


Krystal POV

                I woke up in Amber’s arms and sighed. I looked over to the sleeping girl next to me, and as I shifted my weight to caress her cheek I felt pain at my side. I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake Amber up. I walked into the bathroom and lifted my shirt. As I started to remove the bandage I noticed that I was still bleeding. I sighed again as I wrapped my wound up again. I walked out into the kitchen still in pain and found Sica and Sunny talking. I walked past them to get something to drink but Sica accidently backed up into me and hit my side. I cried out in pain, and clutched my stiches as my Unnies ran to help me up.

                “Krystal, what happened?” Sunny asked pointing to my side.

                “I got cut last night pretty deep, I guess it still hasn’t healed. I’ll be alright though Unnie don’t worry.” I said trying to smile through the pain.

                “You should have called for help back there. You know Amber can defend herself with a blade Krys you should have let her fight.” Sica said as she pulled up my shirt. Even though I had just changed the bandage there was already blood seeping through the thin cloth.

                “You know I couldn’t. I’ll be fine Sica.” I said trying to pull away.

                “It shouldn’t be bleeding like that Krystal.” Sunny said looking at me with concern. I knew it should have stopped but I hoped it wasn’t what I thought it was. I took off my shirt and started to remove the blood stained bandage. Sica gasped once she fully saw the wound. It was bleeding black and red blood.

                “Krys you know what this means.” Sica said as she rushed out of the room to get her medicine kit. I did know. It meant I was hit with a poisoned blade. I would die in a day or so if we didn’t get the poison out soon. Sunny quickly grabbed a wet cloth and started to dab at my stiches. I winced in pain as I felt the pressure. When Sica came back Sunny was already starting to remove my stiches. It hurt like hell but I kept quiet. Sica started to mix different powders together in a small bowl.  Once she emptied a couple of vials of powders into the bowl she mixed it with water making a thick paste.

                “This will out any poison in your system Krys. It’s going to be painful but you will live.” Sica said as she smeared the paste into my wound as Sunny finished taking out my stiches. I screamed in pain as the paste the demon poison from my body. I felt my wings spread as I felt the hot searing pain at my side.

Amber POV

                I woke up hearing Krystal screaming. I jolted out of bed and ran in the direction of her screams. She was in the kitchen hunched over clutching her side. Her wings were spread as she screamed. I tried to run to her, to be with her to hold her until the pain stopped but Jessica stopped me. She held my arms behind my back twisted them slightly so I fell to my knees.

                “Let me go!” I shouted still trying to get to Krys.

                “Amber!” she shouted as arched her back in pain. I couldn’t take it anymore I tried to fight Jessica off even though I knew I would lose. She threw me into the living room blocking my way into the kitchen. I could still see Krystal. I could still hear her screaming.

                “She needs me!” I yelled at Jessica getting up and pushing past her. Jessica it me in the stomach and I dropped to my knees again.

                “She could kill you.” Jessica said calmly as she helped me up to my feet. “That paste on her side is out any poison from her body. Right now she is in so much pain she doesn’t have control of herself. She may not look like it but she is ten times stronger than you are Am. If you go to her side she could kill you. We both know she is in pain but she will die if the poison stays in her system any longer.” Jessica stood there clenching her fists as we hear Krystal screaming our names over and over. I knew Jessica wanted to help I knew that Krystal had to go through this pain. I sat in horror as I watched the girl I loved more than anything scream my name knowing that I couldn’t help her,  knowing that I could only watch.  

                Eventually Krystal stopped. Her body went limp and she fell on the kitchen floor. I ran to her before Jessica could hold me back again. Sunny came over and checked Krystal’s vitals and smiled softly.

                “She is going to be ok Amber. Can you take her into your room and watch her? Tell me when she wakes up so we can check on how she is doing.” Sunny said. I nodded and picked up Krystal’s limp body. I walked into our room and gently placed her on the bed. I brushed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead before I grabbed a chair and sat beside her. After a while Jessica came into the room with a needle and thread. She slowly pealed the now hardened paste off of Krystal’s body and started to stich her side back up.

                “What’s wrong with her? Why isn’t she awake yet?” I asked Jessica as she carefully worked on Krystal. I Krystal’s cheek softly and waited for my answer.

                “She is just exhausted Am. She should wake up in a few hours, don’t worry too much.” After Jessica finished she re-bandaged Krystal’s side and left the room. I stayed at her side and though about how much I wish she would wake up and smile at me again. I realized how much I loved her and how much I couldn't live without her. I wouldn’t leave her again. I would always be here at her side. 

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randrew1215 #1
Chapter 16: author shiiii when will you update thiss story
Taeny_1127 #2
Chapter 16: So wonderful story author :) . Are you already done in these story author?? if not, please update author hehe :)
Chapter 16: Another great story ;) Im so much in love with this!!~~~
AmberJ_Liu #4
Chapter 16: Real good for your first story :)

Chapter 13: Dang SAT's. I took mine in december and man i thought it was hard. I did bad on math but did pretty well in reading and writing. Hope you do good on them. Good luck. :)
yolokid #6
Chapter 12: i like the angst o.o :3
Chapter 9: KRYBER.! I really like the story..pls update soon :)
Chapter 8: Did krystal just chopped hyuna head off? O.O scary jung