IAAN: Chapter Two



I was already dripping wet from the rain when I arrived in the library. Curse the timing of the rain. 
I took of the hood from my head and squeezed my already wet here, making some water drip out from my hair. 
I took the book out from my hoodie, luckily it didn't get wet.
As I was making my way to the counter, my shoes kept on making squishy noises, making people in the library turn their attention to me. I ducked my head to hide my face.
"Excuse me. I'm gonna return this book which is due today." I told the librarian who was furiously typing on the keyboard. 
"Name please." She asked, not tearing her eyes from the screen. And I realized that she was chewing on a gum.
"Park Haerin." 
"Just put the book there and you can leave." She said and blew the gum making a bubble, and popped it. Rude much?
I did as I was told but didn't leave the library yet. I went to the shelves and searched for a good book to read. I finally spotted one, "The Book Of Tomorrow" by Cecilia Ahern. After reading the summary at the back of the back, I decided to borrow it.
I walked back to the counter and placed the book on the desk. "I'll borrow this one." I said and she looked up at me.
"Oh, you're still here," She said. "I thought you already left." She muttered under her breath, but unfortunately, for her, I heard it. I ignored it though.
After the (rude) librarian gave me the book and the deadline, I went out. 
I realized the rain hasn't stopped yet, so I pulled my hood up and placed the book inside my jacket, slipped my hands on the pocket of my jacket and started to run back to the house.
Gosh. How can it rain when the sun is shining? Screw global warming. Screw the people who pollutes the earth. 
When I arrived home, I was already soaking wet. I jumped while shaking my head in the process. As I was still doing that weird action, I felt a soft, cottony stuff land on my head. I took it out from my head and saw that it was a towel. I looked up and saw my brother leaning on the wall, both hands on his pockets.
"Dry yourself. You might get a cold, it's our first day of school tomorrow." He spoke.
"Thank you for your concern." 
"No problem. You ARE my sister," He smiled warmly at me. "Now go dry yourself and change, you look like a puppy who got drenched by the rain."
"A cute puppy." I corrected him. He rolled his eyes and went back to what he was doing. I quietly laughed and went upstairs.
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"I'll be going now." My brother said as he checked himself on the mirror.
"Yeah sure. And stop fixing yourself, you look great. I'm sure your so called 'friend' is already waiting for you." I said, emphasizing the word 'friend'. He gave me a glare, but it wasn't as scary as you think, it was a funny glare. I rolled my eyes playfully and darted my attention back to the TV after I heard the door shut behind me.
I am currently watching 'Adventure Time'. It's one of my favorite Cartoon TV Show. It's just hilarious, wird, and entertaining. Did I mention wird? I think I just did. I mean come on, what kind of dog would transform into any shapes and sizes? Obviously, Jake. Who the heck has a bubblegum hair? And seriously, flying, using a mustache? The show is just plain weird, which makes it entertaining. 
After watching the several episodes of 'Adventure Time', I realized it was already lunch. Man, I got too engrossed by it.
Better cook myself a ramen.
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"So. How was your date?" I plopped down on the floor infront of my brother who was watching a music program. 
"For the millionth time Haerin, it was not a date." 
"Yeah. Keep telling yourself that brother."
"Whatever loser."
"What did you just call me?"
"Take that back."
And the next thing I knew, we were wrestling on the floor.
"Kids! Dinner's ready!" And that's when we pulled apart and ran to the dining room. 
I have always loved mom's foods. IT'S VERY DELICIOUS. DELI-CIOUS. I could eat mom's foods non-stop.
"PASTAAAAA!" I screamed in delight. I heard mom chuckle beside me.
When Minhyun was about to slice a small part of the pasta, mom slapped his hands away. Minhyun rubbed his hands.
"No praying, no eating." Mom reminded.
Minhyun pouted but followed anyway.
After eating, I chilled in the living room for a bit and watched an animal documentary. When I got tired, I turned it off and went to my room.
I collapsed on the bed, pulled the blanket on top of my body and drifted to sleep.
The one thing that I was silently praying in my head before I drifted to sleep was,
Hey. ChiniJeKate here. 
Here's the 2nd chapter. Sorry for updating it late. Today is the special day of my mom and dad, and we went out to bond with my mom since my dad's not here. Sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors, I typed this fast and just put whatever comes in my mind. 
Don't be shy to comment and subscribe. Love ya all :)


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i will update tomorrow. don't worry. :)


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GradeSixJoy #1
update soon authornim <3
Chapter 1: thank you for the first chap:~) i feel awkward seeing my name there tbh bc i don't like it ((my name)) . ok so nice fic ok //thumbs up//
SleepyMyung #3
Chapter 2: UPDATE!! I hope to see more interaction :))
Inspirit93 #4
Update soon! ^^