

this is the story of Luhan and this is the story of Yixing and this is the story of a unique entity "Lay" living in two different parallel universes.

they are the same and they were never supposed to meet.

but one night Luhan crosses the road and he doesn't see the car the car is coming and it's too late he thinks is this how I'm going to die he closes his eyes he remembers the stars he saw the day he left beijing to come to seoul they were so pretty he couldn't see the stars in beijing the clouds were too thick he remembers the stars and wishes upon them wishes he could see them once more he opens his eyes.

and the stars grant his wish.


This is me having an idea and trying to write and failling.

This is me having no time to write and no time to think about this so writing it so I can not think about it.

This is still me and I hope someone would enjoy it and write it someday with proper grammar and punctuation and english of course (so I can read and understand the final product)

But I don't think it's going to happen because I'm going to write a story like a k drama and we all know some of them should have just last one season i mean no one quarter episode.

Exo M, I very like you.



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