part 2/2

memories in between

“yo, Kris!” one of his coworker greeted Kris. He smiled and patted his friends shoulder, “yo!” he said while grinning ear to ear.

“you seem happy, huh?” another coworker named Suho asked him as he raised one of his eyebrow.

“huh?” Kris acted innocent.

“Suho hyung is right! You usually ignore my greeting!” said Chanyeol. Both Suho and Chanyeol look at Kris suspiciously.

“err… it’s really nothing.” Kris answered calmly.

“I saw your woman last night, don’t ever try to lie, Kris!” Lay smirked.

“woohoo! Our buddy has moved on!” cheered Baekhyun loudly. Tao who was sipping his coffee was chocked, “seriously?” he asked, surprised by the hot news.

“that’s good eh?” Luhan smiled while handing Kris a cup of tea.

“I haven’t moved on yet, and will never ever be able to do so.” Said Kris as he sipped his own tea.

“come on! Everybody here knows well you need to do so! And don’t deny it! You like that girl, right? That y blonde girl whom you brought home last night. I saw it with my own eyes! And you absolutely are happy this morning!” blabbed Lay. Everyone nodded.

“I don’t like that girl, I love her.” Kris replied sternly.

“then? What’s the matter?” asked Suho confusedly.

“she’s Nana.” Everyone fell silent. That’s an unspoken rule for them that ‘never ever bring Nana as the topic of conversation’ especially when Kris is around. He glanced at the framed photo on her desk and smiled bitterly as he showed his longing eyes.



<3 <3 <3


The door was locked when Kris arrived at his apartment. He took his key card and opened it only to be welcomed by a lovely smell that he knew must be from the kitchen. He walked straight to the kitchen and saw JinAh cooked happily. ‘I miss you…’

JinAh sensed Kris’ presence and turned around. “oppa!”

Kris chuckled, “what are you cooking?” he sat as he loosened his tie.

“beef steak and salad.” She beamed cutely like a kid.

“I love beef steak.” Kris commented plainly, but he meant it and his eyes showed another unreadable expression.

“I know.” JinAh said while placing the dishes on the table. She went back to the kitchen to take off her apron and put it on the hanger near the sink. Kris was left dumbfounded, he was speechless. ‘Could it be possible that you actually remember…’

JinAh appeared and clapped her hands, “let’s eat, Kris oppa!” Kris nodded and ate the food in silent. His mind wondered around.


<3 <3 <3


Day by day JinAh and Kris were getting closer and closer. Kris would laugh everytime JinAh clumsily tripped to a small thing on the floor. JinAh would glare at him after that. Kris loved how JinAh pouted and sulked like it’s really a big deal. He would buy her something to woo her and JinAh would forgive him the next day. They forgot that they shouldn’t get used to each other since they’re actually strangers. Strangers don’t live together. Friends do, lovers do, family do, but not strangers.

JinAh was trying to hit a butterfly in one peaceful morning.

“hey, you don’t have to kill it.” Kris said while opening the window to let the butterfly fly away. JinAh huffed. ‘Why? You could kill a human easily, why do you forbid me to kill the butterfly? It’s merely an insect afterall…’ “I’m allergic of it.” She said coldly.

“I know.” Kris answered calmly. JinAh frowned but decided to just let it be and continued her routine which is cleaning the house. It’s Sunday.

“wanna go shopping?” Kris asked out of blue. JinAh beamed and nodded eagerly. “we need to buy monthly needs and new clothes for you.” He added. JinAh rolled her eyes mentally, ‘oh please! Don’t act nice! I know who you are!’

After making sure that the house was perfectly neat and clean, they went to a mall with his blue Baby Benz. Everyone squalled at them because they looked really cute together. Both have good looks and long legs like a living Barbie and Ken. JinAh had always been a shy type as ever. She hide behind Kris, he chuckled at her antics. He actually enjoyed the attention, so he grabbed JinAh’s hand and led the way. They act so natural like a real newlywed couple. JinAh would point out what her wants and Kris would comply with it gladly.

“thank you so much, Kris oppa!” she said happily as he started the engine.

“my pleasure.” He smiled at her and back to focus on the driving.

JinAh secretly sighed and looked out the window, ‘you shouldn’t be so nice, I should hate you…’



<3 <3 <3


That night JinAh couldn’t sleep well, she was having a nightmare. Her sweats were all over her forehead. “Aaaaa…” she was awakened and her screaming woke Kris up. Her breath was hitched, her eyes started to tear up, she was shivering madly. Kris knocked the door but JinAh was too tongue-tied to answer it. He decided to open the door and found the fragile JinAh crying. Kris hugged JinAh and rubbed her back. “everything is fine, don’t worry.” He whispered reassuringly.

Kris lulled her a simple ballad song until she fell asleep in his embrace. He kissed the top of her head. ‘I’m sorry, baby… I couldn’t protect you… I’m so sorry…’

JinAh woke up first and was greeted by a board chest. She missed this. She missed being hugged. She missed being protected. She missed being securely safe. So, she decided to let herself drowned in that protective embrace. She snuggled at him as she felt his embrace was getting tighter around her. She giggled “you’re awake already, huh?” she asked playfully. He pretended that he’s still in a deep slumber. “yah! Wake up!” she hit his chest lightly. “ouch!” he faked a hurtful face. He tickled her waist as she hit his hands and tried to shove it. They both laughed and cuddled until JinAh felt the urge of puking. She ran to the toilet and vomited.

Kris was so worried so he followed JinAh and comforted her by massaging her nape, “you okay?”

JinAh nodded and wiped her lips with a towel that he gave. She flushed the water. Kris helped her to lie down. “I’ll call a doctor.” He said more like a statement instead of question.

“you don’t need to!” she refused. He shook his head, “no! you listen to me now! Just take a rest and I’ll take care for the rest. I’ll buy you a soup or porridge.” He her hair affectionately. JinAh knew she couldn’t say no. ‘I shouldn’t be melted… I should stay strong… I should remember my first intention for being here…’

Not long after that the doctor came and checked JinAh up. The doctor finished his checking and smiled, “nothing is wrong. Maybe she’s just too stressed up. She only needs more rest and eat properly. I’ll give her vitamins. BUT! If she keeps vomiting, I suggest you to check her womb. Do USG or just buy a test pack. Because she maybe carrying your baby.” The doctor smiled gleefully.

“okay…” he nodded. But suddenly he realized something went wrong, “wait, what did you just say?” he asked the doctor.

“your wife might be pregnant, Mr. Wu.”

“I’m not his wife!” JinAh said in disagreement. The doctor looked confused.

“but-“ before the doctor continued his speaking, Kris cut him, “nah! It’s okay! Thank you, Mr. Kim. I think you’re quite busy, aren’t you?”

“uh, alright. I’ll be going soon.” The doctor went off leaving Kris and JinAh alone.

“eung…” JinAh tried to speak.

“yes?” Kris looked at her caringly.

JinAh shook her head and smiled, “nah, it’s okay!”


<3 <3 <3


It’s been a week and she’s no getting any better. JinAh really was afraid if the doctor statement was right, that she’s carrying a baby. Definitely Cheondung’s baby. She went to a clinic alone after she stole or rather took Kris’ money since she didn’t have any. And now she’s walking alone to Kris’ apartment in a sorrow. ‘How can I explain things to him? What will he say about me having a baby? And it’s Cheondung’s, the baby of the man whom he killed weeks ago…’

JinAh opened the door quietly and stepped in slowly, with head still hung down. She didn’t see Kris already home with worry face. He approached her and held her shoulders tightly. She was taken aback and smiled weakly. Kris nodded and caressed her hair dearly.

They were sitting on Kris favorite couch. It’s comfy that’s why he liked it the most. JinAh leaned her head on Kris shoulder. ‘Why he’s so dependable? Why I feel like falling for him?’ JinAh sighed long and deep.

“I… I’m…” JinAh tried to speak but her tongue seemed tied.

“you don’t have to say it. I knew.” Kris whispered softly. JinAh stiffened. Both of them spoke no more. The silent engulfed their voice. The words evaporated in the air. The breath was muffled. “the doctor you were seeing is my friend, she told me.”

“Kris, I’m so sorry… I don’t know what to say.”

“I think this is the right time to tell you everything.”

“what do you mean?” JinAh moved and now faced Kris, but Kris still looked at the front. Staring at the TV which was in off condition. “Kris!” JinAh shook him lightly. He turned his face and now looked at JinAh deeply.

“the baby is mine.”


<3 <3 <3


“! Don’t play a fool! I know the baby isn’t yours! He’s-“

“MINE!” Kris cut JinAh with a loud voice, even louder than her cursing part.

“no way!” JinAh shouted back.

“you’re my wife, for God’s sake!” Kris eyes were getting red.

“I’m not! I’m not married yet and I’m Cheondung’s girlfriend! This baby is-“

“do you really love him, huh?” Kris cut JinAh’s statement once again.

“of course I do! I do love him! That’s why I’m here! To make you suffer! To kill you silently!” jinAh started to tear up.

“I love you, Nana… you’re my Nana…” Kris whispered and his tears flew down his cheeks slowly.

“I’m not yours, Kris! I’m going!” She stood up and grabbed her bag.

“where are you going?” asked him softly, almost inaudible but enough for him and JinAh to hear.

“anywhere as long as I don’t see your face.” She said coldly.

“don’t leave! I’ll be the one who is leaving. You’re pregnant and it’s not safe for a woman like you to wander around outside.” He spoke sternly, more like a command instead of demand. He grabbed his car key and left the house.

JinAh only cried and cried that night, and for Kris, that was also a long night. He slept in Luhan’s house. He even couldn’t sleep at all, he’s so restless.


<3 <3 <3


JinAh sat on Kris’ favorite couch, holding a photo album that she just found inside the cupboard. She opened the first page and gasped. There’s a photo of them smiling brightly, she wore a white bride gown and he wore a white tuxedo which match her gown. She opened the next page and the next and the next until she got the last page. The date was three months ago, the picture showed their identical grins with JinAh holding a big bowl of noodle, a note was written on it “Nana loves the ramyun! But she loves Wufan more! <3” it was her own handwriting. She started to cry again, she’s so confused and lost. She didn’t know what to do, what to say, who to trust, and who to ask.

Finally she decided to call her sister, YoonAh. “hello?” asked the girl across the line.

“eonnie…” JinAh whispered weakly.

“Nana-yah? Nana! Where are you now? Eonnie miss you a lot! Finally you’re back!” YoonAh’s voice sounded a bit cracked because of the tears of joy and excitement.

“how is everyone? I miss you too, eonnie…”

“where are you now? I’m going there!”

“at Kris’ house.”

“what??? Why the hell your husband didn’t tell me about your coming?”

“eung… because I somehow kinda lost my memories…” answered JinAh with uncertainty.


“yes, that’s why I need you to explain everything.”

“okay, I’ll be there soon. Just wait, kay?”

Both of them ended the call. JinAh sighed and lied on the couch, looking at the ceiling dumbly. ‘Wait, to think it over… how could I know his name was Kris when I didn’t even meet him before the incident? It doesn’t make any sense! But I could remember when I saw his cold face, that full of hatred toward my Cheongdung, I mouthed his name, it was Kris.’


<3 <3 <3



Ding dong! The bell rang and JinAh run to open the door, she was taken aback by her sister appearance, she looked thinner and paler than she could ever remember.

“Yoona eonnie…” she whispered.

Yoona hugged her little sister tightly as tears fell down her cheeks. She whispered back, “I miss you so much, Nana…”

They stepped inside the house and sat on the couch, Nana made two cups of hot lemon tea for both of them. They savored the moment by looking at each other silently.

“so, tell me what do you remember?” said Yoona calmly.

Nana sighed. “my name is Im Jin Ah, but people who are close to me call me Nana and I stopped asking people to call me Nana because Cheondung told me to cut the tie I have with people around me especially my relatives. I have an older sister named, Im Yoon Ah who is currently sit next to me now. My boyfriend named Park Sanghyun, but people call him Thunder and I call him Cheondung. I left house two months ago because I fell for him and our relationship wasn’t accepted by Im family, that’s why I escaped.”

Yoona looked into her sister eyes deeply. “your name is Im Jin Ah, people call you Jina, and correction, it’s only Kris who calls you Nana at first, but lately mom and me call you Nana too, it's easier anyway. Kris or Wufan, that’s what you used to call him, is your husband. You’re married for half and a year already. Kris is a CIA agent who got settled here in South Korea and you are a detective, that’s where everything started. You both met at a field when a murder case was up, an American guy was killed by a psychopath and you solve the case together. You two fell for each other, dated for seven months and decided to get married.”

“but… Cheondung?” Nana frowned.

“Nana dear… you got brainwashed by him! He kidnapped you two months ago because he wanted to exchange you with his boss who was arrested, but unfortunately his boss was accidentally shot by another gang’s member. It was so chaotic. He erased all the trace of your presence and that’s when we lost you. He kept you company because he held a grudge against Kris, he wanted to take revenge on Kris because Kris was the one who arrested his boss. Kris was almost going insane…” Yoona trailed her eyes to the room. It was clean and neat unlike when Kris was alone and desperate.

Nana stared blankly at her sister, she wondered how could this happened and why so suddenly and where those memories of Cheondung came from and some lost pieces of Kris which she collected one by one each day passed. She tried to recall the moment of their first meeting, her first meetin g with Cheondung…


“hey, I know it’s cliché and sounds cheesy, but you’ve captivated me. So, can I know your name?” he grinned nervously.

JinAh laughed, “glad that you’re blessed with a good look or else I would punch your face for being a real fool who look painfully dumb! Hahaha… ah, it’s JinAh by the way.”


“eh? Sounds cool! But you suit cute names more since you have that chubby cheeks and crescent moon eyes!”

“okay, you can call me Cheondung then.” He pouted. JinAh rolled her eyes as she gigled.



Nana shook her head, she widened her eyes and gasped. She clenched her knuckles. It wasn’t like that it supposed to be like this…


“hey, I know it’s cliché and sounds cheesy, but you’ve captivated me. So, can I know your name?” he grinned nervously.

JinAh laughed, “glad that you’re blessed with a good look or else I would punch your face for being a real fool who look painfully dumb! Hahaha… ah, it’s JinAh by the way.”


“eh? Sounds cool! But you suit cute names more since you have that cute pouty lips which looks like Angry Birds’ pecker and your thick eyebrows which make it even look more alike! Plus you have that crescent moon eyes when you smile!”

“okay, you can call me Wufan then.” He pouted. JinAh rolled her eyes as she gigled.



That’s Wufan… that was Wufan whom she met by fate. Nana’s breath hitched and she started to sob. She remembered it now. She could recall how sweet Wufan’s voice sounded like when he called her name. how cute it was when Wufan sulked because she didn’t cook him a pancake for breakfast. Pancake was Wufan’s favorite menu for breakfast, that’s why he never forgot to re-stock the ingredients. Nana slumped her body down, sinking in the comfy couch embrace.

“eonnie… I hurt my Wufan… I pushed him away… I told him I love another man… eonnie… what should I do? I still couldn’t remember all the memories I have, all the moments we share… I even told him that he wasn’t the father of my baby…” Nana cried and chocked several times.

Yoona hugged her sister and soothed her, she rubbed her back softly. “it’s okay dear, not your fault… like I told you, I’m so sure you got brainwashed. You even couldn’t remember what’s your job and who are your friends, right? But thanks God at least you remember me.” she smiled lovingly. “he made you think you runaway from house to keep you stay away from us, how cruel… but I’m beyond glad that now you’re home, dear…” she caressed her hair.

“thank you, eonnie… but it hurts me to think that I forgot the person I love the most.” Nana said in a weak tone.

“because he wanted to make Kris suffer, in case Kris could find you… so he made you at least forget his existence.”

“now it makes sense why I could figure out Kris’ name even before he told me and those beats my heart skipped… I love him, eonnie… I feel safe around him… I can feel it, the completeness when he’s with me… my heart couldn’t forget what my brains did. I love him…” Nana held Yoona’s hand tight. “what should I do now, eonnie?”

“call him, Nana. Tell him that you love him. Ask him to come back home.”

“will he forgive me?”

“of course! He loves you just as much as you do or maybe even more.”

Nana nodded and dialed Kris’ phone number. They talked a bit and Kris told her to wait at home, he would be back soon. Yoona sighed in relieve, she went home as soon as Kris arrived, giving the two lovers time to fix everything.


<3 <3 <3


Months later Nana gave birth to their baby, it was a baby boy. She decided to quit her job but she finished her papers and documents first before that. She did some interview and gave some information about Thunder’s gang as much as she knew. Now she’s enjoying her mother time and serving her Wufan. They made up their wasted time when they weren’t together, to think it over that two months was the most unbearable moment of Kris’ life.

Kris felt something wet and soft landed on his lips, he grinned. A soft whisper tingle in his eardrums, “ssshh… wakey baby…” Nana’s cute voice crawled in Kris’ vein. It was another beautiful morning for Kris to be woken up by his princess. He fluttered his eyes and blinked several times. “Wufan…” he squinted his eyes due to the blaring sunshine, he smiled to his wife. “morning, love…” he whispered hoarsely. She giggled and pecked him once more before left. Kris beamed ear to ear. Now everything felt right and everything was indeed right if Nana was there with him. He felt so complete.

Suddenly the door opened once again only to reveal Nana’s head, “just for the record, I love you, Wufan…” she grinned cutely.

“just in case I haven’t said it enough… I love you more, Nana…” he jumped down from his bed and joined Nana to enjoy their breakfast.




A/N : yeay! hope you like the fic...

this is my creation lol


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Minrichan #1
Chapter 2: really good story authornim!
waaaa krisnana ~
sweetiejam #2
cool! please try reading my story too. it's my first fanfic. thanks :)
Chapter 3: I love this *sobs* KRISNANA FTW T^T
nana4mir #4
Chapter 1: your grammer and writing skills are perfect to me :D
this story sounds so interesting i wonder what Kris did to her
pls update soon <3