Debut Birthday

Debut Birthday



"Hello?" you said as you answered the call.

"Hey how are you?"

You heard your best friends voice and felt a sudden sorrow. Since he  entered  SM Entertainment you hadn't heard from him much, and since he was getting ready to debut now you heard even less from him.

"Fine" you said and swallowed the tears, "and you?".

"I'm okay..." he said as you could here something was wrong.

"What is it?" you said.

"I just... No.. It's nothing..." he said.

"Fine." you said, sad and angry that he wouldn't entrust you his problems.

"Hey wait!" he said, "I'm sorry okay... You're my best friend and yet I haven't been there for you at all these past months... I'm sorry"

"You know what?" you said, feeling how you couldn't hold in your tears much longer. "I forgive you, you're my best friend- so how couldn't I?"

"Thank you!" he said before you finished. You could here the relief in his voice and felt bad about what you were about to say.

"I wasn't done.." you said.

"Oh sorry..." he answered you.

"You're my best friend and I forgive you" you said and swallowed before continuing, " I forgive you, but if there's nothing else than apologizes you wanted to say I have to go now." you said as tears started to fall down your cheeks.

"Yes, well..." you waited for him to continue. "No..." He then said and you had enough.

"Okay... Bye..." you said and hung up.

Why Baekhyun, why? You thought as you slid down the wall, hands covering your face as you cried. Why did you call only for this.. Don't you understand how it hurts? Why can't you see how much I love you?!, you continued to think.

After and hour of crying on the floor you wiped your tears and got up. You went into the bathroom and shrugged as you saw how puffy your eyes had become. Ugh... I better do something about this before anyone comes home..., you thought as you started to splash your face with cold water.


When you barley could see you'd cry you wiped your face with a towel and went up to your room to listen to music. You walked straight to your laptop and entered youtube. The first thing you saw was a lot of EXO video updates and you couldn't take it so you just closed the kid to the laptop and threw yourself at your bed. Why is EXO everywhere I look?, You thought to yourself, why must they be there and remind me of how lonely things is now that Baekhyun is busy entertaining his fans and forgetting about me?, You continued to think as you felt a stung of guilt. You knew he wasn't forgetting about you, he's just called and proven that. But thinking that way gave less pain than thinking that he remembered you but never was there.



You heard the doorbell down stairs and just sighed. "They'll go away if a few minutes..." You said and turned toward the wall, ignoring the one ringing the bell.

As the person outside started to ring more and you felt a nostalgic feeling if the rhythm you decided to go down.

"Coming!" You yelled down the stairs as you rushed down. "It's you, isn't? Baekhyun it's you! Wait I'm coming!" You thought as you almost fell down the stairs in your rush to get there.


Baekhyuns pov:

"Baek she's not home... You tried" Kai told you.

"No... I know she's here.." you said and looked up towards the sky.

"It's been five minutes, she should have opened the door by now..."

"Kai stop it!" you interrupted him. "She's here... She has to be" you said.

"Baek..." Kai said.

"Okay last try, please?" You said and looked at him. Something in the look of your eyes made Kai nodded. You rang the bell in the melody you used to when you were younger. After 3 minutes Kai tapped you're shoulder.

"I'm sorry" he said and you nodded.

"Let's go, the others are waiting for us... Throw in the tickets under the door so she sees them in time." Kai said and you just nodded again.

"Yeah..." you said and did as he told you.

"Come Baek, she'll be there for sure!" Kai said, and you could hear he doubted his own words.

"Yeah you're right, lets go" you said and started to go without looking at either Kai nor the house.


Your pov:

"Yes?!" You shouted as you threw the door open.

No body was standing outside.

No... No way... Did I just fantasize all this?!, you thought to yourself and threw yourself at the floor, extremely sad again. You heard how something ruffled as you sat down. You moved away and saw a white envelope.

What's this? Somebody really was here..., you thought and opened the envelope. You took out a letter and saw that it was Baekhyuns handwriting. You started to read the letter.


"Hey, how are you? Sorry to leave this so sudden... If you read this letter it's because I couldn't say it face to face for some reason. I came by your house to leave this personally and say what I wanted to say to your face... But I guess you weren't home, or so I hope.. I really wish you weren't ignoring me! Anyway... I left two tickets here... Please come to the showcase today. It's our debut...

I'd like you to be there, want to celebrate with you. It wouldn't feel like a celebrating moment without you. You're my.. best friend... Please come, I left to tickets so you can bring a friend... Our manager doesn't know, Kai and the others know but they know why as well. They're helping me and really want to meet you too! Please come, I'll look for you.

Love, Baekkie."


"Baekkie..." You felt the tears starting to fall again as you said his nickname you'd given him so long ago. You wiped your face and decided that you'd go. This was your chance to see your best friend, the guy you were in love with, for the first time in a year. You called your best friend after Baekhyun. She screamed when you told her you had tickets to EXO's debut that night and asked if she wanted to join you.


After two hours you two drove to the concert. When you came there you stood in the normal queue but when it was your time they told you you had special tickets involving VIP and backstage, as that an would come and help you.


"How did you get backstage tickets?!" Your friend gasped.

"I had no idea... You said... Baekhyun gave me these..." You said and your friend got quiet. She knew about everything between the two of you and how much you missed him.

You both dropped the topic and soon after the came.


Baekhyuns pov:


"Do you think she's coming?" You turned to Kai with worried eyes.

"She'll come..." Kai said and serectly thought the question is, will she stay?

"Baekhyun!" Suho called.

"Yes?" You said as you walked to him.

"Snap out of it. You need to concentrate on the performance and interview right now. Leeteuk will soon come to have a repetition of his questions. And M has just arrived too."

"Sorry..." You replied and looked down, "I'll concentrate".

"Thanks" he said and left.

"Don't worry about what he said Baek," D.O said, "he's just nervous. He feels that since he's the leader he has the responsibility of our performances as well and not just his own. He know what she means to you, we all do." He finished with a smile and a nod before going after Suho.

"Thanks" you called after him with a faint smile.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and turned around. You saw that it was Sehun. He looked at you with worried eyes without saying anything.

"Thanks Sehun" you said and smiled at him, knowing the awkward gesture was his way to show he cared and was worried about you.

"Are you sure you're okay hyung?" Sehun asked.

"Yes, you don't have to worry." You said and smiled at him.

"I can go get her if you want?" He said while looking around to see if Suho could hear.

You shook your head, "no Sehun it's okay, thanks any way. It really means a lot. But if I meet her now and she's mad at me or so... I won't be able to perform if that's the case..." You answered him.

Sehun just tapped your shoulder and nodded understandingly before leaving to get his hair styled.

"You'll do great, and you'll see her."

You turned around and smiled at Kai. 

"Thank you, sorry for dragging you with me to her for nothing..." you said.

"Don't" he smiled at you. "I offered to follow, didn't I?" he then said.

"But still..." You started but stop and shook your head. You knew he'd just disagree anyway. "Thanks" you said instead.

Kai just smiled and gestured with his head that you both needed to go get your hair styled.

"I hope you're right about her coming and Suho understanding.. Because I'll do something I'm not allowed to." you said before following him.


Your pov:


"Are we supposed to go backstage now or later?" Your friend asked you.

"Later I think..." you said and thought out loud "they should get changed and styled now before the performance and interview... And have a meeting like most K-pop groups do... So I don't think we're allowed back even tho we have access to backstage".

"Oh right... You're right, I forgot about that" your friend said and looked a little ashamed.


You continued to chat as more and more fans started to gather inside. An hour after you two entered, pictures of all Exo members stared to show on the screen. When the photos were done the narration from "Mama" came on. As the light lit up half the stage, EXO-K was standing there and Kai started to sing "History". You stared at Baekhyun, he looked like a god in black pants and blue shirt with a white jacket over. After the first chorus was done the other half of the stage was lit and you could see EXO-M. EXO-K walked down the stage as Chen stared to sing. After EXO-M was done with the second chorus EXO-K came back out on stage. EXO was now together on stage performing the last part of history. When Baekhyun was in front and sang his part he looked straight at you and you felt how your heart skipped a beat. When they were done the lights came off.


When the light came on again Leeteuk from Super Junior stepped out on stage. Everyone screamed and screamed. Leeteuk presented EXO telling us that they had performed their second single "history". He talked and joked and every time he said EXO he got interrupted by all the fans screams.


You got into the mood by everyone's screams and joined them. Your friend looked at you and smiled, happy that you didn't seem depressed anymore. She had been worried about you since the day Baekhyun had told her he entered SM, and he'd told her to please look after you while he couldn't. She knew what he felt for you and why he barely had contacted you, she had even know about the tickets! But Baekhyun had made her promise she'd keep quiet about everything and so she had. But as she saw you getting more and more depressed as time went by and Baekhyun barely called you, she had been thinking about telling you. She'd called Baekhyun today to tell him you couldn't take more, right after he called you unsure what to do because he didn't want to make things worse.

Seeing that coming here seemed to help you, your friend couldn't help but smile and thanking God you were your normal self again.


EXO came back out on stage. As the other fans screamed more, you got quiet. Your eyes were fixed on Baekhyun. You didn't notice but when Baekhyun introduced himself he was looking straight at you. All you saw was how his smile got wider and brighter, and you thought it was because of the fans screams.


EXO left the stage and Leeteuk started to talk more. He told us to look at the screen because all the teasers would be shown. When all had been shown the teasers was shown again, but this time live. First out was, of course, Kai dancing to "My Lady". After that came Tao and you screamed really loud as he performed Wushu. After that they showed different parts of the music video for History from both K and M, on the screen. After that Chen and Luhan came on stage and sang "Baby Don't Cry" beautifully in perfect harmony. After them D.O was lit up signing the intro of "What is Love", and you knew that soon Baekhyun would be lit up, and he was. He had changed outfit but still he looked like a god in your eyes. As you heard his voice singing your heart started to ache. How much hadn't you missed and longed for that voice? Most of the time they sang Baekhyun was looking towards you, either directly or from the corner of his eyes. You were quiet as the others screamed, mesmerized by Baekhyun. But as the next live teaser started you snapped back and started screaming and cheering again. And it was one of your favorite songs too- "Two Moons". You couldn't help but smile as you saw Chanyeol's smile, and you wondered if anyone could.


When all the teasers were done Leeteuk stepped out on the stage. Soon after EXO came and the interview started.

"What's been the hardest since you started as trainees?" Leeteuk asked them all. Most of M said that it was being so far away from home and learning Korean. From K the most replies were the hard training and being away from their family and friends.

"What about you, Baekhyun?" Leeteuk asked.

"For me.. It was being away from my best friend." He said and turned to you and you felt how your heart ached by his words.

"From your best friend?" Leeteuk said, and Suho gave Baekhyun a quick look.

"Yes, my best friend is someone who has always been there beside me, supporting everything I've done. Even when it was the stupidest things!" He said and laughed, "and when I said I'd become a trainee at SM... That was one of the hardest things I've done. Family will always be there when you return no matter how much you let them down. But friends, their path aren't connected to yours as the family's. So not knowing if my best friend was still waiting for me when I was training and never called, that has been the hardest for me." Baekhyun said and Leeteuk carried on.


"I want to leave now..." you whispered to your friend.

"What? No! Why?" She said.

"Why do you think??" You mumbled.

"Baek..." She answered and looked at him with a panicked eye. Baekhyun who'd been watching you guys secretly immediately understood what that meant and started to panic.

Leeteuk who'd asked a question noticed what was going on.

"Baekhyun are you okay?" He said.

"Yeah I'm just nervous" Baekhyun said, "there's so many fans here and I want to make them all happy. I'm scared I won't succeed with that" he continued as he glanced towards you.

"I understand what you mean, I remember when I debuted with Super Junior. All the excited fans supporting you, you just want to live up to there expectations!" Leeteuk said. "Okay so since it's your debut and you're known through online actions not many fans know much about EXO. We've let fans from all round the world to ask some questions, lets take a look at them and see what they have to ask!" He then continued on with the program.


"You know Baek refereed to you, right?" Your friend whispered to you so the others wouldn't hear.

"Who knows..." You muttered, wanting to leave.

"Don't you want to meet him?" She asked.

"And do what? He has barely talked to me for a year! Then he drops two tickets at my door and now... Just look. He belongs here- I don't. I better leave before I regret this!" You said knowing it was the truth, but you wished it was all lies.


"Okay this is the last question and it is from Europe. What's the most memorable moment in your life?" Leeteuk translated. "Kris, what is the most memorable moment for you?"

"I think today is the most memorable moment because I get to spend it with all EXO members and fans. And also the day when we filmed the teasers." Kris answered.

"Aah, that's beautiful said" Leeteuk said. "Baekhyun what about you?"

"My most memorable moment is also today" he said.

"Why?" Leeteuk asked.

"Because all of EXO is together on stage making our debut here in Korea. A lot of fans are here cheering for us and it makes me really happy. And my best friend is sitting there in the public along with all the fans. I'm really happy right now, living my dream together with such amazing persons." Baekhyun answered with a brilliant smile.


"Baekhyun" you whispered with a pained voice... "Come let's go..." You then whispered to your friend.


"You're going to sing a song now, aren't you?" Leeteuk asked.

"Yes we are" Suho replied.

"And it's a ballad, right?" Leeteuk filled in.

"Indeed." Suho replied.

"Which song is it?" Leeteuk asked.

"It's a song called Angel or Into Your World." Baekhyun replied.

"Oh let's hear it!" Leeteuk said. "Everyone lets hear it for Baekhyun, D.O and Suho!"

The fans screamed as everyone went to the middle of the stage. 

"Before we start," Baekhyun said, "I'd like to dedicate this song to all the fans and my family who've supported me up until now. But mostly- to my best friend!" He said as the music started.

Everyone was surprised but that didn't stop the screams and cheering. EXO-M, Kai, Sehun and Chanyeol started to dance as Baekhyun started to sing.

The song ended and Leeteuk stepped out on the stage again.

"The moment you all have been waiting for is here. It's been 100 days since the first teaser was released. You all know that the 100th day is special. And we know how to celebrate it. Everyone, it's the premier of EXO's title song! MAMA is to be showed for the first time!" He said and left.

The screen showed clips from teasers, numbers and dates.


The music started to play and the stage lit up on EXO-K. You watched how Baekhyun sang his part in the beginning. When they switched to EXO-M you sighed out of relief. I'm being mesmerized by him as always..., you thought to yourself. But soon EXO-K came out again as EXO were to perform together. When the song was over the screams and cheeres were louder than ever, you found yourself covering your ears laughing at their reactions. Without meaning to, you'd stayed the whole showcase. It's like the two of them talked about how to keep me here if I said I wanted to leave! You thought for yourself, not knowing they had. Leeteuk came out on stage followed my EXO. Leeteuk said a few words and then Suho thanked everyone for coming, and promised they'd do their best the day after on the showcase in China as well.


Since the two of you had VIP tickets you walked out a different way than the others. As you exited the returned to your side and said "this way please" and gestured you to start walking towards a white double door. 

"The showcase was a success, don't you think so?" Your friend said and turned to you while walking towards the door.

"Uh ah, yeah it was. I really enjoyed it, thanks for making me stay" you answered with a smile.

"Haha well that's not why I made you stay tho..." She said and turned to the door again.

"What do you mean?" You said and stopped walking.

"Keep on walking" she said, "You'll see why if you do." Was all she said.

"You scare me like that..." You said but started to walk again.

"This way please." The opened the door and gestured you to enter, "we'll continue down the hall for a little while." He then said. After a while you reached the end of the hall, and you got confused.

"Excuse me" you said and turned to the , but he wasn't there. 

"Hey what's happening?" You turned to your friend.

"Wait." She said.

After five minutes you started to hear footsteps and voices. 

"Hey, isn't that Kai and Luhan?" You hissed to your friend.

"They're coming" was all she said and smiled at you.

"What?! Can you please let me know what's happening here?" You said.

"Sorry" she said and smiled faintly at you, "you've been in such pain lately but I was told not to tell you anything. I really wanted to but I couldn't." she looked towards the sound. "The surprise comes now."

You looked and saw that people were walking towards you, but before they reached they turned.

"Where did they go?" You asked surprised. There hadn't been anything but wall the whole way here.

"Waah!" You screamed. Someone had grabbed you from behind. What's happening you thought? She's beside me, and there's only a wall behind!, you thought as you started to get scared.

"Happy birthday!" Baekhyun whispered in your ear.

"Baekkie.." You breathed and you heart beat real fast. Hope he thinks it's from the surprise and not because it's him..., you thought and tried to calm down.

"Baekhyun move aside, I also want to wish her a happy birthday. I've been quiet for months now let me congratulate her!" Your other best friend said.

"What? Months? What are you talking about?" You asked her confused. She just ignored you and pushed Baekhyun aside.

"Happy birthday bestie!" She said and hugged you. "Seriously, how can you forget your birthday??" She sighed. You looked down and blushed. She knew just as well as you that your thoughts had been about Baekhyun and how much you missed him.

"Hey she's MY best friend!" Baekhyun pushed your friend away and grabbed your hand. "Come the others are waiting" he laughed and dragged you after him.

"Baekhyun, what are you doing? Who's waiting? Where are we going?"

"To celebrate silly! It's your birthday, our anniversary and reunion!" He smiled at you and sped up.

"You're going to have a birthday that the other 10,000 who were here today would kill for, and even those who weren't here!" Your other best friend called from behind as she tried to keep up with Baekhyun.

"I don't get it!" You yelled back.

"Just look forward and you'll see!" She was no running beside you. She smiled and grabbed your other hand. The three of you ran like that suddenly you stopped while the two of them continued to run, holding your hand. You almost tripped as they dragged you forward before stopping.

"No way" you said and dropped your yaw.

"Happy birthday!" All EXO members were there together with Leeteuk behind a huge cake wishing you a happy birthday.

"You should be at home expecting people on you birthday" Kai said with a smile. "We tried to pick you up, you know" and winked. You understood he'd realized you'd been at home when they left the tickets.

"Yeah you're right. I'm sorry you had to drive there for nothing" you said and smiled at him. Kai drop his jaw for a moment before gathering himself and the others just laughed.

"Thank you, all of you, really." You said and bowed. "You all must be tired after the showcase and yet you do this for me" you said still bowing.

"Stand up" Baekhyun said "they all wanted to do this, for you and me. But mostly you I think..." He said and looked away.

"What, why do you think that?" You asked Baekhyun and you saw his face seemed a little red.

"You know, he's been talking about you non stop at night" You turned to Chanyeol with wide eyes.

"Channie!" Baekhyun said, it was clear in his voice that it was supposed to be hidden from me. You just started to laugh.

"Then you should know me better than he by now, want to be mind best friend instead of him?" You joked.

"Love to" he joked back.

"Chanyeol no!" Baekhyun screams and quickly hugged you tightly. "I'M her best friend! Don't try and steal her from me!" He said and sounded sad.

"Like that'd be possible" my other best friend said and I threw her a glare.

"What about some cake?" D.O said looking towards the cake, but not looking at it. I followed his gaze and saw how Tao stood and watched it with hopeful eyes. The others seemed to have done the same because they all started to laugh.

"Cake it is!" Suho said and started to cut the cake. "Here" he said and handed me the first part, "happy birthday!" he then continued with a bright smile.


Everyone got a piece of cake and we joked as we eat. You were happy, but that uneasy feeling you had from the beginning were growing. You realized it was because you were afraid this was the last time you'd hear from Baekhyun for a year.

"I need some air" you whispered to your friend.

She looked at you carefully before answering.

"Walk forward and turn the to left as soon as you can and you'll be at the balcony" she whispered back.

"Thanks" you whispered back to her. 

"I'll be back" you told the others.


As you left Baekhyun turned to your friend. 

"What happened?" He asked. And your friend just answered by shaking her head. Everyone understood and looked at Baekhyun.

"Go" Sehun said and everyone got surprised, but nodded in agreement.

"You can't let it be as it was during this year" both your friend and Kai said at the same time.

"What she needs is the same as you need." Chanyeol said. "You are best friends, and best friends need each other.

"Don't just say the things while she hear, show them when she see" leeteuk filled in.

"Got it" Baekhyun said.

"The balcony" your friend said and he nodded.


How peaceful, you thought as a breeze played through your hair.

"It has become long" Baekhyun said.

"Yeah.." You didn't turn around to face him, instead you kept your gaze at the night view. You knew Baekhyun so well you didn't have to turn around to know he'd be leaning against the door opening watching you. He didn't say anything, but you he were still there. You could feel his gaze in you neck.

"Baekkie..." You said.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Why?" Was all you said. But he understood anyway. He was quiet for awhile, then he sighed.

"How to say it... I was scared" he said.

"Why" you said again.

"Because I knew that if I heard your voice..." He stopped talking.

"If you heard my voice what?" You said and turned around to face him. But to your surprise he wasn't leaning against the door opening anymore. Instead he was right behind you now. His eyes was full of determination which shocked you. You had never seen him like that.

"Baek..." You started but he stopped you by kissing you.

"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to control myself anymore" he said as he backed to look at you. "These feelings I've kept inside of me for so long... The desire to be near you grew as I was a trainee and I was afraid if I heard your voice I'd be coming back, running so I could stay by your side." Before you could say anything he kissed you again and you felt your heart beat strong but that uneasy feeling was still there. And it was growing stronger. You pushed him away gently but for both of you it felt like you'd been using all your force.

"Don't, please don't" you said and looked down, tears filling your eyes. This was what you wanted, but you knew it was wrong. He was an idol for SM entertainment, he wasn't allowed to have a girlfriend, he wasn't even allowed to see anyone. You suddenly realized why you'd been feeling uneasy. It was because deep inside you'd known all along. Known that when he had debuted you would never be able to see each other in public again, and he wouldn't be able to come to your house anymore.

"No" he said to your surprise. "I know what you're thinking of, I know you so well. You're right about it. But I won't let them keep me away from you like that. Even... Even if..." He stopped.

"Baekhyun" you said with a pained voice.

"No, please say Baekkie.. please.. At least give me that much" he pleaded. You ignored him.

"Baekhyun" you said and took his hand. "Remember last school festival?" You asked.

"What?" He asked surprised by your question.

"What we said" you said and lifted your hands towards the sky. You could see on his eyes that he understood now. He clenched his had around yours and said

"No matter what happens, together forever." And you both smiled.

" I love you" he said.

"I know" you said, "and I love you. We're best friends forever."

"No" Baekhyun said, "not like that... And that's why..." He stopped.

"Why what?" You asked suddenly afraid of what he were to say.

"That's why I let our manager be your today" he said and your jaw dropped.

"You don't have to look like that" he said and smiled shyly. "He's a good guy, and he promised I'll be able to meet you." You felt a smile on you face and you hugged him.

"Please be my girlfriend" he whispered in your ear.

"SM idols can't have girlfriends" you said and felt how that silly smile widened.

"I don't care" he said and grabbed your hands, moving them in front of him so he could see your face.

"Good" you said "because neither do I". Baekhyun started to smile just as silly as you before kissing you again.


"Why don't you come out?" You both said at the same time and laughed. You knew your friend was there listening just as Baekhyun knew Leeteuk and the rest of EXO was there.

"Guess we'll have to keep a secret again" your friend said with a smile.

"And we'll need to cover up for you some more" Suho said to Baekhyun.

"Sorry Suho" he said.

"Don't be" Suho said and smiled widely, "I'm happy for you and I'll gladly help. Isn't it the job of a leader to make sure each and every member are happy and healthy?" He said with a wink and everyone laughed.


    ~ End ~

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