


“Watch out!” Ricky screamed and pulled you out of the way of a car that was flying down the wrong side if the street at a speed that was way above the legal limit.

You stared in shock as the car continued to barrel down the street, no caring who was in its way.

“Come on,” Ricky took a hold of your hand and pulled down the street.

Ever since a few rogue groups revolted against the new administration of the state capitol, the city was pretty much in a riot. People were setting everything on fire and stealing anything that they could. It didn’t matter who got hurt or died, no one really cared about the laws anymore. The city was pretty much thrown back into the time of savages. Any one seen outside of their homes were instantly hunted down and killed, regardless of they were innocent or not.

You knew that you should have stayed indoors like the people on the news instructed. But your family was starting to run low on food and you knew you were the only one that would be able to make it back alive if you left the safety of your home.

“I still don’t understand why you are doing this,” Ricky muttered as the two of you turned a block corner.

You clutched onto the bag of food that you managed to get a hold of, “We barely have any food. I can’t just let my family starve.”

“We have food,” Ricky pointed out, “You could have just asked us for some instead of running into the city and making me chase after you.”

“That food is for your family, Ricky,” you told him, “You guys are going to need it eventually.”

Sirens and screams bounced off the sky scrapers as the two of you continued to briskly walk towards the street where you both lived.

You walked closer to his side as the both of you passed a few suspicious looking wanders who were standing on the sidewalk.

You kept your head down and Ricky wrapped his arm around your waist as you both passed the group of people who were eyeing your bag of food.

“Stop,” one of the guys stepped in front of you, “Where did you get that?”

He pointed to the bag that was clutched in your hand and raised his eyebrows. His friends slowly created a circle around the two of you, taking out the option of escaping and forcing you to answer his question.

“She found it,” Ricky answered for you, “Come on guys, can you just let us go? We’re both trying to survive just as much as you guys are.”

“But you see, we can’t ‘just let you go’,” the guy snickered and eyed the two of you, “You two seem like two pretty well of kids. Nice clothes, neatly combed hair.”

“We’re struggling just as much as you,” Ricky narrowed his eyes as the guy scrutinized the both of you.

“What do you kids know about struggling?” the leader of the gang surrounding you snapped his fingers and another man snatched the bag from your hands.

“Hey!” you grabbed onto one of the handles and pulled on the back, “Give it back! That’s for my family!”

The guy holding onto the bag suddenly pulled out a knife from his back pocket and pointed at you, “Let it go.”

Your eyes widened and you froze in fear but you continued to hold onto the bag.

“Let it go,” he said again, placing the knife against your neck.

You let out an audible gasp when Ricky pulled out a gun from his back pocket and pointed at the guy with the knife.

“No, you let it go,” Ricky said in a low voice.

The other members of the gang took a few steps back and held up their hands.  

“Just let it go,” a girl said, “We can find food somewhere else.”

“No way,” the knife guy narrowed his eyes at Ricky, “I’m not going to let some kid tell me what to do.”

“Come on, man,” the leader of the group spoke up, “He has a gun.”

The guy ignored the man and sent a smirk to Ricky as he pressed the knife against your skin.

You bit your lip and closed your eyes as you felt the cold blade of the knife against your neck.

“Don’t you think about hurting her,” Ricky growled, “I won’t hesitate to kill you.”

“Oh really?” the guy raised his eyebrows.

You let out a scream and clutched onto your neck when you felt the run along your neck and create an open slit.

Ricky’s eyes turned murderous when he saw a trail of blood start to run down you neck. He pointed the gun at the guy’s neck and shot two bullets into his chest.

The other gang members look at Ricky in fear before running down the street and into an alleyway.

You and Ricky stared at the now dead man laying on the sidewalk in horror.

“You two! Stop right there!”

You both looked up and saw a few men dressed in uniforms running towards the two of you.

“Run!” Ricky grabbed your hand and pulled you down the street.

Tears were streaming down your face as you and Ricky ran as fast as you could towards your house.

You heard two guns shots and felt an exploding pain in your back that knocked you off your feet and onto your stomach.

You turned your head to see Ricky laying on the ground next to you, a pool of blood formed on the sidewalk under both him and yourself.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

“Me too,” you whispered before your eyes closed and your head hit the sidewalk.

The officials walked up to you and bowed their heads.

You both laid on the ground unmoving with a bag of food next to your side and a gun next to Ricky’s, your hands still clutching each other’s.  

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Chapter 1: Omg. This was really good. Aww Ricky. (:
Chapter 1: Amazing. I love Ricky and this story is so awesome.
jamshiklee #3
Chapter 1: Whoa, I can't imagine Ricky and guns together. I mean. The cute little boy~ Okay. The ending though, </3
Chapter 1: what did you do huhuhuhu no angst please T.T but its okay, the story's awesome :)
Chapter 1: holy crap that was intense..
Chapter 1: ;n; that was sad for just a short story,
Why'd they have to dieee?!