The Adventure

The Unexpected

" Yes, Abbey I bought the candy you asked for." Jessy said to the person on the other line.

"Thanks, you're the best, where are you right now? Remember we have dinner with our parents at 7pm" Abbey replied.

"You always say that when I buy you something and I'm at the subway, about to wash my hands. And I know, I'll be there soon." Jessy said, entering the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll call you later."

"Byee." Jessy hanged up the phone and started washing her hands, she was about to open the door. When the door bursts open, almost hitting her face. Jessy opend to scream, but before she could, she felt a hand cover . She stared wide eyed at the mysterious browed haired man.

"Shh, i'm not going to hurt you I just need to hide." The man said with a smile. "I'm going to put my hand down, please don't scream, okay?" Jessy nodded. He put his hand down and stared at her.

"HEL-" Jessy was cut off when the man's hand covered  again. "I told you not to scream! I'm just hiding!" The mysterious man said again, he opened his mouth to explain the situation, when a voice was heard behind the door, followed with a loud knock.

"Sandeul, we know you're in there.Open the door!" A man's voice shoutedSandeul's eyes widened, he looked at Jessy. "

I'm not going to hurt you, can you please help me get rid of them?"

Still in shock, she shook her head. "Please?" He begged.

Jessy grabbed his hand and pulled it off with all the strength she could, She stared at Sandeul with an expressionless look. "Sorry, Occupied!" Jessy answered the man behind the door, she heard him clear his throat and reply.

"Uhh, sorry for the trouble mam."

Sandeul stared at Jessy and sighed "Thanks" He smiled. "I'm Sandeul." He said while extending his hand for her to shake.

"So I heard." Jessy said nodding her head to the door.

"I'm Jessenia, but you can call me Jessy" Jessy grabbed the extended hand and shaked it. It was quiet for a while until Sandeul broke it.

"I think it's safe to come out." He opened the door enough to stick his head out. He turned to Jessy and signaled her to follow him out.

"Thank you for helping me." said Sandeul

"No problem I gues-"

"Sandeul there you are!" a voice interrupted her. Sandeul didn't have to turn around to know who that was. "Crap." He grabbed Jessy's hand and started pulling her.

What are you doing?" Jessy shouted. Sandeul turned to look at the man running after them and turned back to look at Jessy.

"Haven't you ever felt like doing something crazy? Now run!" Sandeul pulled her making both of them start running. After some occasional apologies to the people they bumped into.

They finally made it to a park, out of breath. "T-that was c-close." Sandeul panted, smiling trying to catch his breath.

Jessy glared at Sandeul "Who are you? And why are you hiding, are you some type of criminal?"

"I told you I just feel like doing something crazy today, and no i'm not a criminal." Sandeul answered but she noticed how he ignored her first question.

"Let's play on the swings!" Sandeul ran toward the swings and sat in one.

"Let's race! whoever goes the highest win and whoever loses has to do something embarrassing in public." Sandeul suggested.

*Why not?* Jessy wondered and smiled. "You're on, but I have to warn you I'm competitive." Jessy went to the swing next to him and sat down. They both pushed themselves back.

"Wait let me put a timer, we have one minute to see who goes the highest." Sandeul put a timer on his cell phone and put it back on his pocket.

Jessy started doing the countdown, "Ready set go!" They both started swinging, Jessy was concentrating on her height when she heard a voice boasting.

"Ha! I'm beating you!"

"Not for long!" Jessy annouced pushing herself as hard as she can. The alarm rang, Jessy jumped off mid air off the swing.

"Yes! I won!" She celebrated, pointing at Sandeul.

"Yeah, well I let you win!" Sandeul joked sticking his tongue out. "Uhuh, whatever let's you sleep at night." Jessy teased. Jessy saw his confused expression.

" huh?" 

Jessy fought the urge to facepalm "It's metaphor."

"Ohh." Sandeul said.


She slighty smiled,  "Where are you from, anyways?" Jessy asked while they kept walking.

"Korea." He answered.

Jessy's eyes widened, "Whoa, what are you doing here in New York, vacation?"

"Something like that."  Sandeul answered

"Are you sure you're not a criminal?" Jessy asked suspiciously with a slight tease on her tone.

Sandeul rolled his eyes "I'm pretty sure. How about you, where are you from?"

"I've been living here all my life." Jessy replied. She looked around and noticed that they reached a part of town with a lot of people and little shops on the streets.

"You'll do it here."

"Do what?" Sandeul said confused

"The punishment, you have to do something embarrassing. Thought I forgot?" She teased

Sandeul eyes widened, "I was hoping you did. Okay what do you want me to do?"

"Go to the middle of the street, and act like a duck, and you have to do a good job."

Sandeul burst out in laughter.

Jessy  had a confused expression, "What?"

"It's just that my friends, and some people back home nicknamed me duck, are you sure you don't know who I am?" He joked .

Jessy frowned "Really? that's weird, and no. What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, let's do this." sandeul smiled and walked to the middle of the street. He put his wrist on his waist, Jessy watched him prepare.

"QUACK, QUACK!" Sandeul yelled in the middle of the street, while walking around like a duck.

Jessy bursted out laughing. She saw how everybody stared at them.

"What a weird boy."

"That couple is kinda cute."

Jessy getting a little embarrassed, stopped laughing and tried hiding behind a group of people. Sandeul noticed this and started walking towards the group of people and reached Jessy.

"QUACK, QUACK!"  He yelled while standing in front of Jessy.

Jessy blushing tried to ignore him. "QUACK, Don't ignore me, QUACK." Sandeul said while laughing. Jessy couldn't help it and started laughing again.

Sandeul finally stopped "Yay, you laughed."

Jessy grabbed his wrist and started pulling him away from the crowd, who kept staring at them. "I'll admit it, that was pretty good."

Sandeul bowed "Thank you, Thank you." Jessy pushed him slightly while smiling.

"I'm getting kind of hungry."  Sandeul frowned while looking at his belly. 

Jessy looked inside her bag and pulled out a candy bar and handed it to him "Here, eat this." she said while she took one out for herself. Sandeul took the candy bar and started eating it.

They kept walking, Sandeul spotted and ice cream shop "Let's get ice cream!"

"But we're eating chocolate."

"Pleeaassee." Sandeul said acting cute.  

Jessy looked at him weirdly "What are you doing?"

"Acting cute, in Korea we call it aegyo, you do it when you want something or want to get your way, Is it working?"

Jessy stared at him for a while "Finee." Jessy said while giggling at Sandeul's cute expressions. They entered the ice cream shop.

"Welcome to Baskin Robbins! How may I help you?"

"Can I get cookie dough on a cone?" Sandeul said, he turned to Jessy. "I'll get a rocky road on a cup."

"That would be $5.40" said the cashier 

Jessy took out her wallet and paid the lady. "Thanks" said Jessy while she grabbed the two ice creams and handed one to Sandeul. They took a table and started talking.

"Do you have any siblings?" Sandeul asked.

"Yeah, a bratty little sister. You?" Jessy joked .

Sandeul laughed "Yeah an older sister."

"So is Korea as pretty as it looks on pictures?"

Sandeul smiled, "Yes, it's beautiful."

Jessy looked up from her ice cream and smiled at him, "I should visit Korea one day."

Sandeul brighten up "You should! I could show you around." Jessy laughed, and kept eating their ice creams.

After they were done, they left the ice cream shop. Jessy felt her phone vibrate, she takes it out of her pocket and looked at the screen. Her smiled faded a little bit. 

"What's wrong?" asked Sandeul with a frown.

"It's my sister, I'm suppose to have this boring dinner date with our parents at 7. And it's 6:30 pm." Jessy groaned.

"Then don't go."

Jessy looked up at Sandeul then back at her phone. "Wish it were that easy." Jessy sighed

"It is." Sandeul reached over, took her phone and turned it off. 

"Hey!" Jessy frowned.

"I'll give back at the end of the day, come on you know you're happy I took it, we're having so much fun." Sandeul teased, making Jessy blush.

"Aww, are you blushing?"

"No." she answered stubbornly and pushed him.

Sandeul laughed "What do you want to do now?" He asked

"Well... there is this museum people say it's suppose to be really fun."

"Let's go, lead the way." Sandeul grabbed  Jessy's hand and let her lead him. She hid her blush and they walked to the bus stop.

"Let's go." she whispered

After going inside the museum, they started joking around again. "I dare you to hide behind that sculpture and scare people as they pass by." Sandeul dared Jessy with a smirkJessy walked behind the sculpture and started scaring people. After a couple of minutes Sandeul decided to join her.

"Hey! What are you kids think you're doing!" The security guard yelled while running after them. Their eyes widened  and they ran out of the museum before they can get in even more trouble. Sighing in relief when they made it out of the museum.

"I'm having really fun hanging out with you, I'm glad I met you." Sandeul confessed and blushed

"Me too, You're pretty cool."

They kept staring at eachother. Sandeul frowned nervously "I have to tell you the truth." Sanduel was going to continued, when he got inturrupted.

"Sandeul! get over here this instant!"

"I can't believe he found us again." Jessy groaned

"Come on! There's a park somewhere around here, It's pretty secluded." Jessy grabbed Sandeul's hand and started running. They made it to the park, trying to catching their breath. They were still holding hands. They both blushed and let go.

"I think we lost him." Jessy looked around.

"Thanks" Sandeul sat on the swing and so did Jessy.

"Can I ask you something?" 

Sandeul nodded

"Why do you keep hiding? Who are you?"

Sandeul looked at Jessy "I guess I should tell you the truth, I'm actually in a kpop group called B1A4 in Korea, and I keep hiding because I sneaked out of my room."


"We're here to see how popular we are in New York. But they kept stressing us out, so I just ran away for the day."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Jessy asked skeptical.

Sandeul stared at Jessy and started singing. Jessy's eyes widened. She studied him while he sang.

She saw how he closed his eyes and his eyebrows creased when he hit a high note. He looked so into it, that it was amazing. *He's really beautiful*

"Wow..." Jessy whispered "what's that song called?"

"Smile, It's one of my favorites." answered Sandeul.

"It sounded beautiful." Jessy said.

"Thank you"

"No Sandeul, thank you." Jessy smiled "My days was going by normally, until you decided to show up. Thank you for that." Jessy looked at the night sky, and smiled

"Jessy?" Sandeul called

Jessy looked at Sandeul Smiling with watery eyes. "I'm going to miss you." He said

"Me too."

Sandeul pulled her swing closer to his and stared into her watery eyes for a moment. He leaned in and kissed her. She snapped out of her shock and kissed back. It was soft, gentle and sweet. They pulled back and Sandeul wiped the tears that already fallen on her cheeks.

"Thank you for accompanying on this adventure." Sandeul said softly

"Thank you for finding me."

They stared at each other, The dinner date long forgotten.

I hope you guys like it! I'm really nervous! Please leave comments :D

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skoreafan #1
Chapter 1: I like it :D
Chapter 1: awwwwww soo cute i litterally picked this oneshot to read because i love sandeul and we have the same bday <3
TaquitosNOMNOM #3
Chapter 1: Aigoo! So cute!!! >_< I really liked it. =D
Oh my. This is good!
There should be a sequel~ XD
Can't wait to read it!!! xD