and hugged him

he lifted me up and spinned me around

we finally arrived at the top of the mountainit was very pretty cause it was sunset we ate out dinner and talked while watching the sunset

the sunset view:http://www.pictures.com/share/gIRqddMhr7RUYC9fbtvM-g


i was totally happy my bff was i have a bf and the view was amazing!!!

khun told me 2 rest my head on his shoulder and i took a nap


the group went 2 a fountain with freah water 2 washand drink yuri and yoona was still sleeping so taec and khun decided 2 stay


the boys were talking outside and joking around  until the girls cam outside stretching

oh hi....yonna said

hello ladies

where is everyone else??? yuri asked

dont u care about me first!!?? taec said pretending 2 pout

nope...yuri said joking

taec pretended 2 cry

yuri laughed and kissed him

better??? she asked'

he nodded and kissed her more

get a room!!!! khun and yoona said

u guys 2!!!! e both said we all laughed

ugh im thirsty the girls said

ok come on they led the 2 the fountain

y is there a fountain in the middle of the forest???

bcuz people get thirsty when they hioke

oh...duh!!!the girls said

they drank water and went back home


yuri: ugh im exhausted!!!!!

yoona: me 2


all the girls looked 2 that direction and saw theyre old best buddies heechul and seungi!!!!!


they left the boys dumbfounded and ran 2 them

they all hugged each other

the boys finally arrived and caught up with them all of them were panting

girls i thouhgt u guys r tired??? khun asked

not anymore!!! they all replied

yuri and taeyeon was holding heechul's hand and yoona and seohyun was holding seungi's hand

the boys saw and got jealous

heechul let go and introduced them

hello im heechul

and im seungi

hi im taecyeon




they all shook hands

yuri hugged heechul really tightly

i missed u soooo much how did u come here???

taecyeon was really jealous

heechul laughed i knew u were coming here and i wanted 2 visit u guys

yuri laughed and ruffled his hair


taecyeon eyed yuri

heechul i would like u 2 meet taecyeon......my boyfriend

she holded both of their hands and led them  2 face each other

taecyeon kissed yuri

yuri giggled and hugged him....

she looked at heechul

he was looking somewhere else

YA!!!! HEECHUL!!!!



and hit him in the back of his head

sorry its just that the sun is beautiful just like u and holded her handsa

taecyeons hands was in fists

yuri blushed heechul when did u become so cheesy and romantic???

this year

yuri burst out laughing

he looked at taeyeon and kifted her up and twirled her

taeyeon laughed

wooyoung and taecyeon grabbed their hands and told them we have 2 go....

ok bye yuri and taeyeon said and walked away


taec/woo: wae??

the girls were worried wats wrong??

whos that heechul guy??

our old classmate

and yuri's ex-

taeyeon got cut off by yuri

yuri laughed nervously

ex wat??

taecyeon asked looking at yuri and taeyeon stopping

uhh...uhhh yuri said nervously

taec was mad

wAT IS IT!!?? he yelled

the girls were scared

woo:dude...calm down

im sorry girls he kissed yuri

pls tell me and smiled

yuri sighed ok......

he was my ex-boyfriend

taecyeon froze.....oh...he said quietly jealousy in his body

y did u break up with him???and when?? and how??

uhhhhh last year......i slapped him...and he almost gott me killed bcuz he was drunk and drivinmg me and i didnt know...and he kissed another girl......

taec was alittle worriedand hugged her

im glad u broke up with him i dont want u 2 die......

me 2 taec...im sorry

no i should be

they smiled and kissed each other


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kimdedol #1
Chapter 20: It's so fantastic n thank u so much for the interesting story .... Juwa hae
kimdedol #2
Chapter 20: It's so fantastic n thank u so much for the interesting story .... Juwa hae
i don't care if it was simple it was still romantic!!
MuChicken #4
Aww soo cute~
like it very much