Numbers Game


 Sometimes gambling has its risks, especially when it isn’t your money - and when there is more at stake than you realize.


A/N : A little background into some of the terminology used in the story. There’s a hierarchy in Chinese crime organizations and they often go by numbers:

489 - the Dragon Master, or ultimate leader of the group (pretty fitting, isn’t it?)
438 - the Vanguard, or operations manager
426 - the Red Pole, or Enforcer
415 - the White Paper Fan, or financial and business advisor

A/N 2: Roulette terms:

croupier : Roulette dealer
rien ne va plus - ‘no more bets’
split - a bet on two adjoining numbers, either vertical or horizontal
street - a bet on three numbers in a horizontal line


I do plan on continuing this, possibly doing some backstories with the other couples.


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Chapter 1: Rereading it for god knows how many times again and wishing it had a part two ... (;_;)
Chapter 1: I need more
isaidso #3
Chapter 1: Hey!! That's not fair!! How r u just gonna leave us hanging like that?!?!?!
Plz update. Plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
I remember reading this on lj and really liking it... I really hope you'll update this soon! The plot seems delicious~
sakuraa_moe #5
Chapter 1: Update! Updaaaate!!!
chimiste #6
Chapter 1: I loved it so much, your style is very nice :")
I really do hope you'll update this soon.
eizisqueezy #7
i LOOoooOOOVE THIS. I can't wait to here more!! ^^
ReaLiknownot #8
Chapter 1: I read this before in lj but didn't comment, sorryyyyy

But I really love the plot. Kris as the head of an organized crime group is hot, nad I love how Jongdae is some kind of mathematical genius here.

Hope you'll continue this au since I love it!!:)
stardust17 #9
Chapter 1: OOOOOoohhh~~ interesting! XDDD
update soon
first to comment, YESH