

Sunggyu had went to the park that night, his special haven, as his life had taken a tragic turn. In the midst of his anguish, he hears a beautiful singing and couldn't help but be entranced.



Started: January 31, 2013

Finished: February 1, 2013

Word Count: 1431

Written by TheBeautyOfWords || Rynn

(Previously known as RogueVisions, in case people are confused by the poster and conflicting username.)



Then I heard a sound, resembling that of a woman's voice. It was singing. The tone was filled with such sorrow that even with my eyes closed, I shed a lone tear. I was hypnotized by just the very voice. My feet seemed to have a mind of their own and with my eyes still closed, I followed the voice.



Reviewed by BabyAngel's Paradise!


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seouljaboy #1
I'm from the Cut Up Review Shop~
Your requested reviewer deactivated and the co-author built a new shop and took over the requests. I will be your reviewer as of now, and I will (hopefully) finish it in a couple of days!
Please inform me If you want to cancel your request!
Hi. This is a warning from ♔ BabyAngel's Paradise: Reviewing your stories! ♔ 

Like mentioned in the rules, please credit the shop and reviewer in the description or foreword.

I hope you do so by next Tuesday. Failure in doing so will lead to blacklisting. Thank you for your kind understanding and have a nice day. 
Chapter 1: Wow, beautifully executed. Great story^^